Hell Week for introverts.

Confederate Soldier

Diamond Member
Apr 8, 2021
Southerner trapped in a yankee state
Kentucky rifle deer season 2020 is a time I will never forget... No matter how hard I try.

For those of you who don't know me, I am an introvert who is not comfortable around people unless I know them well, am terrified of girls, and usually not daring at all.

I have a good friend that I help during the summer setting up tree stands, checking cameras, and doing odd jobs. He lets me hunt archery on the weekends, and myself, he, and another friend split up and sit until dark. He had been bugging me all summer, trying to convince me to try rifle hunting, which for all my life, I've avoided. I pride myself in being an Archery hunter, and though I'm a huge 2A supporter, I'm terrified of loud noises. My parents agreed with him, so I threw in the towel, and told him I'd come first week of the season. He told me that he had a few of his friends coming over to hunt too.

Great. People. Ugh.

I practiced with my M1898 Chilean Mauser until I could shoot the center out of a quarter at 100 yards, and packed my bag for the weeklong stay at his lodge.

No one but Matt, another friend of mine, was there, so we drove into town to get a Mountain Dew, which begins my Hell Week Introvert Edition.

Matt knew I was smitten by this girl who worked at a store about 30 miles away, but knew I was terrified of girls, so I never spoke to her. According to him I turned pale when I figured out that we were not stopping at the local gas station like I thought we were. No matter how much I threatened him with bodily harm, he just grinned wider, and kept driving. Sure enough, she was there and I started my ritual of getting red in the face and acting like a bumbling idiot. I grabbed the first soda I saw (Faygo grape is terrible by the way), and went to the counter.

"Is that everything?) She asked, flipping her hair to the side.

Now mind you, I had just celebrated my 18th birthday a few days prior, so the days of me growing into my voice were over. However when I said yes, my voiced cracked and I'm sure most of the glass in the store did too. I could hear Matt busting a gut, and from there I cleared my throat, repeated myself and got redder and redder in the face. I got out of dodge as fast as I could, got into the truck and tried to sink into the seat. Matt told John, the friend who invited me, and he laughed and told me that this week was dedicated to getting me out of my comfort zone.

Well s***.

By nightfall, myself, John, Matt, four guys from Florida, two from Pennsylvania and one guy from Georgia we're all at the lodge laughing it up like crazy. I love humor as much as the next person, but so many people just made me feel as if I needed to step outside for air. John was conveniently blocking my escape at the front door. Soon I went to bed praying for a deer in the morning and to give me the strength to survive. What a wuss I was!

The next morning, nothing in the way of deer came out, and no one else in our group saw anything notable, and we all came in for lunch. I grabbed a chicken leg and ducked out the back. I got into the stand feeling like garbage because I knew in my heart that I was being a coward. But oh boy, it was going to get worse.

Two more guests were coming that I didn't know about, the most fun loving, carefree, bold couple you ever saw. Also unbeknownst to me, John had told them stories about me, and my fears and of course they decided to break me.


When I came in from hunting at dark, I was greeted by an ex army captain and his smoking hot redhead wife. Good Lord help me. I barely got back into my street clothes before Matt invited me to come with him to town to get some food. Sure. I can handle that. However the front passenger seat was occupied by a guest, as was the back seat by Mike (the guy from PA) and Katelyn (the captains wife) at least I got a window seat, but they strategically placed me beside her. (Both the husband and the wife were in on it and were cool with it. We ended up being friends by the end of the week but the first impression wasn't great)

One thing to remember about rural kentucky roads is they they are VERY windy and curvy. Every single time we went around a curve, she'd place her hand on my thigh to "steady" herself, or she'd lean into me and leave her long hair on my shoulder. When the truck stopped at the store, I opened the door and fell out of the truck and started tumbling down the street trying to breathe. I was white as a sheet, and just wanted to go home. We got our food, and got back in the truck. On the way home, we went around a sharp curve and she braced herself again - this time missing my thigh and planting her hand squarely into my privates. I don't think she meant to do that because she did apologize about it, but she nearly gave me heart failure! I don't appreciate sexual harassment you know! This ended day one.

Day two I went hunting all day, and came back exhausted but excited. I remembered my ice breakers.

For those of you who don't know me, I collect and restore all kinds of WWII relics and things, and I brought with me an authentic German helmet, and some things. Without a word, I put on a camouflage uniform, painted my face camo, pit on gloves, the helmet, a bagel and boots and shouldered my Mauser and walked into the living room where everyone was at. Contrary to what I thought was going to happen, everyone was amazed by the authentic Hogan's Heroes Look I gave off. John wasn't back yet, so everyone was begging me to go out like that and "greet him" at the gate. I speak a bit of german as well, so I gave my impression and everyone was in stitches. That was the first time that week I felt somewhat at ease with myself, but Katelyn still terrified me.

