have today's African Americans also benefited from slavery ?


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
with the claim that whites built this nation with the use of slaves and that whites today reap the benefits of that evil practice is it not also true that blacks benefit also ? and if saying the fact that they are better off over here than in Africa and they are here because of slavery is viewed as insensitive or racist .....does that make it untrue ? here is an interesting take on that from an article written by an African American .Walter Williams: Did blacks benefit from slavery? – Orange County Register
Millions of African Americans are citizens of the greatest nation on earth...together with all races in America make us what we are....and I like what we are...a mix not found anywhere else on earth....a taste of the entire world all in one place...no other nation can claim that....we should all be proud and patriotic and thankful that we reside in America.....
Millions of African Americans are citizens of the greatest nation on earth...together with all races in America make us what we are....and I like what we are...a mix not found anywhere else on earth....a taste of the entire world all in one place...no other nation can claim that....we should all be proud and patriotic and thankful that we reside in America.....
i agree !! and i think that deep down inside many blacks agree but will never admit it because it would draw ridicule from leftist of all races who want to use the past as a means to justify the implementation of socialism .
Black slaves in America were simply house servants like many other "slaves" and often they were cotton pickers which they were not even good at. :p To top it off Americans let them fuck all they wanted. In contrast Muslim Arabs killed them after a few years of service, which is why Negros adopting "Islam" is so fucking hilariously ironic.
with the claim that whites built this nation with the use of slaves and that whites today reap the benefits of that evil practice is it not also true that blacks benefit also ? and if saying the fact that they are better off over here than in Africa and they are here because of slavery is viewed as insensitive or racist .....does that make it untrue ? here is an interesting take on that from an article written by an African American .Walter Williams: Did blacks benefit from slavery? – Orange County Register

Africa was a colonized continent. While blacks were being enslaved in the diaspora, the continent of Africa was being heavily manipulated, and later colonized, by Europeans. Thus, the question is were blacks better off being enslaved in the diaspora, by whites, or to have remained in Africa under the colonization influences of whites? I mean....as far as I know blacks have been surviving longer than any race of people, given the theory that humanity started from our race. The idea that blacks were miserable prior to the Europeans is simply a myth, no more than the people living in the Amazon, undisturbed, are miserable.

Of course slavery produced benefits for the people of this nation today. Since blacks are of this nation today, blacks today benefit from it. However, just like the burden of slavery was not equal among the races in America, the benefits of slavery are not either. Filling the gap would be called "reparations".....which basically means we are being restored the benefits that our ancestors earned....while its currently an unearned benefit for most everyone else in this country.
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with the claim that whites built this nation with the use of slaves and that whites today reap the benefits of that evil practice is it not also true that blacks benefit also ? and if saying the fact that they are better off over here than in Africa and they are here because of slavery is viewed as insensitive or racist .....does that make it untrue ? here is an interesting take on that from an article written by an African American .Walter Williams: Did blacks benefit from slavery? – Orange County Register

Africa was a colonized continent. While blacks were being enslaved in the diaspora, the continent of Africa was being heavily manipulated, and later colonized, by Europeans. Thus, the question is were blacks better off being enslaved in the diaspora, by whites, or to have remained in Africa under the colonization influences of whites? I mean....as far as I know blacks have been surviving longer than any race of people, given the theory that humanity started from our race. The idea that blacks were miserable prior to the Europeans is simply a myth, no more than the people living in the Amazon, undisturbed, are miserable.

Of course slavery produced benefits for the people of this nation today. Since blacks are of this nation today, blacks today benefit from it. However, just like the burden of slavery was not equal among the races in America, the benefits of slavery are not either. Filling the gap would be called "reparations".....which basically means we are being restored the benefits that our ancestors earned....while its currently an unearned benefit for most everyone else in this country.
i disagree on the state of Africa before white intervention ....the arabs were there long before whites .......so you think you are owed ...well then what and how much ?
So sad, just a few generations after Negros were "queens" and "kings" according to Afro Centric theory but have since become insane, violent savages!

My guess is McD's corporate is going to require franchises to have all movable objects bolted down so savages cannot toss them at clerks.
with the claim that whites built this nation with the use of slaves and that whites today reap the benefits of that evil practice is it not also true that blacks benefit also ? and if saying the fact that they are better off over here than in Africa and they are here because of slavery is viewed as insensitive or racist .....does that make it untrue ? here is an interesting take on that from an article written by an African American .Walter Williams: Did blacks benefit from slavery? – Orange County Register

Africa was a colonized continent. While blacks were being enslaved in the diaspora, the continent of Africa was being heavily manipulated, and later colonized, by Europeans. Thus, the question is were blacks better off being enslaved in the diaspora, by whites, or to have remained in Africa under the colonization influences of whites? I mean....as far as I know blacks have been surviving longer than any race of people, given the theory that humanity started from our race. The idea that blacks were miserable prior to the Europeans is simply a myth, no more than the people living in the Amazon, undisturbed, are miserable.

Of course slavery produced benefits for the people of this nation today. Since blacks are of this nation today, blacks today benefit from it. However, just like the burden of slavery was not equal among the races in America, the benefits of slavery are not either. Filling the gap would be called "reparations".....which basically means we are being restored the benefits that our ancestors earned....while its currently an unearned benefit for most everyone else in this country.
Unless someone today earned their benefits and wealth through slave owning ancestors, their benefits aren't any more earned or unearned than blacks today.
Millions of African Americans are citizens of the greatest nation on earth...together with all races in America make us what we are....and I like what we are...a mix not found anywhere else on earth....a taste of the entire world all in one place...no other nation can claim that....we should all be proud and patriotic and thankful that we reside in America.....
Greatest nation on Earth? Why is Denmark the happiest most years? America has many problems. An obesity epidemic, a drug epidemic, a shooting epidemic, a racist epidemic.
Millions of African Americans are citizens of the greatest nation on earth...together with all races in America make us what we are....and I like what we are...a mix not found anywhere else on earth....a taste of the entire world all in one place...no other nation can claim that....we should all be proud and patriotic and thankful that we reside in America.....
Greatest nation on Earth? Why is Denmark the happiest most years? America has many problems. An obesity epidemic, a drug epidemic, a shooting epidemic, a racist epidemic.
Because we raise our children to be whiny little selfish animals and give them a trophy for it....let them go live in Denmark for a couple of years...that will wake them up...
So sad, just a few generations after Negros were "queens" and "kings" according to Afro Centric theory but have since become insane, violent savages!

My guess is McD's corporate is going to require franchises to have all movable objects bolted down so savages cannot toss them at clerks.

People like this should be segregated and held apart from civilized society. They are best suited for a lifestyle closely resembling that of slavery but devoid of the cruelties associated with that era. Their fundamental nature clearly is not compatible with the most basic principles of social freedom.

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