Here's 2 statue ideas that few will like


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.
The fact remains, for better or worse, the Civil War and its various characters represent a terribly important part of this country's history, and pretending none of it existed is simply trying to put a band-aid on a much bigger problem.

I realize the primary goal nowadays is simply to "beat" the other "side" and not actually improve things, but I thought I'd toss out a couple of "ideas" (in other words, stuff that won't be found on winger websites) on addressing this national statue catastrophe:

1. Don't tear it down, add to it.
Leverage the existence of these statues to tell the whole story about the individual depicted. If they were a slave-owner, say so. If they fought for slavery, say so. Add a new piece that tells the whole story so that we can all agree (oh no!) on who and what this person was, and the role they played in this country's history.

2. Move it to something new.
So that we don't forget the horrors of slavery and the presence of those who supported it, as well as the sacrifices made in the Civil War, let's create or add to areas that reflect on the Civil War. Rather than pretend these people never existed, let's move the statues to one area that tells the story of our painful growth as a nation.

Thoughts? Name-calling? Insults?
The fact remains, for better or worse, the Civil War and its various characters represent a terribly important part of this country's history, and pretending none of it existed is simply trying to put a band-aid on a much bigger problem.

You see, once again, you start the discussion out on a false premise and then argue the shit out of the false premise.

Nobody ever has said, "We need to pretend the Civil War didn't happen". Nobody is suggesting expunging it from the History Books. or anything like that. If anything, we would like to see it more extensively taught.

So let's continue on...

I realize the primary goal nowadays is simply to "beat" the other "side" and not actually improve things, but I thought I'd toss out a couple of "ideas" (in other words, stuff that won't be found on winger websites) on addressing this national statue catastrophe:

1. Don't tear it down, add to it.
Leverage the existence of these statues to tell the whole story about the individual depicted. If they were a slave-owner, say so. If they fought for slavery, say so. Add a new piece that tells the whole story so that we can all agree (oh no!) on who and what this person was, and the role they played in this country's history.

The problem with this is that when you leave up a big old statue of Nathan Forrest, and then put a little plaque next to it that says, "Oh, yeah, and he also murdered black POW's during the war and founded the KKK after the war" the very fact that you are immortalizing him in Bronze takes away from any * you put next to him.

Nathan Forrest was a truly evil man who did truly evil things. He doesn't deserve a statue with a disclaimer under it.

2. Move it to something new.
So that we don't forget the horrors of slavery and the presence of those who supported it, as well as the sacrifices made in the Civil War, let's create or add to areas that reflect on the Civil War. Rather than pretend these people never existed, let's move the statues to one area that tells the story of our painful growth as a nation.

And how do you do that, exactly. How does giving Nathan Forest a statue which you'll move to some Disneyfied Theme Park really remember the people he killed?

Here's the real problem to Confederate Statues... they allow the South to look back at what they did like it was something noble or heroic, when in fact, they did something that was really terrible.
The fact remains, for better or worse, the Civil War and its various characters represent a terribly important part of this country's history, and pretending none of it existed is simply trying to put a band-aid on a much bigger problem.

I realize the primary goal nowadays is simply to "beat" the other "side" and not actually improve things, but I thought I'd toss out a couple of "ideas" (in other words, stuff that won't be found on winger websites) on addressing this national statue catastrophe:

1. Don't tear it down, add to it.
Leverage the existence of these statues to tell the whole story about the individual depicted. If they were a slave-owner, say so. If they fought for slavery, say so. Add a new piece that tells the whole story so that we can all agree (oh no!) on who and what this person was, and the role they played in this country's history.

2. Move it to something new.
So that we don't forget the horrors of slavery and the presence of those who supported it, as well as the sacrifices made in the Civil War, let's create or add to areas that reflect on the Civil War. Rather than pretend these people never existed, let's move the statues to one area that tells the story of our painful growth as a nation.

Thoughts? Name-calling? Insults?

The fact IS, the civil war was over 150 years ago. It happened, a side win, a side lost, terms of surrender were agreed upon and that hash was settled. The best thing we can do is help these people realize that a statue just sits there. Don't keep them from getting a job, doesn't do anything but provide a place for pigeons to shit. Helping them grow the fuck up and get control of their lives would be better. That said I take a try at #1.

