CDZ Have frustrated young Whites been bamboozled by BLM?


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
I don't think it is a coincidence that Marxist transformers masquerading as Black Lives Matter were so successful recruiting young White people. You have more angst and uncertainty with unemployed, struggling young White people than at anytime in recent history. All it took was being cooped up for a couple months on lockdown and playing the George Floyd video 24/7 and suddenly they had a whole generation of recruits looking to vent.

My nephew is a perfect example. A recent college grad, a couple of short employment gigs that ended "due to Covid". He also had a good friend in college who was black that told him about his multiple random stops. He is now on a Facebook rampage demanding that any friend who is not in support of BLM unfriend him immediately whether you are family or not. It would be an interesting to know what percentage of White BLM protesters are unemployed.
One incident or minority group cannot account for the lack of educated discernment so widely in view across the country on so many levels. Great numbers of people are simply throwing themselves into social groupings with virulent determination and little thought.
I don't think it is a coincidence that Marxist transformers masquerading as Black Lives Matter were so successful recruiting young White people. You have more angst and uncertainty with unemployed, struggling young White people than at anytime in recent history. All it took was being cooped up for a couple months on lockdown and playing the George Floyd video 24/7 and suddenly they had a whole generation of recruits looking to vent.

My nephew is a perfect example. A recent college grad, a couple of short employment gigs that ended "due to Covid". He also had a good friend in college who was black that told him about his multiple random stops. He is now on a Facebook rampage demanding that any friend who is not in support of BLM unfriend him immediately whether you are family or not. It would be an interesting to know what percentage of White BLM protesters are unemployed.
Did you unfriend him.......
I don't think it is a coincidence that Marxist transformers masquerading as Black Lives Matter were so successful recruiting young White people. You have more angst and uncertainty with unemployed, struggling young White people than at anytime in recent history. All it took was being cooped up for a couple months on lockdown and playing the George Floyd video 24/7 and suddenly they had a whole generation of recruits looking to vent.

My nephew is a perfect example. A recent college grad, a couple of short employment gigs that ended "due to Covid". He also had a good friend in college who was black that told him about his multiple random stops. He is now on a Facebook rampage demanding that any friend who is not in support of BLM unfriend him immediately whether you are family or not. It would be an interesting to know what percentage of White BLM protesters are unemployed.
Bamboozled? Which of the stories of Black people who died at the hands of police were fakes?
Well, if so you have a psychopathic police officer to thank for that. One that should have been off the force long ago.
Yes, but it doesn't explain the HUGE over reaction by BLM inspired rioters. Of the MILLIONS of police interactions, very few led to violence. And even fewer were unjustified. NONE where legaly proven to be racial. So, it seems the larger issue is civilian sociopaths who hate, and want to hurt & destroy using singular instances to justify their actions.
Well, if so you have a psychopathic police officer to thank for that. One that should have been off the force long ago.
Yes, but it doesn't explain the HUGE over reaction by BLM inspired rioters. Of the MILLIONS of police interactions, very few led to violence. And even fewer were unjustified. NONE where legaly proven to be racial. So, it seems the larger issue is civilian sociopaths who hate, and want to hurt & destroy using singular instances to justify their actions.

The argument you have made is made over and over and it's obviously getting nowhere.

Who has been held responsible for the murder or Breonna Taylor? Who has been held responsible for the murder of Elijah McClain? The list is long.
I don't think it is a coincidence that Marxist transformers masquerading as Black Lives Matter were so successful recruiting young White people. You have more angst and uncertainty with unemployed, struggling young White people than at anytime in recent history. All it took was being cooped up for a couple months on lockdown and playing the George Floyd video 24/7 and suddenly they had a whole generation of recruits looking to vent.

My nephew is a perfect example. A recent college grad, a couple of short employment gigs that ended "due to Covid". He also had a good friend in college who was black that told him about his multiple random stops. He is now on a Facebook rampage demanding that any friend who is not in support of BLM unfriend him immediately whether you are family or not. It would be an interesting to know what percentage of White BLM protesters are unemployed.
Bamboozled? Which of the stories of Black people who died at the hands of police were fakes?

which are true? I have seen lots of arrests----
it's a WONDER that there are not more deaths. I have interviewed and examined LOTS of arrestees---lots of
them lie
I don't think it is a coincidence that Marxist transformers masquerading as Black Lives Matter were so successful recruiting young White people. You have more angst and uncertainty with unemployed, struggling young White people than at anytime in recent history. All it took was being cooped up for a couple months on lockdown and playing the George Floyd video 24/7 and suddenly they had a whole generation of recruits looking to vent.

