Has anyone asked Hillary how we are to "empathize with ISIS and show them respect"?


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
I'm curious as to why Ms. Clinton hasn't been pursued over these comments. Especially in light of this this torturous execution of the Jordanian pilot by ISIS who are revelling in their barbarity.

Remember her "smart power" comments?

If Clinton becomes the Presidential candidate for the D's the RNC need only to make two commercials regarding foreign policy to be used against her.

Her "empathy" speech and her "what does it matter" screech during her Benghazi testimony.

I do hope some one in the media shows the testicular fortitude to tackle her on her bullshit. Because I for one really would love to know how I am supposed to empathize and respect any murderous group of bastards who could burn a man alive.

I really really want to know.

Hillary: We Must Empathize With America's Enemies
9:20 AM, Dec 4, 2014

At a speech yesterday at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., Hillary Clinton made the case for empathizing with America's enemies.

"This is what we call smart power," Clinton said to a small audience at Georgetown. "Using every possible tool and partner to advance peace and security. Leaving no one on the sidelines. Showing respect even for one's enemies.

Trying to understand, in so far as psychologically possible, empathize with their perspective and point of view. Helping to define the problems, determine the solutions.

That is what we believe in the 21st century will change -- change the prospects for peace."

Hillary We Must Empathize With America s Enemies The Weekly Standard
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This is the constant refrain of profoundly ignorant liberals who think bumper stickers represent reality.
I'm curious as to why Ms. Clinton hasn't been pursued over these comments. Especially in light of this this torturous execution of the Jordanian pilot by ISIS who are revelling in their barbarity.

Remember her "smart power" comments?

If Clinton becomes the Presidential candidate for the D's the RNC need only to make two commercials regarding foreign policy to be used against her.

Her "empathy" speech and her "what does it matter" screech during her Benghazi testimony.

I do hope some one in the media shows the testicular fortitude to tackle her on her bullshit. Because I for one really would love to know how I am supposed to empathize and respect any murderous group of bastards who could burn a man alive.

I really really want to know.

Hillary: We Must Empathize With America's Enemies
9:20 AM, Dec 4, 2014

At a speech yesterday at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., Hillary Clinton made the case for empathizing with America's enemies.

"This is what we call smart power," Clinton said to a small audience at Georgetown. "Using every possible tool and partner to advance peace and security. Leaving no one on the sidelines. Showing respect even for one's enemies.

Trying to understand, in so far as psychologically possible, empathize with their perspective and point of view. Helping to define the problems, determine the solutions.

That is what we believe in the 21st century will change -- change the prospects for peace."

Hillary We Must Empathize With America s Enemies The Weekly Standard
Learn your enemy, and walk a mile in his shoes. It's pretty easy to do, if you're wise that is.
Why should we be surprised by Hillary Clinton comments? :dunno:

Didn't Obama Bin Laden dismissed ISIS as just a JV team not long ago?

Do these people know what they are talking about??

It would be funny if it wasn't so scary.
Obama has already shown us how to do that. You just dismiss ISIS, claim they are not Islamic and then do a half-ass job of going after them. King Abdullah of Jordan just showed the proper way to deal with them.

You should show other radicals respect by treating them like valid governments instead of the terrorists that they are, like Obama did with the Muslim Brotherhood. I suppose they aren't Muslims either since they support terrorists. Our own intel pegged them as terrorists, as they did other Muslim organizations, but Obama prefers to ignore that and bring them to the table. CAIR and other radicals are invited to give input to Obama's policies. They helped shape the way Homeland Security prioritizes threats and they have taken focus off Muslims and instead look closely at retired military, constitutionalists and NRA members.

You do other things, like go out of your way not to offend them even if it means ignoring the United States Constitution. Bash those who fly the American flag or other things that Muslims might find distasteful. I salute Michelle Obama for offending the Muslims recently by refusing to cover her head while in a Muslim country. Oh, the nerve!!

Even when you humor the radical Muslims, there is no guarantee that they will leave you alone. Infidels must be eliminated no matter how peaceful they may be.
Well, they are pretty good at killing people so you might want to respect that, meaning stay the fuck away from them.

