Happy Leap Day and Happy Leap Year!!!

james bond

Gold Member
Oct 17, 2015
This is the leap year Donald J. Trump could get voted in again for another grand four years and the continue MAGA.

"Feb. 29 usually arrives every four years, when an extra day is inserted into our calendar to keep our days synchronized with the solar year. The day is needed because it takes Earth 365.24 days to complete its annual journey around the sun. Those extra hours add up to an extra day of the year every four years.

Leap years were first added to the calendar we still use today in 46 B.C. during the reign of Roman Emperor Julius Caesar, who didn’t have to worry about elections, primaries, or raising money for TV ads."

I hope you have something to leap about and still be able to land gentle enough without aches and pains. Yahoo!!!

Paul Batura: Happy leap day – go take a leap that could change your life

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