Long story short, I almost got shit at that bridge, lol! It turns out that when someone dressed as I am cones out at you in the dark, some people take that as a threat. It all turned out okay and to this day we still laugh about it. Slowly I was coming out of my shell.

Fast forward to day five of the week, and I'm slowly becoming friends with the very people I avoided like the plague earlier in the week. At this time - I won't say who - gave me a single shot of whiskey to sample because everyone else but me drank a bit after hunting all day. I swallowed it in one gulp and immediately regretted it. I felt like I swallowed liquid fire, and I started coughing so much that I ran outside and puked into a ditch. No one felt guilty about leaving me out of the evening activities anymore.

Towards the end of the week, we all went to a local steak house for dinner. During our meal, Matt noticed me admiring a cute waitress my age working at a table next to us. What he did next almost got him killed.

"So Ethan, how was your birthday today?" You know what happens at restaurant s when the B word is mentioned. The dreaded happy birthday song. I jumped out of the chair as fast as I could, and every bit as serious as I could be said " don't you f****** do it." " You're 18 now aren't you?" He said louder now. By this time I had my hat on and was about to bolt, when the waitress I liked came over and said "don't worry, I got ya. Happy birthday anyway man" and she gave me a quick hug before moving on to another table. Matt was grinning now and everyone was laughing as I stood there looking like a wide eyed mannequin.

So the week came to an end and though we never saw much deer, we still had time to find to make me uncomfortable. And that's when I realized that they were helping me.

That's what this was about. They were trying to help!

Since then we all became good friends, I vowed never to drink, I became more confident in myself, and now I can talk to the girl at the counter now without having paramedics on standby.

I know this isn't really a Ha Ha joke post, but I hope y'all find it humorous, and learn to appreciate friends who put you through hell to help you become a better person.

I did get my deer by the way. Pics later, it's late. :)
I am an introvert who is not comfortable around people unless I know them well
Between COVID-19 and the George Floyd protests, Antifa and BLM, that may be entirely justified in many respects.
am terrified of girls, and usually not daring at all.
You may not exactly be a black man, but girls are calling the cops with made-up stories, and getting guys in trouble for things they didn't do. Criminal misuse of the 911 system is rampant. There are female-dominated crime networks downtown, and that includes females who act as "caregivers" or social service providers whatnot for guys who have been "served" with a diagnosis of Asperger's, Autism Spectrum, whatever. Probably nicer gals out there to meet than the ones who are taking advantage of you per se "introversion" or other personality profile diagnoses, but there's a bad crowd of females in that territory.
You and I have shared the same experience almost . It was back in the early 1970s for me. :) Still haven't gotten my first deer yet and I am 62. We hunt them with dogs here. I got wild hogs one a monster size. One trophy gobbler. As for Girls just the one. But I am not complaining. :cool:
You and I have shared the same experience almost . It was back in the early 1970s for me. :) Still haven't gotten my first deer yet and I am 62. We hunt them with dogs here. I got wild hogs one a monster size. One trophy gobbler. As for Girls just the one. But I am not complaining. :cool:
Are you still scarred of her like he is?
I'm thinking that the OP is an INCEL, who will sometime in the future become a mass shooter.
What the hell? Being awkward and very shy doesn't make me a mentally unstable phsycopath. If you're being sarcastic, please say so, because that's a pretty f'd up accusation that I don't find funny one bit.
The beginning...

plane crash.jpg

Growing up...

tarzan apes.jpg

Maybe one day...

You and I have shared the same experience almost . It was back in the early 1970s for me. :) Still haven't gotten my first deer yet and I am 62. We hunt them with dogs here. I got wild hogs one a monster size. One trophy gobbler. As for Girls just the one. But I am not complaining. :cool:
Are you still scarred of her like he is?
Nope! Did take awhile though. Turned out to be a great relationship as long as it lasted.
I'm thinking that the OP is an INCEL, who will sometime in the future become a mass shooter.
What the hell? Being awkward and very shy doesn't make me a mentally unstable phsycopath. If you're being sarcastic, please say so, because that's a pretty f'd up accusation that I don't find funny one bit.
Ignore those who have something negative to say about everything and everybody on these boards. There mostly subversives . Years ago I discovered a group of Russian teenagers doing the same in a MSN chat room. I had some fun messing with them. :cool:
I'm thinking that the OP is an INCEL, who will sometime in the future become a mass shooter.
What the hell? Being awkward and very shy doesn't make me a mentally unstable phsycopath. If you're being sarcastic, please say so, because that's a pretty f'd up accusation that I don't find funny one bit.