So they can follow us.... Pathetic little drone.

I'm curious as to why Ms. Clinton hasn't been pursued over these comments. Especially in light of this this torturous execution of the Jordanian pilot by ISIS who are revelling in their barbarity.

Remember her "smart power" comments?

If Clinton becomes the Presidential candidate for the D's the RNC need only to make two commercials regarding foreign policy to be used against her.

Her "empathy" speech and her "what does it matter" screech during her Benghazi testimony.

I do hope some one in the media shows the testicular fortitude to tackle her on her bullshit. Because I for one really would love to know how I am supposed to empathize and respect any murderous group of bastards who could burn a man alive.

I really really want to know.

Hillary: We Must Empathize With America's Enemies
9:20 AM, Dec 4, 2014

At a speech yesterday at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., Hillary Clinton made the case for empathizing with America's enemies.

"This is what we call smart power," Clinton said to a small audience at Georgetown. "Using every possible tool and partner to advance peace and security. Leaving no one on the sidelines. Showing respect even for one's enemies.

Trying to understand, in so far as psychologically possible, empathize with their perspective and point of view. Helping to define the problems, determine the solutions.

That is what we believe in the 21st century will change -- change the prospects for peace."

Hillary We Must Empathize With America s Enemies The Weekly Standard
We could light candles....and use them to set the grandkids dolls on fire...mumble a bit of Allahu akbar...
I'm curious as to why Ms. Clinton hasn't been pursued over these comments. Especially in light of this this torturous execution of the Jordanian pilot by ISIS who are revelling in their barbarity.

Remember her "smart power" comments?

If Clinton becomes the Presidential candidate for the D's the RNC need only to make two commercials regarding foreign policy to be used against her.

Her "empathy" speech and her "what does it matter" screech during her Benghazi testimony.

I do hope some one in the media shows the testicular fortitude to tackle her on her bullshit. Because I for one really would love to know how I am supposed to empathize and respect any murderous group of bastards who could burn a man alive.

I really really want to know.

Hillary: We Must Empathize With America's Enemies
9:20 AM, Dec 4, 2014

At a speech yesterday at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., Hillary Clinton made the case for empathizing with America's enemies.

"This is what we call smart power," Clinton said to a small audience at Georgetown. "Using every possible tool and partner to advance peace and security. Leaving no one on the sidelines. Showing respect even for one's enemies.

Trying to understand, in so far as psychologically possible, empathize with their perspective and point of view. Helping to define the problems, determine the solutions.

That is what we believe in the 21st century will change -- change the prospects for peace."

Hillary We Must Empathize With America s Enemies The Weekly Standard
We could light candles....and use them to set the grandkids dolls on fire...mumble a bit of Allahu akbar...
Good idea. Prepare those little bastards for their future early. I never trusted the loyalty of the Cabbage Patch Commies in the first place.
Well, they are pretty good at killing people so you might want to respect that, meaning stay the fuck away from them.

So they can follow us.... Pathetic little drone.

You want to cut off Obama's head so what's the issue?
He refuses to go to Iraq!....unprotected!
So, he's not stupid. Next whine?

That's just it, he is stupid, or he wouldn't be doing 11 air sorties in 2 days against ISIS!
I KNOW when H is POTUS the Right will make up as much bullshit as they can and blame it all on her.
I KNOW when H is POTUS the Right will make up as much bullshit as they can and blame it all on her.

Any different than the left blaming anything and everything on GW?

It gets tiresome for true.

But my OP is based on her very own words and sentiments.

Fair game.
Empathizing with the enemy does not mean approving or aiding their goals. Rather it means understanding the reason that they see the world as they do. Sherman very well understood the Southern psyche, and understood what he had to do to destroy the South. By understanding the enemy, we understand just how far we have to go to change their goals, or destroy them.

Those in the Mid-East have good reason to resent the West. We treated them pretty much as they treat each other, and that is not very good. So they blame all their problems on us. Rather easy to do, and far easier than realizing that they are the agents of their own destruction. Kind of like our right wingnuts.

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