H.R. 127 - The End of our Second Amendment?


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2018
The Full Moon
The Bill:

Text - H.R.127 - 117th Congress (2021-2022): Sabika Sheikh Firearm Licensing and Registration Act

Articles/Information about the Bill:

Sabika Sheikh Firearm Licensing and Registration Act (H.R. 127)

FightHR127.com: Stop HR 127 - Gun Licensing, Registration & Partial Ammo Ban

Pro Gun Group Says H.R. 127 Gun Control Bill Is 'Insanity on Steroids'

Congressional Bill H.R. 127- To Provide for the Licensing of Firearms and Ammunition - FosterFollyNews.com

Videos about the Bill:

OP Commentary:

Eleven or so miles as the crow flies from where I sit typing out this post criminal maniacs are "quaking" it up on the streets of Charm city free of any federal, state or local laws prohibiting them from murdering each other and innocent bystanders with every modern firearm imaginable, from handguns and submachine guns to semi and fully automatic rifles and carbines. Every single day I open up my Windows 10 news feed and find there, glaring back at me, new reports of killings down in beautiful old Baltimore—often within mere blocks of such bastions of civilization as Johns Hopkins University campus and the Inner Harbor, a world renowned tourist attraction. The factual truth is no level of government imposed "gun control" will ever stop or even slow down the Baltimore murder rate or number of daily shootings.

Despite the above undeniable reality, people like myself—veterans, former law enforcement and otherwise upstanding, law abiding citizens must jump through nearly impassable bureaucratic red tape hoops in order to simply transport our legally owned firearms to our local ranges in order to use them. And that's the sad state of affairs here in Maryland even before H.R. 127 makes its way through our Congress to President Biden's Resolute Desk. As it stands criminal maniacs, such as those daily murdering Americans on the streets of every major U.S. City, already are empowered with greater Second Amendment rights than American citizens who have never broken gun laws. With the introduction and likely passage of H.R. 127, We The People will have next to no legal ability to own firearms and/or use them to defend ourselves, our communities or our families.

The situation seems ultra clear, both from a gun owner's viewpoint and any American Citizen possessed of the capability for basic reasoning. Criminal maniacs—drug dealers, human traffickers, narco-terrorists, gangbangers and other human scum—will all have the protection of our federal government to carry on with their rampant destruction of human life with any firearm they choose to steal and shoot, whilst Americans who have always abided by our civilization's rule of law will be taxed and punished out of our Second Amendment right for the "crime" of merely wanting to own, oh no, a gun.

H.R. 127 is a clear and overt effort by our federal lawmakers to disarm, catalogue and demonize all law abiding American gun owners, from generational hunters to target shooters and even the little old lady who lives alone in the ghetto and seeks a gun for protection. H.R. 127 is a direct attack on all decent American Citizens and another front opened in our government's war against We The People.
The Bill:

Text - H.R.127 - 117th Congress (2021-2022): Sabika Sheikh Firearm Licensing and Registration Act

Articles/Information about the Bill:

Sabika Sheikh Firearm Licensing and Registration Act (H.R. 127)

FightHR127.com: Stop HR 127 - Gun Licensing, Registration & Partial Ammo Ban

Pro Gun Group Says H.R. 127 Gun Control Bill Is 'Insanity on Steroids'

Congressional Bill H.R. 127- To Provide for the Licensing of Firearms and Ammunition - FosterFollyNews.com

Videos about the Bill:

OP Commentary:

Eleven or so miles as the crow flies from where I sit typing out this post criminal maniacs are "quaking" it up on the streets of Charm city free of any federal, state or local laws prohibiting them from murdering each other and innocent bystanders with every modern firearm imaginable, from handguns and submachine guns to semi and fully automatic rifles and carbines. Every single day I open up my Windows 10 news feed and find there, glaring back at me, new reports of killings down in beautiful old Baltimore—often within mere blocks of such bastions of civilization as Johns Hopkins University campus and the Inner Harbor, a world renowned tourist attraction. The factual truth is no level of government imposed "gun control" will ever stop or even slow down the Baltimore murder rate or number of daily shootings.