1. We already tell the whole story. It's called history class. Maybe if we addressed the reason why black kids are dropping out of school and stop it, we can keep them in a history class and they can get the whole story. We can also go into the aboust creed slaves and southerners suffered under reconstruction some to so the kids know who ALL the villains were and why they did what they did.

2. Stop depicting a confederate soldier as a guy dressed in a sheet scaring black people. It's a patent lie that only blacks and freed slaves were targeted by the KLAN. Catholics, Jews, Irish, union sympathisers, all have been killed at the end of a rope. Move the statues? Sure, but let the public decied with a referendum or something. Not just a knee jerk reaction to please the mob and that brings me to number 3.

Stop pandering to violent protesters. Whit or black, if they will protest fine. Stay on yalls side of the street and yell, but black or white, make a move towards each other suffer swift and violent action by the police.

And curb the media. They don't show us this to inform, they do it to pay some dumb blond with big tie a salary and for ratings. Turn off the TV..

Been working since midnight and I'm tired. Mayhap I can think up a name or an insult or two after a nap.
The fact remains, for better or worse, the Civil War and its various characters represent a terribly important part of this country's history, and pretending none of it existed is simply trying to put a band-aid on a much bigger problem.

I realize the primary goal nowadays is simply to "beat" the other "side" and not actually improve things, but I thought I'd toss out a couple of "ideas" (in other words, stuff that won't be found on winger websites) on addressing this national statue catastrophe:

1. Don't tear it down, add to it.
Leverage the existence of these statues to tell the whole story about the individual depicted. If they were a slave-owner, say so. If they fought for slavery, say so. Add a new piece that tells the whole story so that we can all agree (oh no!) on who and what this person was, and the role they played in this country's history.

2. Move it to something new.
So that we don't forget the horrors of slavery and the presence of those who supported it, as well as the sacrifices made in the Civil War, let's create or add to areas that reflect on the Civil War. Rather than pretend these people never existed, let's move the statues to one area that tells the story of our painful growth as a nation.

Thoughts? Name-calling? Insults?

I think you will find, those who feel the need to erase history have a very dark agenda.
My thoughts are, put them up for auction and allow them to be moved. Only problem is where would they be moved. I assume a lot of zoning ordinances do not allow big ass statues in their yards. Any way that is just a detail.

Before the statues started to be removed did you notice large protests? I don't remember many if any. So why is this now so contentious? I firmly believe it is a subversive issue for the left wing. The point being that no matter what happens, other then the left wing completely getting their way, there will be trouble. And if the left wing subversives get their way they will be very disappointed, other then the fact they once again forced their minority opinion onto the majority, which is always fun for the left wing.
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The fact remains, for better or worse, the Civil War and its various characters represent a terribly important part of this country's history, and pretending none of it existed is simply trying to put a band-aid on a much bigger problem.

I realize the primary goal nowadays is simply to "beat" the other "side" and not actually improve things, but I thought I'd toss out a couple of "ideas" (in other words, stuff that won't be found on winger websites) on addressing this national statue catastrophe:

1. Don't tear it down, add to it.
Leverage the existence of these statues to tell the whole story about the individual depicted. If they were a slave-owner, say so. If they fought for slavery, say so. Add a new piece that tells the whole story so that we can all agree (oh no!) on who and what this person was, and the role they played in this country's history.

2. Move it to something new.
So that we don't forget the horrors of slavery and the presence of those who supported it, as well as the sacrifices made in the Civil War, let's create or add to areas that reflect on the Civil War. Rather than pretend these people never existed, let's move the statues to one area that tells the story of our painful growth as a nation.

Thoughts? Name-calling? Insults?

I think you will find, those who feel the need to erase history have a very dark agenda.
Well, that's what we tend to do. Rather than fixing a problem, we create others by slapping a band-aid on it.

Which makes me doubt that some even want to fix the problem in the first place.
The fact remains, for better or worse, the Civil War and its various characters represent a terribly important part of this country's history, and pretending none of it existed is simply trying to put a band-aid on a much bigger problem.

I realize the primary goal nowadays is simply to "beat" the other "side" and not actually improve things, but I thought I'd toss out a couple of "ideas" (in other words, stuff that won't be found on winger websites) on addressing this national statue catastrophe:

1. Don't tear it down, add to it.
Leverage the existence of these statues to tell the whole story about the individual depicted. If they were a slave-owner, say so. If they fought for slavery, say so. Add a new piece that tells the whole story so that we can all agree (oh no!) on who and what this person was, and the role they played in this country's history.

