Hate Speech Laws Are Wrecking Europe


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
At the root of all the mess that Europe has turned into (and still getting worse), is the idiotic hate speech laws, that these fool countries have adopted. Here in the US, where we have freedom of speech, we look at Europe in amazement, and wonder why do the British, the Danes, the Swedes, and those of some of the greatest countries the world has ever seen, put up with all the destruction of themselves now occuring. Islamic nutjobs moving in in greater and greater numbers, demanding things be done Islamically, while disrespecting (and ignoring) the culture and laws of their new countries, and wreaking havoc, committing widespread rapes and other criminal behavior.

We wonder why the Europeans don't show a backbone, and squash these uncivilized, barbaric savages. One reason >> hate speech laws. For them to even suggest that these Muslim migrants are acting improperly in accordance with their Muslim doctrine (the Koran), which of course, is exactly what is happening, is, in these terribly misguided countries, criminal itself.

Just to speak out and criticize the Koran can get Europeans locked up, and not just for a brief spell in a local jail. In Serbia, the criminal charge of "Provoking ethnic, racial and religion based animosity and intolerance" carries a minimum six months prison term and a maximum of ten years. In England and Wales, violators of their "Racial & Religious Hatred Act" can get 7 years in prison + a fine.

These people have gone into a type of Dark Ages, but how can they pull themselves out of it, when they cannot even raise a voice without being thrown in jail ?
At the root of all the mess that Europe has turned into (and still getting worse), is the idiotic hate speech laws, that these fool countries have adopted. Here in the US, where we have freedom of speech, we look at Europe in amazement, and wonder why do the British, the Danes, the Swedes, and those of some of the greatest countries the world has ever seen, put up with all the destruction of themselves now occuring. Islamic nutjobs moving in in greater and greater numbers, demanding things be done Islamically, while disrespecting (and ignoring) the culture and laws of their new countries, and wreaking havoc, committing widespread rapes and other criminal behavior.

We wonder why the Europeans don't show a backbone, and squash these uncivilized, barbaric savages. One reason >> hate speech laws. For them to even suggest that these Muslim migrants are acting improperly in accordance with their Muslim doctrine (the Koran), which of course, is exactly what is happening, is, in these terribly misguided countries, criminal itself.

Just to speak out and criticize the Koran can get Europeans locked up, and not just for a brief spell in a local jail. In Serbia, the criminal charge of "Provoking ethnic, racial and religion based animosity and intolerance" carries a minimum six months prison term and a maximum of ten years. In England and Wales, violators of their "Racial & Religious Hatred Act" can get 7 years in prison + a fine.

These people have gone into a type of Dark Ages, but how can they pull themselves out of it, when they cannot even raise a voice without being thrown in jail ?

This is what I was mentioning other day in thread, but as it was to American person - yes a Leftist one - they wasn't understanding what I was telling them.

So thanks for posting this.
I don't suppose having laws about civil discouse actually creates civil discourse. I think it's more connected to how things escalate through speech. We have great examples here on the forum.
Here’s how one community recently approached an incidence of hate speech by calling attention to it rather than attempting to suppress it—by encouraging speech that pointed out how out of place the hate speech was in a community that values the dignity of all.

Matt Hale, a notorious racist, was recently asked to speak at the University of Illinois at Springfield. Hale is the leader of the World of the Creator, a white supremacist group. His presence on campus was controversial. Several students, faculty, and community members thought that the university should cancel his appearance. Instead, he was allowed to speak. Hale’s audience was not impressed. He came across as having a confusing set of beliefs that were out of place in a democratic, multicultural society. Several faculty and students spoke out against his message of hatred.

By allowing Hale to speak, the university recognized free speech rights but also provided a means for community members to respond. Communitarian and libertarian goals were both met.

ABA Division for Public Education: Students: Debating the "Mighty Constitutional Opposites": Hate Speech Debate
I don't see how hate speech laws are "ruining Europe".
It's possible liberals who only see liberal media might not see how hate speech laws are "ruining Europe". They are sheltered from this kind of news which is routinely withheld from them.