Despite the above undeniable reality, people like myself—veterans, former law enforcement and otherwise upstanding, law abiding citizens must jump through nearly impassable bureaucratic red tape hoops in order to simply transport our legally owned firearms to our local ranges in order to use them. And that's the sad state of affairs here in Maryland even before H.R. 127 makes its way through our Congress to President Biden's Resolute Desk. As it stands criminal maniacs, such as those daily murdering Americans on the streets of every major U.S. City, already are empowered with greater Second Amendment rights than American citizens who have never broken gun laws. With the introduction and likely passage of H.R. 127, We The People will have next to no legal ability to own firearms and/or use them to defend ourselves, our communities or our families.

The situation seems ultra clear, both from a gun owner's viewpoint and any American Citizen possessed of the capability for basic reasoning. Criminal maniacs—drug dealers, human traffickers, narco-terrorists, gangbangers and other human scum—will all have the protection of our federal government to carry on with their rampant destruction of human life with any firearm they choose to steal and shoot, whilst Americans who have always abided by our civilization's rule of law will be taxed and punished out of our Second Amendment right for the "crime" of merely wanting to own, oh no, a gun.

H.R. 127 is a clear and overt effort by our federal lawmakers to disarm, catalogue and demonize all law abiding American gun owners, from generational hunters to target shooters and even the little old lady who lives alone in the ghetto and seeks a gun for protection. H.R. 127 is a direct attack on all decent American Citizens and another front opened in our government's war against We The People.

What if the state, like Florida decides not to enforce the HR and turns the state into a legal gun owners sanctuary? Will the Progs have the nerve to declare war against one of its own states?
The Bill:

Text - H.R.127 - 117th Congress (2021-2022): Sabika Sheikh Firearm Licensing and Registration Act

Articles/Information about the Bill:

Sabika Sheikh Firearm Licensing and Registration Act (H.R. 127)

FightHR127.com: Stop HR 127 - Gun Licensing, Registration & Partial Ammo Ban

Pro Gun Group Says H.R. 127 Gun Control Bill Is 'Insanity on Steroids'

Congressional Bill H.R. 127- To Provide for the Licensing of Firearms and Ammunition - FosterFollyNews.com

Videos about the Bill:

OP Commentary:

Eleven or so miles as the crow flies from where I sit typing out this post criminal maniacs are "quaking" it up on the streets of Charm city free of any federal, state or local laws prohibiting them from murdering each other and innocent bystanders with every modern firearm imaginable, from handguns and submachine guns to semi and fully automatic rifles and carbines. Every single day I open up my Windows 10 news feed and find there, glaring back at me, new reports of killings down in beautiful old Baltimore—often within mere blocks of such bastions of civilization as Johns Hopkins University campus and the Inner Harbor, a world renowned tourist attraction. The factual truth is no level of government imposed "gun control" will ever stop or even slow down the Baltimore murder rate or number of daily shootings.

Despite the above undeniable reality, people like myself—veterans, former law enforcement and otherwise upstanding, law abiding citizens must jump through nearly impassable bureaucratic red tape hoops in order to simply transport our legally owned firearms to our local ranges in order to use them. And that's the sad state of affairs here in Maryland even before H.R. 127 makes its way through our Congress to President Biden's Resolute Desk. As it stands criminal maniacs, such as those daily murdering Americans on the streets of every major U.S. City, already are empowered with greater Second Amendment rights than American citizens who have never broken gun laws. With the introduction and likely passage of H.R. 127, We The People will have next to no legal ability to own firearms and/or use them to defend ourselves, our communities or our families.

The situation seems ultra clear, both from a gun owner's viewpoint and any American Citizen possessed of the capability for basic reasoning. Criminal maniacs—drug dealers, human traffickers, narco-terrorists, gangbangers and other human scum—will all have the protection of our federal government to carry on with their rampant destruction of human life with any firearm they choose to steal and shoot, whilst Americans who have always abided by our civilization's rule of law will be taxed and punished out of our Second Amendment right for the "crime" of merely wanting to own, oh no, a gun.

H.R. 127 is a clear and overt effort by our federal lawmakers to disarm, catalogue and demonize all law abiding American gun owners, from generational hunters to target shooters and even the little old lady who lives alone in the ghetto and seeks a gun for protection. H.R. 127 is a direct attack on all decent American Citizens and another front opened in our government's war against We The People.

No, it's the start of more rightwing lies and fearmongering.

