*He Had The Helm In The Pandemic, And Fathered It!*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. He told you when to hide in your closet.
2. Told you when to stay home.
3. Told you to buy massive toilet paper.
4. Told you to stay scared and groan.
5. He told you to wear two masks.
6. Told you to get two shots.
7. All the while he is the one behind it being let loose on humanity.
8. He is likely the worst person to ever stand on two feet.
9. And yet he will be on tv tomorrow.
10. The world has gone to shit, I see no redemption coming.
Read All About It:

They are government recommendations by an organization that has been threw it a couple of times and has people who are familiar with pandemics. The best case scenario is to minimize deaths , spread the alarm and bet on pharmaceutical companies to come up with a vaccination. Keep it in check until that happens. Yet he cannot control it when non experts are more concern with the economy. Yet is up to the federal government, state government, local government, and even companies to an extend to use or not these recommendations. Well unless the state or local government says to use the recommendations. Still if the top guy gets the virus then whose fault is it?

Fauci did his job but was not supported by the top dog. Instead the top dog suggested hydroxychloroquine. Suggest using UV light internally.

I wander how that worked out .
Sorry bout that,

1. He told you when to hide in your closet.
2. Told you when to stay home.
3. Told you to buy massive toilet paper.
4. Told you to stay scared and groan.
5. He told you to wear two masks.
6. Told you to get two shots.
7. All the while he is the one behind it being let loose on humanity.
8. He is likely the worst person to ever stand on two feet.
9. And yet he will be on tv tomorrow.
10. The world has gone to shit, I see no redemption coming.
Read All About It:

You conspiracy whack-jobs will believe anything as long as it not true.
What is it you think we believe that isn't already confirmed?...
Sorry bout that,

They are government recommendations by an organization that has been threw it a couple of times and has people who are familiar with pandemics. The best case scenario is to minimize deaths , spread the alarm and bet on pharmaceutical companies to come up with a vaccination. Keep it in check until that happens. Yet he cannot control it when non experts are more concern with the economy. Yet is up to the federal government, state government, local government, and even companies to an extend to use or not these recommendations. Well unless the state or local government says to use the recommendations. Still if the top guy gets the virus then whose fault is it?

Fauci did his job but was not supported by the top dog. Instead the top dog suggested hydroxychloroquine. Suggest using UV light internally.

I wander how that worked out .

1. So the whole medical field banned hydroxychloroquine a drug that could do you no harm.
2. If you live in Africa,
you can march right down to the drug store and buy it, no questions asked why.
3. Its used like aspirin, and in Africa there are not many dying from Chi-Com-Virus.
4. A whole medical community is at fault for not allowing sick people this cure, thousands died that did not have too.
5. The media was involved too, they are guilty as hell as well.
6. Why aren't people angry at them?
7. You've listened to a person who was making money on dead people.
8. Its a sad day, thousands have died and will die because they refuse you the drug that will cure you, cause they hated Trump.
9. Death becomes you.
10 You that agree with this deserve the death penalty.
11. Your little death man has led you into a death trap.

Last edited:
Sorry bout that,

1. You can't be on both sides of this argument.
2. Its like being a little pregnant.
3. You either are or your not, take your stand.
4. Death will follow those for the little man.
5. People are so easily mislead.

1. He told you when to hide in your closet.
2. Told you when to stay home.
3. Told you to buy massive toilet paper.
4. Told you to stay scared and groan.
5. He told you to wear two masks.
6. Told you to get two shots.
7. All the while he is the one behind it being let loose on humanity.
8. He is likely the worst person to ever stand on two feet.
9. And yet he will be on tv tomorrow.
10. The world has gone to shit, I see no redemption coming.

They are government recommendations by an organization that has been threw it a couple of times and has people who are familiar with pandemics. The best case scenario is to minimize deaths , spread the alarm and bet on pharmaceutical companies to come up with a vaccination. Keep it in check until that happens. Yet he cannot control it when non experts are more concern with the economy. Yet is up to the federal government, state government, local government, and even companies to an extend to use or not these recommendations. Well unless the state or local government says to use the recommendations. Still if the top guy gets the virus then whose fault is it?

Fauci did his job but was not supported by the top dog. Instead the top dog suggested hydroxychloroquine. Suggest using UV light internally.