2. Move it to something new.
So that we don't forget the horrors of slavery and the presence of those who supported it, as well as the sacrifices made in the Civil War, let's create or add to areas that reflect on the Civil War. Rather than pretend these people never existed, let's move the statues to one area that tells the story of our painful growth as a nation.

Thoughts? Name-calling? Insults?

I think you will find, those who feel the need to erase history have a very dark agenda.
I agree but I don't think it is about erasing history, it is about a dark agenda.
The fact remains, for better or worse, the Civil War and its various characters represent a terribly important part of this country's history, and pretending none of it existed is simply trying to put a band-aid on a much bigger problem.

I realize the primary goal nowadays is simply to "beat" the other "side" and not actually improve things, but I thought I'd toss out a couple of "ideas" (in other words, stuff that won't be found on winger websites) on addressing this national statue catastrophe:

1. Don't tear it down, add to it.
Leverage the existence of these statues to tell the whole story about the individual depicted. If they were a slave-owner, say so. If they fought for slavery, say so. Add a new piece that tells the whole story so that we can all agree (oh no!) on who and what this person was, and the role they played in this country's history.

2. Move it to something new.
So that we don't forget the horrors of slavery and the presence of those who supported it, as well as the sacrifices made in the Civil War, let's create or add to areas that reflect on the Civil War. Rather than pretend these people never existed, let's move the statues to one area that tells the story of our painful growth as a nation.

Thoughts? Name-calling? Insults?

I think you will find, those who feel the need to erase history have a very dark agenda.

Mm, yup.
The fact remains, for better or worse, the Civil War and its various characters represent a terribly important part of this country's history, and pretending none of it existed is simply trying to put a band-aid on a much bigger problem.

I realize the primary goal nowadays is simply to "beat" the other "side" and not actually improve things, but I thought I'd toss out a couple of "ideas" (in other words, stuff that won't be found on winger websites) on addressing this national statue catastrophe:

1. Don't tear it down, add to it.
Leverage the existence of these statues to tell the whole story about the individual depicted. If they were a slave-owner, say so. If they fought for slavery, say so. Add a new piece that tells the whole story so that we can all agree (oh no!) on who and what this person was, and the role they played in this country's history.

2. Move it to something new.
So that we don't forget the horrors of slavery and the presence of those who supported it, as well as the sacrifices made in the Civil War, let's create or add to areas that reflect on the Civil War. Rather than pretend these people never existed, let's move the statues to one area that tells the story of our painful growth as a nation.

Thoughts? Name-calling? Insults?

I think you will find, those who feel the need to erase history have a very dark agenda.
Well, that's what we tend to do. Rather than fixing a problem, we create others by slapping a band-aid on it.

Which makes me doubt that some even want to fix the problem in the first place.

The left and these leftist neo Nazi types have no desire to fix anything.

Their goal is revolution and the destruction of what remains of Federalism and limited government so that they can go unimpeded in violating our rights via a strong man who will "get things done".
The fact remains, for better or worse, the Civil War and its various characters represent a terribly important part of this country's history, and pretending none of it existed is simply trying to put a band-aid on a much bigger problem.

I realize the primary goal nowadays is simply to "beat" the other "side" and not actually improve things, but I thought I'd toss out a couple of "ideas" (in other words, stuff that won't be found on winger websites) on addressing this national statue catastrophe:

1. Don't tear it down, add to it.
Leverage the existence of these statues to tell the whole story about the individual depicted. If they were a slave-owner, say so. If they fought for slavery, say so. Add a new piece that tells the whole story so that we can all agree (oh no!) on who and what this person was, and the role they played in this country's history.

2. Move it to something new.
So that we don't forget the horrors of slavery and the presence of those who supported it, as well as the sacrifices made in the Civil War, let's create or add to areas that reflect on the Civil War. Rather than pretend these people never existed, let's move the statues to one area that tells the story of our painful growth as a nation.

Thoughts? Name-calling? Insults?

I think you will find, those who feel the need to erase history have a very dark agenda.
I agree but I don't think it is about erasing history, it is about a dark agenda.

No, they must erase the history of collectivism and the horrors associated with it.