This measure is introduced at every session with zero chance of passing.

There are no co-sponsors, it likely won’t even be assigned to a committee, and if it is, it won’t even make it to a floor vote.

The Second Amendment is fine, it’s not going anywhere.

That’s not the case for the reprehensible right, however; conservatives are just as corrupt and dishonest as they’ve always been.
The Bill:

Text - H.R.127 - 117th Congress (2021-2022): Sabika Sheikh Firearm Licensing and Registration Act

Articles/Information about the Bill:

Sabika Sheikh Firearm Licensing and Registration Act (H.R. 127)

FightHR127.com: Stop HR 127 - Gun Licensing, Registration & Partial Ammo Ban

Pro Gun Group Says H.R. 127 Gun Control Bill Is 'Insanity on Steroids'

Congressional Bill H.R. 127- To Provide for the Licensing of Firearms and Ammunition - FosterFollyNews.com

Videos about the Bill:

OP Commentary:

Eleven or so miles as the crow flies from where I sit typing out this post criminal maniacs are "quaking" it up on the streets of Charm city free of any federal, state or local laws prohibiting them from murdering each other and innocent bystanders with every modern firearm imaginable, from handguns and submachine guns to semi and fully automatic rifles and carbines. Every single day I open up my Windows 10 news feed and find there, glaring back at me, new reports of killings down in beautiful old Baltimore—often within mere blocks of such bastions of civilization as Johns Hopkins University campus and the Inner Harbor, a world renowned tourist attraction. The factual truth is no level of government imposed "gun control" will ever stop or even slow down the Baltimore murder rate or number of daily shootings.

Despite the above undeniable reality, people like myself—veterans, former law enforcement and otherwise upstanding, law abiding citizens must jump through nearly impassable bureaucratic red tape hoops in order to simply transport our legally owned firearms to our local ranges in order to use them. And that's the sad state of affairs here in Maryland even before H.R. 127 makes its way through our Congress to President Biden's Resolute Desk. As it stands criminal maniacs, such as those daily murdering Americans on the streets of every major U.S. City, already are empowered with greater Second Amendment rights than American citizens who have never broken gun laws. With the introduction and likely passage of H.R. 127, We The People will have next to no legal ability to own firearms and/or use them to defend ourselves, our communities or our families.

The situation seems ultra clear, both from a gun owner's viewpoint and any American Citizen possessed of the capability for basic reasoning. Criminal maniacs—drug dealers, human traffickers, narco-terrorists, gangbangers and other human scum—will all have the protection of our federal government to carry on with their rampant destruction of human life with any firearm they choose to steal and shoot, whilst Americans who have always abided by our civilization's rule of law will be taxed and punished out of our Second Amendment right for the "crime" of merely wanting to own, oh no, a gun.

H.R. 127 is a clear and overt effort by our federal lawmakers to disarm, catalogue and demonize all law abiding American gun owners, from generational hunters to target shooters and even the little old lady who lives alone in the ghetto and seeks a gun for protection. H.R. 127 is a direct attack on all decent American Citizens and another front opened in our government's war against We The People.

What if the state, like Florida decides not to enforce the HR and turns the state into a legal gun owners sanctuary? Will the Progs have the nerve to declare war against one of its own states?

Idiotic question.

This isn’t going to happen because this is feel-good, window dressing ‘legislation.’

It will never pass – but that won’t keep the dishonest right from lying that it will.
The Bill:

Text - H.R.127 - 117th Congress (2021-2022): Sabika Sheikh Firearm Licensing and Registration Act

Articles/Information about the Bill:

Sabika Sheikh Firearm Licensing and Registration Act (H.R. 127)

FightHR127.com: Stop HR 127 - Gun Licensing, Registration & Partial Ammo Ban

Pro Gun Group Says H.R. 127 Gun Control Bill Is 'Insanity on Steroids'

Congressional Bill H.R. 127- To Provide for the Licensing of Firearms and Ammunition - FosterFollyNews.com

Videos about the Bill:

OP Commentary:

Eleven or so miles as the crow flies from where I sit typing out this post criminal maniacs are "quaking" it up on the streets of Charm city free of any federal, state or local laws prohibiting them from murdering each other and innocent bystanders with every modern firearm imaginable, from handguns and submachine guns to semi and fully automatic rifles and carbines. Every single day I open up my Windows 10 news feed and find there, glaring back at me, new reports of killings down in beautiful old Baltimore—often within mere blocks of such bastions of civilization as Johns Hopkins University campus and the Inner Harbor, a world renowned tourist attraction. The factual truth is no level of government imposed "gun control" will ever stop or even slow down the Baltimore murder rate or number of daily shootings.

