Help Wanted: Messiah. Must specialize in snow prevention.


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Oak Grove, Massachusetts
I know the mantra about weather not being climate.

I also know that what's happening where YOU live at any given moment has immediate impact on your life - or what passes for a "life".

In New England they need a New Messiah. One who can stand on a hill (they call them "mountains" in Massachusetts), raise a mighty hand and command the friggin' snow to STOP.

Meanwhile, we who know their casting call will go answered kick back and watch the videos:

Watch Jet-Powered Snowzilla Clear Boston s Trolley Line - NBC News

Sayyyyyyyy,......There ARE golf courses in Massachusetts! Some even on Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket. So what's stopping the Messiah those Bay-staters overwhelmingly voted for from jetting to their rescue?

Or maybe the snow, like Muslim Terrorism, just don't float His boat?

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