My nephew is a perfect example. A recent college grad, a couple of short employment gigs that ended "due to Covid". He also had a good friend in college who was black that told him about his multiple random stops. He is now on a Facebook rampage demanding that any friend who is not in support of BLM unfriend him immediately whether you are family or not. It would be an interesting to know what percentage of White BLM protesters are unemployed.
Did you unfriend him.......
No. He's a good kid and I don't unfriend anyone. He is having a tough time and I know that has been a big factor.
Well, if so you have a psychopathic police officer to thank for that. One that should have been off the force long ago.
Yes, but it doesn't explain the HUGE over reaction by BLM inspired rioters. Of the MILLIONS of police interactions, very few led to violence. And even fewer were unjustified. NONE where legaly proven to be racial. So, it seems the larger issue is civilian sociopaths who hate, and want to hurt & destroy using singular instances to justify their actions.

The argument you have made is made over and over and it's obviously getting nowhere.

Who has been held responsible for the murder or Breonna Taylor? Who has been held responsible for the murder of Elijah McClain? The list is long.
And let's not forget all those "good cops" who walked away and applauded the cops who pushed that old man down in Buffalo.
No more so than so many of the Trump loyalists whom have been bamboozeled by a New York Democrat.

May as well make it a party.

Heck, I think we even have self-professed libertarians around holing up with leftists, boarding the doors, and trying to figure out among themselves how to break out government guns on the rest of us in order to protect their beloved IRS, EPA, and every other unconstitutional alphabet agency that real libertarians want abolished.

The country is too far gone to recover. Everybody's just a muppet holding up some globalist's ''give it to me nice and good'' sign.

Well, not everybody. That's not fair to say. But, not too far off.
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Well, if so you have a psychopathic police officer to thank for that. One that should have been off the force long ago.
Sending those unruly azzes to the farms to pick fruits and vegetables for several months will get all of that piss and vinegar out of their systems. The government they want will actually accomadate them with work details like that. We can also send illegals away doing that. There's always answers if you look for them.
Well, if so you have a psychopathic police officer to thank for that. One that should have been off the force long ago.
Sending those unruly azzes to the farms to pick fruits and vegetables for several months will get all of that piss and vinegar out of their systems. The government they want will actually accomadate them with work details like that. We can also send illegals away doing that. There's always answers if you look for them.

We have no desire to send off illegals. How many employers of illegals have been busted under Trump?
Well, if so you have a psychopathic police officer to thank for that.
Do you know how absurd that sounds to everyone who is not stupid?

You can ignore the impact the video had if you wish.

what video-----the SNIPPET that got SENT AROUND THE WORLD? I saw the video-----a cop trying to arrest a large man who RESISTED-----and a whole bunch of the neighborhood surrounding the scene.
--------I have seen lots of arrests-----and I have lived on the edge of a neighborhood where the NEIGHBORS would be delighted to attack the cop and "save" the arrestee. I have been on the edge of SAVED arrestees------cuffed to the hospital bedrails and an armed guard at the door "where is he"????? "his pals pulled him out during the night" -------when you have walked a mile in cop shoes.......................
Well, if so you have a psychopathic police officer to thank for that.
Do you know how absurd that sounds to everyone who is not stupid?

You can ignore the impact the video had if you wish.

what video-----the SNIPPET that got SENT AROUND THE WORLD? I saw the video-----a cop trying to arrest a large man who RESISTED-----and a whole bunch of the neighborhood surrounding the scene.
--------I have seen lots of arrests-----and I have lived on the edge of a neighborhood where the NEIGHBORS would be delighted to attack the cop and "save" the arrestee. I have been on the edge of SAVED arrestees------cuffed to the hospital bedrails and an armed guard at the door "where is he"????? "his pals pulled him out during the night" -------when you have walked a mile in cop shoes.......................

It seems those who have walked in his shoes determined what he did wrong and promptly fired and then arrested him.
Well, if so you have a psychopathic police officer to thank for that.
Do you know how absurd that sounds to everyone who is not stupid?

You can ignore the impact the video had if you wish.
I've never ignored it in the first place, jackass.

The fakestream media used it to great effect to manipulate throngs of useful idiots into attending BLM COVID 19 parties in selected cities all over the USA.

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