Here We Go - Biden's DOJ Declares COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Are Legal


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
'Enough of allowing Americans to decide for themselves...'

Get ready for Biden Administration To Start Mandating & Forcing Every American To Get Vaccinated....

Where do I order my fake credentials? Aint going to be no flu shot. Had one once, that was enough.
The sky is falling. The sky is falling.......

You realize that it only applies to employees of agencies and businesses that impose a mandate? I would however like to see it mandated for every single idiotic refusenick in the country
SCOTUS to bitch slap Biden and the DOJ in 3...2...1
Will they? Like many others I have no confidence in the court system anymore than I do the rest of the corrupt government at this time. SCOTUS has screwed the people with many of their other rulings in favor of the elites and their agendas over and above liberty. All while supposedly saying it was for the good of the people.
'Enough of allowing Americans to decide for themselves...'

Get ready for Biden Administration To Start Mandating & Forcing Every American To Get Vaccinated....

Private businesses do have the right to mandate their employees get vaccinated if they work on company property. That is called property rights. If you don't believe in property rights then you are a socialist.
Private businesses do have the right to mandate their employees get vaccinated if they work on company property. That is called property rights. If you don't believe in property rights then you are a socialist.
WTF, where did all that talk of public accommodation run off to? Publicly traded corporations should never have rights over the individuals as it isn't individually own.
Private businesses do have the right to mandate their employees get vaccinated if they work on company property. That is called property rights. If you don't believe in property rights then you are a socialist.

They can, but what if in three or five years we find out that these vaccines are Fn up a lot of people? The employer would be liable for forcing employees to use an experimental vaccine to work there.
Fascism. Congrats ANTIFA, you supported fascism coming here.

Just replace auschwitz with shot #2....

Yeah. We've never had vaccine mandates before have we? Small pox was never really a thing......Neither was Polio, they were all just fascist hoaxes just to get people softened up to Fascism huh?

If nothing else, you guys are a hoot.

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