Has Alyssa Milano gone after Biden for answers regarding the sexual assault allegations?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
I’m guessing her #Metoo cause is still paramount?
Has the media covered the story at all? Here in North Mexico, no news agency will dare report on it.
Are the allegations being swept under the rug due to the potential ramifications related to an election? Are #MeToo’ers only concerned for victims of assault when the perpetrator is Republican?
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The party of "diversity" voted for an old, senile, inside the beltway, hair-sniffing, white guy over minority candidates in their party. Democrats even voted for an old, communist, white man before voting for their minority candidates. Democrats do nothing but pay lip-service to minorities and victims of sexual abuse to gain votes.
ya, about all I want to hear her say is come to bed.
The party of "diversity" voted for an old, senile, inside the beltway, hair-sniffing, white guy over minority candidates in their party. Democrats even voted for an old, communist, white man before voting for their minority candidates. Democrats do nothing but pay lip-service to minorities and victims of sexual abuse to gain votes.

Dems make complete fools of themselves over and over again..do they not realize that..are they so shameless that it simply doesn’t matter anymore?
How ANYBODY even half sane continues to take them seriously is well beyond me.
I’m guessing her #Metoo cause is still paramount?
Has the media covered the story at all? Here in North Mexico, no news agency will dare report on it.
Are the allegations being swept under the rug due to the potential ramifications related to an election? Are #MeToo’ers only concerned for victims of assault when the perpetrator is Republican?
She will never talk about Biden's accuser and the accusations, because she is a typical lying party hack, who isn't in it for the truth, but to advance a party ideology. That is why she is a hypocritical bitch, there is nothing going on rationally in that brainwashed skull of hers.

She will support Biden because he is a democrat, nothing more, even when the man is well documented as suffering from Dementia, and for invading women's and girls personal space in outrageous manner. She will never acknowledge it because she is a party/ideological hack.

She was so sure Kavanaugh was guilty without a shred of evidence, while she will overlook Biden's well known misbehaving sexually based behavioral pattern around women and girls in public, right out there in public! in full view of leftist hacks like Milano, who doesn't give a shit.

She is scum.
What happened to all the #MeToo’ers on this site?
Are you really going to just dismiss the allegations and refuse to “BELIEVE SURVIVORS”?

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