Despite the above undeniable reality, people like myself—veterans, former law enforcement and otherwise upstanding, law abiding citizens must jump through nearly impassable bureaucratic red tape hoops in order to simply transport our legally owned firearms to our local ranges in order to use them. And that's the sad state of affairs here in Maryland even before H.R. 127 makes its way through our Congress to President Biden's Resolute Desk. As it stands criminal maniacs, such as those daily murdering Americans on the streets of every major U.S. City, already are empowered with greater Second Amendment rights than American citizens who have never broken gun laws. With the introduction and likely passage of H.R. 127, We The People will have next to no legal ability to own firearms and/or use them to defend ourselves, our communities or our families.

The situation seems ultra clear, both from a gun owner's viewpoint and any American Citizen possessed of the capability for basic reasoning. Criminal maniacs—drug dealers, human traffickers, narco-terrorists, gangbangers and other human scum—will all have the protection of our federal government to carry on with their rampant destruction of human life with any firearm they choose to steal and shoot, whilst Americans who have always abided by our civilization's rule of law will be taxed and punished out of our Second Amendment right for the "crime" of merely wanting to own, oh no, a gun.

H.R. 127 is a clear and overt effort by our federal lawmakers to disarm, catalogue and demonize all law abiding American gun owners, from generational hunters to target shooters and even the little old lady who lives alone in the ghetto and seeks a gun for protection. H.R. 127 is a direct attack on all decent American Citizens and another front opened in our government's war against We The People.

This thing is D.O.A. Probably fulfilling a campaign promise. It will not receive significant support from the democrats.
H.R. 127 is a clear and overt effort by our federal lawmakers to disarm, catalogue and demonize all law abiding American gun owners, from generational hunters to target shooters and even the little old lady who lives alone in the ghetto and seeks a gun for protection. H.R. 127 is a direct attack on all decent American Citizens and another front opened in our government's war against We The People.

In my opinion, this Act would never have been necessary if gun lovers could be trusted with their guns to begin with. Right wingers cannot keep blaming the black market or only criminals having guns for the security problems we have seen even recently. All the unorganized militia keeps proving is that they are worthless to the security of our free States.

We have a Second Amendment and should have no security problems in our free States.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Don't grab guns, grab gun lovers and Regulate them Well!

States have a right to their own security and to organize their own militias.

Why do gun lovers object to becoming organized and more useful as State Guard (militia) or State National Guard (militia)? Well regulated militia of the United States have literal recourse to our Second Amendment and have no need to complain about gun control laws meant for the unorganized militia as individual persons that are subject to the police power of their State.

Subject only to the police power, the right of the individual citizen to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. (Illinois State Constitution)

Right wingers seem disingenuous when complaining about gun control laws meant for unorganized militia as individual citizens (persons) in any of our free States.
The Bill:

Text - H.R.127 - 117th Congress (2021-2022): Sabika Sheikh Firearm Licensing and Registration Act

Articles/Information about the Bill:

Sabika Sheikh Firearm Licensing and Registration Act (H.R. 127)

FightHR127.com: Stop HR 127 - Gun Licensing, Registration & Partial Ammo Ban

Pro Gun Group Says H.R. 127 Gun Control Bill Is 'Insanity on Steroids'

Congressional Bill H.R. 127- To Provide for the Licensing of Firearms and Ammunition - FosterFollyNews.com

Videos about the Bill:

OP Commentary:

Eleven or so miles as the crow flies from where I sit typing out this post criminal maniacs are "quaking" it up on the streets of Charm city free of any federal, state or local laws prohibiting them from murdering each other and innocent bystanders with every modern firearm imaginable, from handguns and submachine guns to semi and fully automatic rifles and carbines. Every single day I open up my Windows 10 news feed and find there, glaring back at me, new reports of killings down in beautiful old Baltimore—often within mere blocks of such bastions of civilization as Johns Hopkins University campus and the Inner Harbor, a world renowned tourist attraction. The factual truth is no level of government imposed "gun control" will ever stop or even slow down the Baltimore murder rate or number of daily shootings.