EARTH TO DHARA: Muslim migrants have been attacking, raping, killing, etc. all over Europe, while the Europeans hesitate to take action against them, for fear of running afoul of their hate speech laws. Got it ?
Hate speech isn't rape, assault and battery or killing. Speech is speech.
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Hate speech isn't rape, assault and battery or killing. Speech is speech.
FALSE! In the simply revealing what is in the Koran (immoral and illegal things) is speech. In Europeans countries, this is a CRIME. Huge difference. Did the OP fly right over your head ?
I've never been to Europe.
I've never been there either, but the news about the rampant Islamization, as well as criminal activity by Muslims who think these crimes are OK (because the Koran says so) taking place there, is all over the news (conservative news that is - liberal news censors it out)
Here’s how one community recently approached an incidence of hate speech by calling attention to it rather than attempting to suppress it—by encouraging speech that pointed out how out of place the hate speech was in a community that values the dignity of all.

Matt Hale, a notorious racist, was recently asked to speak at the University of Illinois at Springfield. Hale is the leader of the World of the Creator, a white supremacist group. His presence on campus was controversial. Several students, faculty, and community members thought that the university should cancel his appearance. Instead, he was allowed to speak. Hale’s audience was not impressed. He came across as having a confusing set of beliefs that were out of place in a democratic, multicultural society. Several faculty and students spoke out against his message of hatred.

By allowing Hale to speak, the university recognized free speech rights but also provided a means for community members to respond. Communitarian and libertarian goals were both met.

ABA Division for Public Education: Students: Debating the "Mighty Constitutional Opposites": Hate Speech Debate
In European countries, Hale would have been arrested, and imprisoned, for years.
Why do you think I'm here asking questions? If I knew why people felt this way I may have something to contribute. I think alot about speech.
Felt WHAT way ?
Hate speech isn't rape, assault and battery or killing. Speech is speech.

Hatred galvanizes MOB BEHAVIOR-----episodes of mob rape and assault and
battery and killing is virtually always galvanized by hate speech. HOWEVER--
it seems to me that not all information related to the DEMOGRAPHICS
of CRIME is likely to instigate mob behavior. The issue should be analyzed
-----by people good at that sort of thing
At the root of all the mess that Europe has turned into (and still getting worse), is the idiotic hate speech laws, that these fool countries have adopted. Here in the US, where we have freedom of speech, we look at Europe in amazement, and wonder why do the British, the Danes, the Swedes, and those of some of the greatest countries the world has ever seen, put up with all the destruction of themselves now occuring. Islamic nutjobs moving in in greater and greater numbers, demanding things be done Islamically, while disrespecting (and ignoring) the culture and laws of their new countries, and wreaking havoc, committing widespread rapes and other criminal behavior.

We wonder why the Europeans don't show a backbone, and squash these uncivilized, barbaric savages. One reason >> hate speech laws. For them to even suggest that these Muslim migrants are acting improperly in accordance with their Muslim doctrine (the Koran), which of course, is exactly what is happening, is, in these terribly misguided countries, criminal itself.

Just to speak out and criticize the Koran can get Europeans locked up, and not just for a brief spell in a local jail. In Serbia, the criminal charge of "Provoking ethnic, racial and religion based animosity and intolerance" carries a minimum six months prison term and a maximum of ten years. In England and Wales, violators of their "Racial & Religious Hatred Act" can get 7 years in prison + a fine.

These people have gone into a type of Dark Ages, but how can they pull themselves out of it, when they cannot even raise a voice without being thrown in jail ?

Freedom of speech does not mean that you can tell lies about people does it. I live in Europe and I have yet to see anyone getting into trouble for criticizing the koran and islam if the criticism is based of facts and the truth. You need to get your facts straight and start telling the truth as we have laws in Europe against slander. You do realise that the racial and religious hatred act is exactly the same as your civil rights acts, and this means that if you LIE to incite hatred and intolerance you face legal action.

You Americans feel the need to make many acts that are criminal in civilised nations allowable in the US by amending the declaration to cover these. This is why the US is such a lawless nation and has no safety for its citizens of visitors.
I don't see how hate speech laws are "ruining Europe".

They aren't what is ruining Europe is neo Marxists enacting new laws to make it illegal to tell the truth about islam and the muslims. They are losing the fight as the people are no longer voting them into power.

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