Has Our Republic Died?


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide
We are at a point in our Republic that leads me to believe it is about to die if it has not already.

Joe Biden is accused of Committing Treason while he was a sitting Vice President and our media refuses to cover the story. Hard evidence of Joe committing Treason and giving up secrets to China thorough his son Hunter have come to light. The media that is charged with keeping the public informed has become the propaganda arm of the democrat party. Those given protections to keep us informed have gotten in bed with traitors..

The democrats have been chipping away at our republic for years and they almost have it destroyed. The placement of Justice Barrett on the court places one more obstacle in their way. They will try and sweep this obstacle away by packing the court.

Every part of our government is under attack. Biden misused the Office of the VP to enrich himself and his family while selling out the American public's jobs and security.

No one wants to discuss this... No one wants to report on this, And the main player wants to be our president and has deep financial ties to our enemies....

Our Republic is dead and the only thing standing between our country and us being sold out to our enemies is our VOTE.
I've been posting for years how devastating it is to not have a free and independent press. It's worse than that, they are the mouthpiece for the Democratic Party. That has never been more clear than these last two weeks with the TV and internet blackout of any coverage of the Biden Crime Family.
AND now it comes down to our votes to stop this aggression by traitors.

We have a civil war coming and it might come faster than we think...
We are at a point in our Republic that leads me to believe it is about to die if it has not already.

Joe Biden is accused of Committing Treason while he was a sitting Vice President and our media refuses to cover the story. Hard evidence of Joe committing Treason and giving up secrets to China thorough his son Hunter have come to light. The media that is charged with keeping the public informed has become the propaganda arm of the democrat party. Those given protections to keep us informed have gotten in bed with traitors..

The democrats have been chipping away at our republic for years and they almost have it destroyed. The placement of Justice Barrett on the court places one more obstacle in their way. They will try and sweep this obstacle away by packing the court.

Every part of our government is under attack. Biden misused the Office of the VP to enrich himself and his family while selling out the American public's jobs and security.

No one wants to discuss this... No one wants to report on this, And the main player wants to be our president and has deep financial ties to our enemies....

Our Republic is dead and the only thing standing between our country and us being sold out to our enemies is our VOTE.
Now replace the name Biden with Trump. It will be a more accurate summation.
The United States had been dying slowly since the late 1960s. Sadly, since January 20, 2017, the impeached president, the corrupt swamp rats he appointed, coupled with Moscow Mitch and his rubberstamping Senate majority, the rate of decay was accelerated. The country will receive its deathblow if the impeached president trump steals his second election on November 3.

We are at a point in our Republic that leads me to believe it is about to die if it has not already.

Joe Biden is accused of Committing Treason while he was a sitting Vice President and our media refuses to cover the story. Hard evidence of Joe committing Treason and giving up secrets to China thorough his son Hunter have come to light. The media that is charged with keeping the public informed has become the propaganda arm of the democrat party. Those given protections to keep us informed have gotten in bed with traitors..

The democrats have been chipping away at our republic for years and they almost have it destroyed. The placement of Justice Barrett on the court places one more obstacle in their way. They will try and sweep this obstacle away by packing the court.

Every part of our government is under attack. Biden misused the Office of the VP to enrich himself and his family while selling out the American public's jobs and security.

No one wants to discuss this... No one wants to report on this, And the main player wants to be our president and has deep financial ties to our enemies....

Our Republic is dead and the only thing standing between our country and us being sold out to our enemies is our VOTE.
Now replace the name Biden with Trump. It will be a more accurate summation.
Trumps not the one conspiring with our enemies... BIDEN IS and has been for decades!
We are at a point in our Republic that leads me to believe it is about to die if it has not already.

Joe Biden is accused of Committing Treason while he was a sitting Vice President and our media refuses to cover the story. Hard evidence of Joe committing Treason and giving up secrets to China thorough his son Hunter have come to light. The media that is charged with keeping the public informed has become the propaganda arm of the democrat party. Those given protections to keep us informed have gotten in bed with traitors..

The democrats have been chipping away at our republic for years and they almost have it destroyed. The placement of Justice Barrett on the court places one more obstacle in their way. They will try and sweep this obstacle away by packing the court.

Every part of our government is under attack. Biden misused the Office of the VP to enrich himself and his family while selling out the American public's jobs and security.

No one wants to discuss this... No one wants to report on this, And the main player wants to be our president and has deep financial ties to our enemies....

Our Republic is dead and the only thing standing between our country and us being sold out to our enemies is our VOTE.
What's done is done and cannot be undone.

We've raised a couple of generations of retards. There's no coming back from that.
We are at a point in our Republic that leads me to believe it is about to die if it has not already.

Joe Biden is accused of Committing Treason while he was a sitting Vice President and our media refuses to cover the story. Hard evidence of Joe committing Treason and giving up secrets to China thorough his son Hunter have come to light. The media that is charged with keeping the public informed has become the propaganda arm of the democrat party. Those given protections to keep us informed have gotten in bed with traitors..

The democrats have been chipping away at our republic for years and they almost have it destroyed. The placement of Justice Barrett on the court places one more obstacle in their way. They will try and sweep this obstacle away by packing the court.

Every part of our government is under attack. Biden misused the Office of the VP to enrich himself and his family while selling out the American public's jobs and security.

No one wants to discuss this... No one wants to report on this, And the main player wants to be our president and has deep financial ties to our enemies....

Our Republic is dead and the only thing standing between our country and us being sold out to our enemies is our VOTE.
What's done is done and cannot be undone.

We've raised a couple of generations of retards. There's no coming back from that.


"What are you prepared to do?" said Billy in his best Sean Connery voice.
We are at a point in our Republic that leads me to believe it is about to die if it has not already.