Despite the above undeniable reality, people like myself—veterans, former law enforcement and otherwise upstanding, law abiding citizens must jump through nearly impassable bureaucratic red tape hoops in order to simply transport our legally owned firearms to our local ranges in order to use them. And that's the sad state of affairs here in Maryland even before H.R. 127 makes its way through our Congress to President Biden's Resolute Desk. As it stands criminal maniacs, such as those daily murdering Americans on the streets of every major U.S. City, already are empowered with greater Second Amendment rights than American citizens who have never broken gun laws. With the introduction and likely passage of H.R. 127, We The People will have next to no legal ability to own firearms and/or use them to defend ourselves, our communities or our families.

The situation seems ultra clear, both from a gun owner's viewpoint and any American Citizen possessed of the capability for basic reasoning. Criminal maniacs—drug dealers, human traffickers, narco-terrorists, gangbangers and other human scum—will all have the protection of our federal government to carry on with their rampant destruction of human life with any firearm they choose to steal and shoot, whilst Americans who have always abided by our civilization's rule of law will be taxed and punished out of our Second Amendment right for the "crime" of merely wanting to own, oh no, a gun.

H.R. 127 is a clear and overt effort by our federal lawmakers to disarm, catalogue and demonize all law abiding American gun owners, from generational hunters to target shooters and even the little old lady who lives alone in the ghetto and seeks a gun for protection. H.R. 127 is a direct attack on all decent American Citizens and another front opened in our government's war against We The People.

I have another question about HR 127. If you dont do as the bill suggest, how will the government know what you have in your house? Will they dare to go against the 4th amendment on their way to eliminate the 2nd amendment? Of course does this also apply to "blackie" who picks up the illegal guns of the inner city, or will they be rewarded with free bail and put back on the streets as we keep seeing over and over?
The Bill:

Text - H.R.127 - 117th Congress (2021-2022): Sabika Sheikh Firearm Licensing and Registration Act

Articles/Information about the Bill:

Sabika Sheikh Firearm Licensing and Registration Act (H.R. 127)

FightHR127.com: Stop HR 127 - Gun Licensing, Registration & Partial Ammo Ban

Pro Gun Group Says H.R. 127 Gun Control Bill Is 'Insanity on Steroids'

Congressional Bill H.R. 127- To Provide for the Licensing of Firearms and Ammunition - FosterFollyNews.com

Videos about the Bill:

OP Commentary:

Eleven or so miles as the crow flies from where I sit typing out this post criminal maniacs are "quaking" it up on the streets of Charm city free of any federal, state or local laws prohibiting them from murdering each other and innocent bystanders with every modern firearm imaginable, from handguns and submachine guns to semi and fully automatic rifles and carbines. Every single day I open up my Windows 10 news feed and find there, glaring back at me, new reports of killings down in beautiful old Baltimore—often within mere blocks of such bastions of civilization as Johns Hopkins University campus and the Inner Harbor, a world renowned tourist attraction. The factual truth is no level of government imposed "gun control" will ever stop or even slow down the Baltimore murder rate or number of daily shootings.

Despite the above undeniable reality, people like myself—veterans, former law enforcement and otherwise upstanding, law abiding citizens must jump through nearly impassable bureaucratic red tape hoops in order to simply transport our legally owned firearms to our local ranges in order to use them. And that's the sad state of affairs here in Maryland even before H.R. 127 makes its way through our Congress to President Biden's Resolute Desk. As it stands criminal maniacs, such as those daily murdering Americans on the streets of every major U.S. City, already are empowered with greater Second Amendment rights than American citizens who have never broken gun laws. With the introduction and likely passage of H.R. 127, We The People will have next to no legal ability to own firearms and/or use them to defend ourselves, our communities or our families.

The situation seems ultra clear, both from a gun owner's viewpoint and any American Citizen possessed of the capability for basic reasoning. Criminal maniacs—drug dealers, human traffickers, narco-terrorists, gangbangers and other human scum—will all have the protection of our federal government to carry on with their rampant destruction of human life with any firearm they choose to steal and shoot, whilst Americans who have always abided by our civilization's rule of law will be taxed and punished out of our Second Amendment right for the "crime" of merely wanting to own, oh no, a gun.

