Have any other "essential" workers here received this from their employer yet?


Diamond Member
May 19, 2012
When our governor first ordered a shutdown of non-essential businesses in the state my employer gave every employee a piece of paper should there be an eventual state lock down. Just in case the police were to stop us it states that we're essential employees. I doubt I'll have any use for it, but it's scary to think that workers could live in a "show me your papers" environment.
When our governor first ordered a shutdown of non-essential businesses in the state my employer gave every employee a piece of paper should there be an eventual state lock down. Just in case the police were to stop us it states that we're essential employees. I doubt I'll have any use for it, but it's scary to think that workers could live in a "show me your papers" environment.

A friend of mine is a regional bank manager in Orlando, and she got one. She said she received it from the State, though, as opposed to her employer. It doesn't make sense that an employer would be permitted to determine who's essential and who's not...
When our governor first ordered a shutdown of non-essential businesses in the state my employer gave every employee a piece of paper should there be an eventual state lock down. Just in case the police were to stop us it states that we're essential employees. I doubt I'll have any use for it, but it's scary to think that workers could live in a "show me your papers" environment.

A friend of mine is a regional bank manager in Orlando, and she got one. She said she received it from the State, though, as opposed to her employer. It doesn't make sense that an employer would be permitted to determine who's essential and who's not...

The state determined what industries were essential. I guess the paper just verifies that I work in that industry.
When our governor first ordered a shutdown of non-essential businesses in the state my employer gave every employee a piece of paper should there be an eventual state lock down. Just in case the police were to stop us it states that we're essential employees. I doubt I'll have any use for it, but it's scary to think that workers could live in a "show me your papers" environment.
No one has papers saying they are essential. We just go to work.
When our governor first ordered a shutdown of non-essential businesses in the state my employer gave every employee a piece of paper should there be an eventual state lock down. Just in case the police were to stop us it states that we're essential employees. I doubt I'll have any use for it, but it's scary to think that workers could live in a "show me your papers" environment.

Yep, I have one sitting in the passenger seat of my vehicle.
When our governor first ordered a shutdown of non-essential businesses in the state my employer gave every employee a piece of paper should there be an eventual state lock down. Just in case the police were to stop us it states that we're essential employees. I doubt I'll have any use for it, but it's scary to think that workers could live in a "show me your papers" environment.

My son got one from his work.
When our governor first ordered a shutdown of non-essential businesses in the state my employer gave every employee a piece of paper should there be an eventual state lock down. Just in case the police were to stop us it states that we're essential employees. I doubt I'll have any use for it, but it's scary to think that workers could live in a "show me your papers" environment.
My son got one
When our governor first ordered a shutdown of non-essential businesses in the state my employer gave every employee a piece of paper should there be an eventual state lock down. Just in case the police were to stop us it states that we're essential employees. I doubt I'll have any use for it, but it's scary to think that workers could live in a "show me your papers" environment.
No one has papers saying they are essential. We just go to work.

As I said, I don't expect to ever need it, but my employer is obviously trying to nip it in the ass just in case of a full lock down.
When our governor first ordered a shutdown of non-essential businesses in the state my employer gave every employee a piece of paper should there be an eventual state lock down. Just in case the police were to stop us it states that we're essential employees. I doubt I'll have any use for it, but it's scary to think that workers could live in a "show me your papers" environment.

A friend of mine is a regional bank manager in Orlando, and she got one. She said she received it from the State, though, as opposed to her employer. It doesn't make sense that an employer would be permitted to determine who's essential and who's not...

I would say that that depends on the industry. Though my company is not running the production line, we are shipping out spare parts so repairs can be made to our products keeping them airworthy. Part of that process requires FAA export documents, documents I, as the head of our Quality department, prepare. I also perform inspections on production parts. So, at first blush, one might think that the lack of production would mean individuals from the inspection team are not essential.

Not to mention the fact that it is highly unlikely the state government would be issuing these letters for every company in the state, more likely they posted a form letter for employers to copy and print. But I could be wrong...
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When our governor first ordered a shutdown of non-essential businesses in the state my employer gave every employee a piece of paper should there be an eventual state lock down. Just in case the police were to stop us it states that we're essential employees. I doubt I'll have any use for it, but it's scary to think that workers could live in a "show me your papers" environment.

Yep it got one and my wife got 3! She even got a letter sign by the AG himself.
When our governor first ordered a shutdown of non-essential businesses in the state my employer gave every employee a piece of paper should there be an eventual state lock down. Just in case the police were to stop us it states that we're essential employees. I doubt I'll have any use for it, but it's scary to think that workers could live in a "show me your papers" environment.
And unfounded fear.

There is no "show me your papers" environment.
When our governor first ordered a shutdown of non-essential businesses in the state my employer gave every employee a piece of paper should there be an eventual state lock down. Just in case the police were to stop us it states that we're essential employees. I doubt I'll have any use for it, but it's scary to think that workers could live in a "show me your papers" environment.
And unfounded fear.

There is no "show me your papers" environment.
Not yet. Give it time, it is coming.

They already have it in Italy, things have gotten quite out of hand.
When our governor first ordered a shutdown of non-essential businesses in the state my employer gave every employee a piece of paper should there be an eventual state lock down. Just in case the police were to stop us it states that we're essential employees. I doubt I'll have any use for it, but it's scary to think that workers could live in a "show me your papers" environment.

Our employee badge counts as a pass. For particular runs we have passes issued by the sheriffs dept. this isn’t the first time for us though. We use them during hurricanes.
When our governor first ordered a shutdown of non-essential businesses in the state my employer gave every employee a piece of paper should there be an eventual state lock down. Just in case the police were to stop us it states that we're essential employees. I doubt I'll have any use for it, but it's scary to think that workers could live in a "show me your papers" environment.

Yep, I've gotten that. I have 2 different ones in my car, just in case. I have my badge for work, too, since anyone might have the printout. :p

There's actually a curfew in the town one of my work locations is located in. I don't know if it's being enforced, or how, but I'd rather have my printout and badge just in case. :dunno:
When our governor first ordered a shutdown of non-essential businesses in the state my employer gave every employee a piece of paper should there be an eventual state lock down. Just in case the police were to stop us it states that we're essential employees. I doubt I'll have any use for it, but it's scary to think that workers could live in a "show me your papers" environment.

I was gonna say Aaron you could get away with just showing them dick pics and they'd let you go out of sympathy.... :eusa_shifty:

-- but think about it we've ALREADY been living in a show me your papers environment. Out-of-nowhere random checkpoints for drunk driverss for example.

There's at least one county here in Cackalackee where you can't even be on the highway unless you can show you live there. And we're not (yet) a hard hit state, with "only" a thousand CV cases.

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