If it makes you feel any better i don't think you're an incel, or a potential mass shooter. I think you just need to let out your homosexual urges. Let yourself be you. Blow a dude like you've always wanted to. We won't judge you.
I'm thinking that the OP is an INCEL, who will sometime in the future become a mass shooter.
>>>Incels a portmanteau of "involuntary celibates", are members of an online subculture who define themselves as unable to find a romantic or sexual partner ... <<<​
Some guy is effectively in prison in his mommy's basement, because motorcycle gangsters are grabbing guns and selling sex-for-money on the street. A single guy might like to date or meet girls on a social or "just friends" basis and he isn't jumping into bed with every girl who offers herself and calls the local police with rape charges before the guy's even touched her.

tutanota.com and autistici.org offer secure email and encrypted calendar services for "love-shy" and autism spectrum persons -- they're "anti-capitalist" and they have a "manifesto" -- it gets worse and worse, and they ban guns and sell sex-for-money on the street as a protest against capitalism.

I'm thinking that the OP is an INCEL, who will sometime in the future become a mass shooter.
What the hell? Being awkward and very shy doesn't make me a mentally unstable phsycopath. If you're being sarcastic, please say so, because that's a pretty f'd up accusation that I don't find funny one bit.

If it makes you feel any better i don't think you're an incel, or a potential mass shooter. I think you just need to let out your homosexual urges. Let yourself be you. Blow a dude like you've always wanted to. We won't judge you.

So now I know who the weirdo on THIS forum is, ha ha! I know because you got one of those weeb anime avatars.

Just do me a favor alright? Don't insinuate that I am that mentally inferior that I would ever consider doing such a subhuman act as that.

But all in good fun, right? :)
I'm thinking that the OP is an INCEL, who will sometime in the future become a mass shooter.
What the hell? Being awkward and very shy doesn't make me a mentally unstable phsycopath. If you're being sarcastic, please say so, because that's a pretty f'd up accusation that I don't find funny one bit.

If it makes you feel any better i don't think you're an incel, or a potential mass shooter. I think you just need to let out your homosexual urges. Let yourself be you. Blow a dude like you've always wanted to. We won't judge you.

So now I know who the weirdo on THIS forum is, ha ha! I know because you got one of those weeb anime avatars.

Just do me a favor alright? Don't insinuate that I am that mentally inferior that I would ever consider doing such a subhuman act as that.

But all in good fun, right? :)

Look, man, I'm not calling you mentally inferior because you may prefer eating out a man's asshole to a vagina. It's perfectly normal to prefer a man's sweaty brown eye in your face.
I'm thinking that the OP is an INCEL, who will sometime in the future become a mass shooter.
What the hell? Being awkward and very shy doesn't make me a mentally unstable phsycopath. If you're being sarcastic, please say so, because that's a pretty f'd up accusation that I don't find funny one bit.

If it makes you feel any better i don't think you're an incel, or a potential mass shooter. I think you just need to let out your homosexual urges. Let yourself be you. Blow a dude like you've always wanted to. We won't judge you.

So now I know who the weirdo on THIS forum is, ha ha! I know because you got one of those weeb anime avatars.

Just do me a favor alright? Don't insinuate that I am that mentally inferior that I would ever consider doing such a subhuman act as that.

But all in good fun, right? :)

Look, man, I'm not calling you mentally inferior because you may prefer eating out a man's asshole to a vagina. It's perfectly normal to prefer a man's sweaty brown eye in your face.

Look, man, I'm not calling you mentally inferior because you may prefer eating out a man's asshole to a vagina. It's perfectly normal to prefer a man's sweaty brown eye in your face.
But all in good fun, right? :)
You've really got that fellow in the dungeon, don't you?

When I feel like it, I can laugh things off, even gay accusations. But sometimes I feel like explaining what I truly feel, and I truly feel that LGBT are mentally ill, and must be treated as such. I do NOT want this discussion here, as this story was to poke fun at myself and not open me up to being called mentally retarded, gay or what have you.

You wanna have this discussion, wait for me to post about my position on it in another forum section, not here. As a moderator on another forum, I hate when folks post things in the wrong sections.

Here is the deer I got the following weekend if anyone's interested.

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