H.R. 127 is a clear and overt effort by our federal lawmakers to disarm, catalogue and demonize all law abiding American gun owners, from generational hunters to target shooters and even the little old lady who lives alone in the ghetto and seeks a gun for protection. H.R. 127 is a direct attack on all decent American Citizens and another front opened in our government's war against We The People.

No, it's the start of more rightwing lies and fearmongering.

This measure is introduced at every session with zero chance of passing.

There are no co-sponsors, it likely won’t even be assigned to a committee, and if it is, it won’t even make it to a floor vote.

The Second Amendment is fine, it’s not going anywhere.

That’s not the case for the reprehensible right, however; conservatives are just as corrupt and dishonest as they’ve always been.

After we have seen the last several years by Progressive Socialist Insurrectionists...you gotta be kidding.
The Bill:

Text - H.R.127 - 117th Congress (2021-2022): Sabika Sheikh Firearm Licensing and Registration Act

Articles/Information about the Bill:

Sabika Sheikh Firearm Licensing and Registration Act (H.R. 127)

FightHR127.com: Stop HR 127 - Gun Licensing, Registration & Partial Ammo Ban

Pro Gun Group Says H.R. 127 Gun Control Bill Is 'Insanity on Steroids'

Congressional Bill H.R. 127- To Provide for the Licensing of Firearms and Ammunition - FosterFollyNews.com

Videos about the Bill:

OP Commentary:

Eleven or so miles as the crow flies from where I sit typing out this post criminal maniacs are "quaking" it up on the streets of Charm city free of any federal, state or local laws prohibiting them from murdering each other and innocent bystanders with every modern firearm imaginable, from handguns and submachine guns to semi and fully automatic rifles and carbines. Every single day I open up my Windows 10 news feed and find there, glaring back at me, new reports of killings down in beautiful old Baltimore—often within mere blocks of such bastions of civilization as Johns Hopkins University campus and the Inner Harbor, a world renowned tourist attraction. The factual truth is no level of government imposed "gun control" will ever stop or even slow down the Baltimore murder rate or number of daily shootings.

Despite the above undeniable reality, people like myself—veterans, former law enforcement and otherwise upstanding, law abiding citizens must jump through nearly impassable bureaucratic red tape hoops in order to simply transport our legally owned firearms to our local ranges in order to use them. And that's the sad state of affairs here in Maryland even before H.R. 127 makes its way through our Congress to President Biden's Resolute Desk. As it stands criminal maniacs, such as those daily murdering Americans on the streets of every major U.S. City, already are empowered with greater Second Amendment rights than American citizens who have never broken gun laws. With the introduction and likely passage of H.R. 127, We The People will have next to no legal ability to own firearms and/or use them to defend ourselves, our communities or our families.

The situation seems ultra clear, both from a gun owner's viewpoint and any American Citizen possessed of the capability for basic reasoning. Criminal maniacs—drug dealers, human traffickers, narco-terrorists, gangbangers and other human scum—will all have the protection of our federal government to carry on with their rampant destruction of human life with any firearm they choose to steal and shoot, whilst Americans who have always abided by our civilization's rule of law will be taxed and punished out of our Second Amendment right for the "crime" of merely wanting to own, oh no, a gun.

H.R. 127 is a clear and overt effort by our federal lawmakers to disarm, catalogue and demonize all law abiding American gun owners, from generational hunters to target shooters and even the little old lady who lives alone in the ghetto and seeks a gun for protection. H.R. 127 is a direct attack on all decent American Citizens and another front opened in our government's war against We The People.

Sure as hell sounds like some American hating scumbags are trying ton infringe . When the facts sat the founders said : "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED" . Our god giver rights ! Wow , democrats sure are dumb!
Sure as hell sounds like some American hating scumbags are trying ton infringe . When the facts sat the founders said : "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED" . Our god giver rights ! Wow , democrats sure are dumb!
That only applies to the organized, well regulated militias of the United States when keeping and bearing Arms for the security needs of their State or the Union.
H.R. 127 is a clear and overt effort by our federal lawmakers to disarm, catalogue and demonize all law abiding American gun owners, from generational hunters to target shooters and even the little old lady who lives alone in the ghetto and seeks a gun for protection. H.R. 127 is a direct attack on all decent American Citizens and another front opened in our government's war against We The People.