I wander how that worked out .
Liar. Either that, or you're ignorant. You pick.
Sorry bout that,

1. He told you when to hide in your closet.
2. Told you when to stay home.
3. Told you to buy massive toilet paper.
4. Told you to stay scared and groan.
5. He told you to wear two masks.
6. Told you to get two shots.
7. All the while he is the one behind it being let loose on humanity.
8. He is likely the worst person to ever stand on two feet.
9. And yet he will be on tv tomorrow.
10. The world has gone to shit, I see no redemption coming.
Read All About It:

You conspiracy whack-jobs will believe anything as long as it not true.
What is it you think we believe that isn't already confirmed?...
Did you not read the OP?
Sorry bout that,

1. He told you when to hide in your closet.
2. Told you when to stay home.
3. Told you to buy massive toilet paper.
4. Told you to stay scared and groan.
5. He told you to wear two masks.
6. Told you to get two shots.
7. All the while he is the one behind it being let loose on humanity.
8. He is likely the worst person to ever stand on two feet.
9. And yet he will be on tv tomorrow.
10. The world has gone to shit, I see no redemption coming.
Read All About It:

You conspiracy whack-jobs will believe anything as long as it not true.
What is it you think we believe that isn't already confirmed?...
Did you not read the OP?
You can't answer in your own words?....why not?....
Sorry bout that,

1. He told you when to hide in your closet.
2. Told you when to stay home.
3. Told you to buy massive toilet paper.
4. Told you to stay scared and groan.
5. He told you to wear two masks.
6. Told you to get two shots.
7. All the while he is the one behind it being let loose on humanity.
8. He is likely the worst person to ever stand on two feet.
9. And yet he will be on tv tomorrow.
10. The world has gone to shit, I see no redemption coming.
Read All About It:

You conspiracy whack-jobs will believe anything as long as it not true.
What is it you think we believe that isn't already confirmed?...
Did you not read the OP?
You can't answer in your own words?....why not?....
All of it.
Sorry bout that,

1. He told you when to hide in your closet.
2. Told you when to stay home.
3. Told you to buy massive toilet paper.
4. Told you to stay scared and groan.
5. He told you to wear two masks.
6. Told you to get two shots.
7. All the while he is the one behind it being let loose on humanity.
8. He is likely the worst person to ever stand on two feet.
9. And yet he will be on tv tomorrow.
10. The world has gone to shit, I see no redemption coming.
Read All About It:

He's crazier than his father. And that's saying something.

I'm thinking that a mental health exam should be required of all candidates for national office to assure the American people that they're not voting for someone who's paranoid, or delusional, or otherwise mentally unfit to hold office.

Hey, even if he's only posturing, it's still a glimpse into a disturbed mind of someone who's not looking for real solutions to real problems.

I say throw a net over him.
They are government recommendations by an organization that has been threw it a couple of times and has people who are familiar with pandemics. The best case scenario is to minimize deaths , spread the alarm and bet on pharmaceutical companies to come up with a vaccination. Keep it in check until that happens. Yet he cannot control it when non experts are more concern with the economy. Yet is up to the federal government, state government, local government, and even companies to an extend to use or not these recommendations. Well unless the state or local government says to use the recommendations. Still if the top guy gets the virus then whose fault is it?

Fauci did his job but was not supported by the top dog. Instead the top dog suggested hydroxychloroquine. Suggest using UV light internally.

I wander how that worked out .

We have never ended any epidemic before with a vaccine, because they typically take 6 years, which is way too long.

What typically does end all epidemics is herd immunity, by deliberate acceleration of the initial spike, which uses up enough easy hosts so that the virus can't find new ones in 12 days, so goes extinct.

So what we did by "flattening the curve" is NOT typical, historical, or rational in any way.
What it does instead is prevent herd immunity and prolong the epidemic, making it essentially last forever.
Sorry bout that,

1. He told you when to hide in your closet.
2. Told you when to stay home.
3. Told you to buy massive toilet paper.
4. Told you to stay scared and groan.
5. He told you to wear two masks.
6. Told you to get two shots.
7. All the while he is the one behind it being let loose on humanity.
8. He is likely the worst person to ever stand on two feet.
9. And yet he will be on tv tomorrow.
10. The world has gone to shit, I see no redemption coming.
Read All About It:

He's crazier than his father. And that's saying something.

I'm thinking that a mental health exam should be required of all candidates for national office to assure the American people that they're not voting for someone who's paranoid, or delusional, or otherwise mentally unfit to hold office.

Hey, even if he's only posturing, it's still a glimpse into a disturbed mind of someone who's not looking for real solutions to real problems.

I say throw a net over him.

No, Rand is correct, and "flattening the curve" is known to prevent an epidemic from ending.
It is only useful if hospitals are overwhelmed, which never happened.
Even Fauci admitted that "flattening the curve" increases the area under the curve.

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