Harvard, America's Preminent Black University, Offering Seminars to Indocrinate Public School Teachers


May 23, 2014
America's preminent black university is offering seminars on indoctrinating public school teachers into teaching the false doctrine of critical race theory. Marxism now going after our children accompanied by a once prestigious university. Remember last year when Harvard was bragging about how they had more minority students than White students? Why was that important for them and are the most qualified getting accepted.
Heil the 4th Reich.jpg

Unless Trump gets moving on his "storm" that he's promised us for years now, we are all going to be "indoctrinated" or shoved into "recruitment camps".......

America's preminent black university is offering seminars on indoctrinating public school teachers into teaching the false doctrine of critical race theory. Marxism now going after our children accompanied by a once prestigious university. Remember last year when Harvard was bragging about how they had more minority students than White students? Why was that important for them and are the most qualified getting accepted.
stalin and mao and other mass murderers are so happy despite roasting in hell fire for decades now
Does EVERY thread have to devolve into little boys like these ^^^^^ overcompensating for their microdicks?
Are you people really worried about this? It hasn't happened and never will. It's time to give your brain a break.
In actual news, students for fair admissions is requesting the supreme court review the findings of two lower courts which rejected SFF A’s suit against Harvard alleging racial discrimination in admissions. It is hoped that the high court will review these decisions and re-introduce some sanity into the process.

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