For most of recorded history, mankind has either been a slave of the state or someone forced to fight wars for them.

Do yourself a favor and do a study of genocide. It will end the notion that a centralized government that has complete power over the people is a good idea.

ISIS has a similar goal and they have similar tactics.

To create the fervor for genocide, all one has to do is dehumanize the target.

Thus people are not human if they are an infidel, or for the modern Dim, if they are not born yet. You are then free to abuse them for your own personal gain or profit.
I think you will find, those who feel the need to erase history have a very dark agenda.

Except no one is saying we should "erase" history.

Here's the thing. Most people have no idea who Nathan Forrest (sorry, have to keep picking on that guy) was. History majors, maybe... but that's about it.

So a lot of people just drive by his statue in Memphis and really have no idea who he is. We don't think much about most of the people who have statues or streets named after them.

But we should.

Nathan Forrest massacred black POW's during the war because they fought for the Union side. After the war, he founded the KKK with the intent to intimidate freed men from exercising their rights.

He doesn't merit a statue any more than Heinrich Himmler does. But the fact that there are no statues of Himmler anywhere doesn't mean that we are 'erasing" history.
The fact remains, for better or worse, the Civil War and its various characters represent a terribly important part of this country's history, and pretending none of it existed is simply trying to put a band-aid on a much bigger problem.

I realize the primary goal nowadays is simply to "beat" the other "side" and not actually improve things, but I thought I'd toss out a couple of "ideas" (in other words, stuff that won't be found on winger websites) on addressing this national statue catastrophe:

1. Don't tear it down, add to it.
Leverage the existence of these statues to tell the whole story about the individual depicted. If they were a slave-owner, say so. If they fought for slavery, say so. Add a new piece that tells the whole story so that we can all agree (oh no!) on who and what this person was, and the role they played in this country's history.

2. Move it to something new.
So that we don't forget the horrors of slavery and the presence of those who supported it, as well as the sacrifices made in the Civil War, let's create or add to areas that reflect on the Civil War. Rather than pretend these people never existed, let's move the statues to one area that tells the story of our painful growth as a nation.

Thoughts? Name-calling? Insults?

I think you will find, those who feel the need to erase history have a very dark agenda.
Well, that's what we tend to do. Rather than fixing a problem, we create others by slapping a band-aid on it.

Which makes me doubt that some even want to fix the problem in the first place.

What's the problem with the statues now, and why wasn't it an issue three years ago? Let me ask you this, when is the last time you heard a politition fight about an idea? When's the last time a politition on TV offered an idea and explained why it was a better idea.
The fact remains, for better or worse, the Civil War and its various characters represent a terribly important part of this country's history, and pretending none of it existed is simply trying to put a band-aid on a much bigger problem.

I realize the primary goal nowadays is simply to "beat" the other "side" and not actually improve things, but I thought I'd toss out a couple of "ideas" (in other words, stuff that won't be found on winger websites) on addressing this national statue catastrophe:

1. Don't tear it down, add to it.
Leverage the existence of these statues to tell the whole story about the individual depicted. If they were a slave-owner, say so. If they fought for slavery, say so. Add a new piece that tells the whole story so that we can all agree (oh no!) on who and what this person was, and the role they played in this country's history.

2. Move it to something new.
So that we don't forget the horrors of slavery and the presence of those who supported it, as well as the sacrifices made in the Civil War, let's create or add to areas that reflect on the Civil War. Rather than pretend these people never existed, let's move the statues to one area that tells the story of our painful growth as a nation.

Thoughts? Name-calling? Insults?

I think you will find, those who feel the need to erase history have a very dark agenda.

There are everywhere, time to put them in a museum.
The fact remains, for better or worse, the Civil War and its various characters represent a terribly important part of this country's history, and pretending none of it existed is simply trying to put a band-aid on a much bigger problem.

I realize the primary goal nowadays is simply to "beat" the other "side" and not actually improve things, but I thought I'd toss out a couple of "ideas" (in other words, stuff that won't be found on winger websites) on addressing this national statue catastrophe:

1. Don't tear it down, add to it.
Leverage the existence of these statues to tell the whole story about the individual depicted. If they were a slave-owner, say so. If they fought for slavery, say so. Add a new piece that tells the whole story so that we can all agree (oh no!) on who and what this person was, and the role they played in this country's history.