Joe Biden is accused of Committing Treason while he was a sitting Vice President and our media refuses to cover the story. Hard evidence of Joe committing Treason and giving up secrets to China thorough his son Hunter have come to light. The media that is charged with keeping the public informed has become the propaganda arm of the democrat party. Those given protections to keep us informed have gotten in bed with traitors..

The democrats have been chipping away at our republic for years and they almost have it destroyed. The placement of Justice Barrett on the court places one more obstacle in their way. They will try and sweep this obstacle away by packing the court.

Every part of our government is under attack. Biden misused the Office of the VP to enrich himself and his family while selling out the American public's jobs and security.

No one wants to discuss this... No one wants to report on this, And the main player wants to be our president and has deep financial ties to our enemies....

Our Republic is dead and the only thing standing between our country and us being sold out to our enemies is our VOTE.
What's done is done and cannot be undone.

We've raised a couple of generations of retards. There's no coming back from that.
Sadly, We didnt pay attention to what our government schools were doing to our children and we have no one to blame but ourselves... I taught my kids and my grand kids about our constitution the last two years and they are waking up to just how far down the path we are..
We are at a point in our Republic that leads me to believe it is about to die if it has not already.

Joe Biden is accused of Committing Treason while he was a sitting Vice President and our media refuses to cover the story. Hard evidence of Joe committing Treason and giving up secrets to China thorough his son Hunter have come to light. The media that is charged with keeping the public informed has become the propaganda arm of the democrat party. Those given protections to keep us informed have gotten in bed with traitors..

The democrats have been chipping away at our republic for years and they almost have it destroyed. The placement of Justice Barrett on the court places one more obstacle in their way. They will try and sweep this obstacle away by packing the court.

Every part of our government is under attack. Biden misused the Office of the VP to enrich himself and his family while selling out the American public's jobs and security.

No one wants to discuss this... No one wants to report on this, And the main player wants to be our president and has deep financial ties to our enemies....

Our Republic is dead and the only thing standing between our country and us being sold out to our enemies is our VOTE.
No, the republic has not died, but if we don't have some commies die it might.

Kill a commie for mommy.
The day we chose to do business with China. The the greatest enemy to capitalism has always been actual capitalists.

Meaning, since the days of Morgan Stanley and Carnegie, they take advantage of the free market and attempt to create monopolies, which are essential dictatorships.

Well, these giant corporations desiring slave labor went to the open arms of China. Couple that with China turning into a mass super power.

This is what we see and yes. Sadly our republic is all but dead. We allowed the cultural marxists to dictate to us. Poison our minds with their propaganda and we now facing truth. Truth, is very difficult to look at.

We will be witnessing the tribulations. The Abomination of Desolation is upon us. If you pray, now is the time.
If Biden wins, it will be President Harris. 100%. He will have to resign from his corrupton or Nancy will 25th his ass.

If I were Biden I would start shitting my pants and putting cereal the oven and walking in my yard with no clothes on as soon as I won the election...and I would take the 25th over being prosecuted for corruption.

Either way Kamala Harris will be the first Indian Jamaican Woman President, but she wont be the first ELECTED WOMAN PRESIDENT.
We are at a point in our Republic that leads me to believe it is about to die if it has not already...
Have more faith.
... Joe Biden is accused of Committing Treason...
Not by anyone with a brain. Treason is spelled out in the US Constitution and none of these nations have been declared by the US Congress to be at war with the US. Now, he certainly was in a multi-faceted BRIBERY scheme, and bribery and treason are in the same phrase in the US Constitution, so clearly Joe Biden is unfit to serve as our President. But, as Winston Churchill noted, Democracy is a system where the People deserve to get what they want, and to get it good and hard.
... while he was a sitting Vice President and our media refuses to cover the story...
Yes. The Fake News Media is the propaganda arm of the Democrats, Multi Nationals, Deep State and Lying Outlaw Slavers of China.
... Hard evidence of Joe committing Treason and giving up secrets to China thorough his son Hunter have come to light....
It's not Treason. Remember, even the Rosenberg's were not executed for Treason, rather, Sedition, as we were not officially at war with Russia when they were caught giving them critical military secrets.
... The media that is charged with keeping the public informed has become the propaganda arm of the democrat party...
Yes, they are lying filthy scum. The NYT's had a young reporterette screwing a 50 year old married officer of the Senate in exchange for dirt on Trump.
... Those given protections to keep us informed have gotten in bed with traitors...
Yes. They are filthy scum, so what now?
... The democrats have been chipping away at our republic for years and they almost have it destroyed. The placement of Justice Barrett on the court places one more obstacle in their way. They will try and sweep this obstacle away by packing the court...
I expect them to fail. Democrats corruption is only exceeded by their ineptness. They aren't that good at doing even the evil they attempt. Look at how badly they screwed up Obamacare. They forgot to add a severability clause? How in the hell do you forget that? That's why they live in fear of all it being declared unconstitutional, because with all the screwing around for two years, they didn't draft it correctly, and they live in fear that a Court at some point is going to send it back to them to get it right and they don't think they can it right, even on try number two.
Every part of our government is under attack. Biden misused the Office of the VP to enrich himself and his family while selling out the American public's jobs and security.

No one wants to discuss this... No one wants to report on this, And the main player wants to be our president and has deep financial ties to our enemies....

Our Republic is dead and the only thing standing between our country and us being sold out to our enemies is our VOTE.
Voting does nothing. Why have you failed to pay attention for the last many decades?
I fear you may be right but I still have hope..

Voting does something. Voting does not do much sometimes and other times it does a lot of damage.

The OP summed up things more or less. But he left out the lying con-man that we are putting all hope in so we slow down the destruction of the usa.

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