HAPPY THANKSGIVING: US Jobless Claims Fall As Record Run Persists...


Gold Member
Dec 10, 2016
Happy Bleepin Thanksgivin y'all! Thank you President Trump!:dance:

New claims for US jobless benefits fell in mid-November, confirming the strength of American labor markets and continuing a record streak of low levels, official data showed Wednesday.

The result suggested November could see continued strong job creation as employment recovers from hurricane-related disruptions at the end of the summer.

Data were collected during the survey week for the Labor Department's monthly jobs report.

For the week ending November 18, new claims for unemployment insurance dropped by 13,000 to 239,000, matching analyst expectations...

US jobless claims fall as record run persists

The less volatile four-week average rose slightly to 239,75
That's right President Trump. You killin it, son! :dance:

it has nothing to do with Donald, idiota... he hasn't done anything. this is still barack Obama's economy. and for the record, loony toon, this is holiday time and employment numbers always get better because people hire for jobs through the new year.

but you're so funny I just want to pinch your little trump sucking cheek.
That's right President Trump. You killin it, son! :dance:

it has nothing to do with Donald, idiota... he hasn't done anything. this is still barack Obama's economy. and for the record, loony toon, this is holiday time and employment numbers always get better because people hire for jobs through the new year.

but you're so funny I just want to pinch your little trump sucking cheek.

Aw, Trump's spectacular Economy makin ya cranky? I think someone needs a diaper change and a nap. :crybaby:
It's nice to see the momentum is continuing.

There was a time when the same psuedocons bragging about the employment rate today were pissing all over it when the black guy was in office.

It's nice to see the momentum is continuing.

There was a time when the same psuedocons bragging about the employment rate today were pissing all over it when the black guy was in office.


More loony butthurt TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome). Y'all crazy as hell. :cuckoo:
Trump claimed real unemployment was 42%. Then it magically went away on January 20. :lol:

And the tards go along with it. Like good little Orwellian amnesiac proles.

"We have always been at war with eastasia."
Trump claimed real unemployment was 42%. Then it magically went away on January 20. :lol:

And the tards go along with it. Like good little Orwellian amnesiac proles.

"We have always been at war with eastasia."

Aw, quit spewing the butthurt gibberish. Just have a great Thanksgiving and remember to thank your President too. Dude's killin it, son. :dance:
The Dow rose 300 percent under Obama. It has not been rising any faster under Trump than it did under Obama.

Trump is coasting on momentum. He better get busy.
The Dow rose 300 percent under Obama. It has not been rising any faster under Trump than it did under Obama.

Trump is coasting on momentum. He better get busy.

Aw, poor baby. So much whining. Time to see if Mommy can find your binky and bottle. :crybaby:
Obama 's economy-destroying ass will take credit for this. For the next 10 years, that communist motherfucker and his useful idiot bragade will crow about how goose-stepping commie/socilaist policies saved our economy.


God, I am so glad that fucking America-hating, racist, commie asshole is out of the white house. America learned its lesson.
The Dow rose 300 percent under Obama. It has not been rising any faster under Trump than it did under Obama.

Trump is coasting on momentum. He better get busy.

Aw, poor baby. So much whining. Time to see if Mommy can find your binky and bottle. :crybaby:
I am just pointing out some very uncomfortable facts to you, hypocrite.
Obama 's economy-destroying ass will take credit for this. For the next 10 years, that communist motherfucker and his useful idiot bragade will crow about how goose-stepping commie/socilaist policies saved our economy.


God, I am so glad that fucking America-hating, racist, commie asshole is out of the white house. America learned its lesson.

It is refreshing having a President who cares about America and its Citizens. Hussein was an Anti-American Globalist. He refused to put American Citizens' interests first. Trump vowed he would, and he's delivering. Good on em. :thup:
The Dow rose 300 percent under Obama. It has not been rising any faster under Trump than it did under Obama.

Trump is coasting on momentum. He better get busy.

Aw, poor baby. So much whining. Time to see if Mommy can find your binky and bottle. :crybaby:
I am just pointing out some very uncomfortable facts to you, hypocrite.

Time for a nap, kid. You tired & cranky. :)
That's right President Trump. You killin it, son! :dance:

it has nothing to do with Donald, idiota... he hasn't done anything. this is still barack Obama's economy. and for the record, loony toon, this is holiday time and employment numbers always get better because people hire for jobs through the new year.

but you're so funny I just want to pinch your little trump sucking cheek.

You mean like "You didn't do that. Someone else made that happen"?
That's right President Trump. You killin it, son! :dance:

it has nothing to do with Donald, idiota... he hasn't done anything. this is still barack Obama's economy. and for the record, loony toon, this is holiday time and employment numbers always get better because people hire for jobs through the new year.

but you're so funny I just want to pinch your little trump sucking cheek.

You mean like "You didn't do that. Someone else made that happen"?

Wow, the white guy's really making the black guy look bad. Trump knows what he's doing, Obama didn't.
Wow, the white guy's really making the black guy look bad. Trump knows what he's doing, Obama didn't.
Let me know when the Dow has climbed 300 percent under Trump as it did under Obama.
Exactly what is this "record run" referred to in the topic title?

Go take a nap, kid. You're very tired & cranky. Trump's spectacular Economy has got ya down. You crazed with the butthurt. :cuckoo:
That's right President Trump. You killin it, son! :dance:

it has nothing to do with Donald, idiota... he hasn't done anything. this is still barack Obama's economy. and for the record, loony toon, this is holiday time and employment numbers always get better because people hire for jobs through the new year.

but you're so funny I just want to pinch your little trump sucking cheek.

You mean like "You didn't do that. Someone else made that happen"?

ok, what did the orange loon do to make the economy better?

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