2. Move it to something new.
So that we don't forget the horrors of slavery and the presence of those who supported it, as well as the sacrifices made in the Civil War, let's create or add to areas that reflect on the Civil War. Rather than pretend these people never existed, let's move the statues to one area that tells the story of our painful growth as a nation.

Thoughts? Name-calling? Insults?

I think you will find, those who feel the need to erase history have a very dark agenda.
Well, that's what we tend to do. Rather than fixing a problem, we create others by slapping a band-aid on it.

Which makes me doubt that some even want to fix the problem in the first place.

What's the problem with the statues now, and why wasn't it an issue three years ago? Let me ask you this, when is the last time you heard a politition fight about an idea? When's the last time a politition on TV offered an idea and explained why it was a better idea.
Does that mean you wouldn't agree to either idea?
The fact remains, for better or worse, the Civil War and its various characters represent a terribly important part of this country's history, and pretending none of it existed is simply trying to put a band-aid on a much bigger problem.

I realize the primary goal nowadays is simply to "beat" the other "side" and not actually improve things, but I thought I'd toss out a couple of "ideas" (in other words, stuff that won't be found on winger websites) on addressing this national statue catastrophe:

1. Don't tear it down, add to it.
Leverage the existence of these statues to tell the whole story about the individual depicted. If they were a slave-owner, say so. If they fought for slavery, say so. Add a new piece that tells the whole story so that we can all agree (oh no!) on who and what this person was, and the role they played in this country's history.

2. Move it to something new.
So that we don't forget the horrors of slavery and the presence of those who supported it, as well as the sacrifices made in the Civil War, let's create or add to areas that reflect on the Civil War. Rather than pretend these people never existed, let's move the statues to one area that tells the story of our painful growth as a nation.

Thoughts? Name-calling? Insults?

I think you will find, those who feel the need to erase history have a very dark agenda.
Well, that's what we tend to do. Rather than fixing a problem, we create others by slapping a band-aid on it.

Which makes me doubt that some even want to fix the problem in the first place.

The left and these leftist neo Nazi types have no desire to fix anything.

Their goal is revolution and the destruction of what remains of Federalism and limited government so that they can go unimpeded in violating our rights via a strong man who will "get things done".

Wouldn't give them that much credit. Reallocate they are just dumb animals.
The fact remains, for better or worse, the Civil War and its various characters represent a terribly important part of this country's history, and pretending none of it existed is simply trying to put a band-aid on a much bigger problem.

I realize the primary goal nowadays is simply to "beat" the other "side" and not actually improve things, but I thought I'd toss out a couple of "ideas" (in other words, stuff that won't be found on winger websites) on addressing this national statue catastrophe:

1. Don't tear it down, add to it.
Leverage the existence of these statues to tell the whole story about the individual depicted. If they were a slave-owner, say so. If they fought for slavery, say so. Add a new piece that tells the whole story so that we can all agree (oh no!) on who and what this person was, and the role they played in this country's history.

2. Move it to something new.
So that we don't forget the horrors of slavery and the presence of those who supported it, as well as the sacrifices made in the Civil War, let's create or add to areas that reflect on the Civil War. Rather than pretend these people never existed, let's move the statues to one area that tells the story of our painful growth as a nation.

Thoughts? Name-calling? Insults?

it's not about pretending these people didn't exist.
The fact remains, for better or worse, the Civil War and its various characters represent a terribly important part of this country's history, and pretending none of it existed is simply trying to put a band-aid on a much bigger problem.

I realize the primary goal nowadays is simply to "beat" the other "side" and not actually improve things, but I thought I'd toss out a couple of "ideas" (in other words, stuff that won't be found on winger websites) on addressing this national statue catastrophe:

1. Don't tear it down, add to it.
Leverage the existence of these statues to tell the whole story about the individual depicted. If they were a slave-owner, say so. If they fought for slavery, say so. Add a new piece that tells the whole story so that we can all agree (oh no!) on who and what this person was, and the role they played in this country's history.

2. Move it to something new.
So that we don't forget the horrors of slavery and the presence of those who supported it, as well as the sacrifices made in the Civil War, let's create or add to areas that reflect on the Civil War. Rather than pretend these people never existed, let's move the statues to one area that tells the story of our painful growth as a nation.

Thoughts? Name-calling? Insults?

