Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!


Platinum Member
Mar 1, 2009
Morning. Happy St. Patrick's Day.

A true Irishman considers a bore to be someone who keeps constantly interrupting.

A true Irishman considers anyone who won't come around to his point of view to be hopelessly stubborn.

(Aha! Now I know where I got that trait!)

A true Irishman has so much respect for the truth that he uses it only in emergencies.
Brian O’Connell drives a double-decker bus through the streets of Dublin. One day a very drunk Timothy Fogarty climbed aboard Brian's bus taking a seat on the bottom deck near Brian. As you may or may not know, Brian is required not to allow any drunks onto his bus, but today he was rather light-hearted so he decided to let the inebriated Fogarty remain on board.

As is his wont when he has had a few Timothy began talking a mean streak, which made Brian suggest that Timothy should sit on the upper deck.

“The air up there is clean and fresh, and you will get a much improved view,” encouraged Brian.

Fogarty agreed and stumbled his way up top. However, he returned in only a few minutes.

“What's wrong?” Brian asked. “Didn't you like it better up there?”

Timothy replied, “It's okay. But it's too dangerous.”

“Too dangerous?” queried Brian. “How is that?”

“There's no driver,” answered Fogarty.

At the very next stop two more drunks climbed on board the bus. The first drunk was Bill O‘Brien and the second was Tommy Lynch. Bill asked driver O‘Connell, “Will this bus take me to 35th Avenue?”

“No, it won't,” answered Brian.

After a short pause, Tommy Lynch asked, “What about me?”
Top O' the mornin' to all you USMB members! And a Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

May there always be work for your hands to do,
May your purse always hold a coin or two,
May the sun always shine on your windowpane,
May a rainbow be certain to follow each rain,
May the hands of a friend always be near you,
May god fill your heart with gladness to cheer you.

A toast ... to all of you ...

May you live as long as you want, and never want as long as you live.

side note .... I like your new avi!
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