I think you will find, those who feel the need to erase history have a very dark agenda.
Well, that's what we tend to do. Rather than fixing a problem, we create others by slapping a band-aid on it.

Which makes me doubt that some even want to fix the problem in the first place.

What's the problem with the statues now, and why wasn't it an issue three years ago? Let me ask you this, when is the last time you heard a politition fight about an idea? When's the last time a politition on TV offered an idea and explained why it was a better idea.
Does that mean you wouldn't agree to either idea?

No not at all. I don't like it allot but something like that would be an excample of a place that a conversation could starte though. Americans need to turn off the TV and get rid of our current polititions who are only interested in keeping a job rather then fixing an issue.
The fact remains, for better or worse, the Civil War and its various characters represent a terribly important part of this country's history, and pretending none of it existed is simply trying to put a band-aid on a much bigger problem.

I realize the primary goal nowadays is simply to "beat" the other "side" and not actually improve things, but I thought I'd toss out a couple of "ideas" (in other words, stuff that won't be found on winger websites) on addressing this national statue catastrophe:

1. Don't tear it down, add to it.
Leverage the existence of these statues to tell the whole story about the individual depicted. If they were a slave-owner, say so. If they fought for slavery, say so. Add a new piece that tells the whole story so that we can all agree (oh no!) on who and what this person was, and the role they played in this country's history.

2. Move it to something new.
So that we don't forget the horrors of slavery and the presence of those who supported it, as well as the sacrifices made in the Civil War, let's create or add to areas that reflect on the Civil War. Rather than pretend these people never existed, let's move the statues to one area that tells the story of our painful growth as a nation.

Thoughts? Name-calling? Insults?

I think you will find, those who feel the need to erase history have a very dark agenda.
Well, that's what we tend to do. Rather than fixing a problem, we create others by slapping a band-aid on it.

Which makes me doubt that some even want to fix the problem in the first place.

What's the problem with the statues now, and why wasn't it an issue three years ago? Let me ask you this, when is the last time you heard a politition fight about an idea? When's the last time a politition on TV offered an idea and explained why it was a better idea.
Does that mean you wouldn't agree to either idea?

No not at all. I don't like it allot but something like that would be an excample of a place that a conversation could starte though. Americans need to turn off the TV and get rid of our current polititions who are only interested in keeping a job rather then fixing an issue.

I listen to the news, not to get news, but just to see where they are trying to steer us.

For example, all networks were focused on Syria using WMD's with 24 hour coverage while Obama beat the war drums.

Inexplicably, however, public opinion was not swayed and did not want to go to war.

Then Obama erased his red lines and ran away like a dog with his tail between his legs.

The fact remains, for better or worse, the Civil War and its various characters represent a terribly important part of this country's history, and pretending none of it existed is simply trying to put a band-aid on a much bigger problem.

I realize the primary goal nowadays is simply to "beat" the other "side" and not actually improve things, but I thought I'd toss out a couple of "ideas" (in other words, stuff that won't be found on winger websites) on addressing this national statue catastrophe:

1. Don't tear it down, add to it.
Leverage the existence of these statues to tell the whole story about the individual depicted. If they were a slave-owner, say so. If they fought for slavery, say so. Add a new piece that tells the whole story so that we can all agree (oh no!) on who and what this person was, and the role they played in this country's history.

2. Move it to something new.
So that we don't forget the horrors of slavery and the presence of those who supported it, as well as the sacrifices made in the Civil War, let's create or add to areas that reflect on the Civil War. Rather than pretend these people never existed, let's move the statues to one area that tells the story of our painful growth as a nation.

Thoughts? Name-calling? Insults?

I think you will find, those who feel the need to erase history have a very dark agenda.
Well, that's what we tend to do. Rather than fixing a problem, we create others by slapping a band-aid on it.

Which makes me doubt that some even want to fix the problem in the first place.

What's the problem with the statues now, and why wasn't it an issue three years ago? Let me ask you this, when is the last time you heard a politition fight about an idea? When's the last time a politition on TV offered an idea and explained why it was a better idea.
Does that mean you wouldn't agree to either idea?

No not at all. I don't like it allot but something like that would be an excample of a place that a conversation could starte though. Americans need to turn off the TV and get rid of our current polititions who are only interested in keeping a job rather then fixing an issue.
Bingo, thank you.

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