In my opinion, this Act would never have been necessary if gun lovers could be trusted with their guns to begin with. Right wingers cannot keep blaming the black market or only criminals having guns for the security problems we have seen even recently. All the unorganized militia keeps proving is that they are worthless to the security of our free States.

We have a Second Amendment and should have no security problems in our free States.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Don't grab guns, grab gun lovers and Regulate them Well!

States have a right to their own security and to organize their own militias.

Why do gun lovers object to becoming organized and more useful as State Guard (militia) or State National Guard (militia)? Well regulated militia of the United States have literal recourse to our Second Amendment and have no need to complain about gun control laws meant for the unorganized militia as individual persons that are subject to the police power of their State.

Subject only to the police power, the right of the individual citizen to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. (Illinois State Constitution)

Right wingers seem disingenuous when complaining about gun control laws meant for unorganized militia as individual citizens (persons) in any of our free States.

I vehemently disagree. We The People both individually and collectively have been endowed with the right, by our Creator, to defend ourselves from the State and its progressive corruption. Your words are highly misleading and misinterpretation of our Founding Father's intent. Your thoroughly wrong interpretation of our Second Amendment would have had the British confiscating firearms from our Revolutionary Founders. Under you misunderstanding America never would have existed.
H.R. 127 is a clear and overt effort by our federal lawmakers to disarm, catalogue and demonize all law abiding American gun owners, from generational hunters to target shooters and even the little old lady who lives alone in the ghetto and seeks a gun for protection. H.R. 127 is a direct attack on all decent American Citizens and another front opened in our government's war against We The People.

In my opinion, this Act would never have been necessary if gun lovers could be trusted with their guns to begin with. Right wingers cannot keep blaming the black market or only criminals having guns for the security problems we have seen even recently. All the unorganized militia keeps proving is that they are worthless to the security of our free States.

We have a Second Amendment and should have no security problems in our free States.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Don't grab guns, grab gun lovers and Regulate them Well!

States have a right to their own security and to organize their own militias.

Why do gun lovers object to becoming organized and more useful as State Guard (militia) or State National Guard (militia)? Well regulated militia of the United States have literal recourse to our Second Amendment and have no need to complain about gun control laws meant for the unorganized militia as individual persons that are subject to the police power of their State.

Subject only to the police power, the right of the individual citizen to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. (Illinois State Constitution)

Right wingers seem disingenuous when complaining about gun control laws meant for unorganized militia as individual citizens (persons) in any of our free States.

I vehemently disagree. We The People both individually and collectively have been endowed with the right, by our Creator, to defend ourselves from the State and its progressive corruption. Your words are highly misleading and misinterpretation of our Founding Father's intent. Your thoroughly wrong interpretation of our Second Amendment would have had the British confiscating firearms from our Revolutionary Founders. Under you misunderstanding America never would have existed.
Our First Amendment is first not second. You already have the natural right to defense of self and property as Individuals.

All people are by nature free and independent and have inalienable rights. Among these are enjoying and defending life and liberty, acquiring, possessing, and protecting property, and pursuing and obtaining safety, happiness, and privacy.[1]

Our Second Amendment is clearly about the security of our free States not any form of Individual right to keep and bear Arms.

The proof is, only well regulated militias of the United States have literal recourse to our Second Amendment when keeping and bearing Arms for the security needs of their State or the Union.
Had Trump won the election it’s only logical to assume....

Trump did win. You mean, "Since the Democrats got their way and installed Biden
Your guy lost the popular vote both times and only won the first time due to the electoral college. Is it any wonder right wingers project their modus operandi and blame the left.
The Bill:

Text - H.R.127 - 117th Congress (2021-2022): Sabika Sheikh Firearm Licensing and Registration Act

Articles/Information about the Bill:

Sabika Sheikh Firearm Licensing and Registration Act (H.R. 127)

FightHR127.com: Stop HR 127 - Gun Licensing, Registration & Partial Ammo Ban

Pro Gun Group Says H.R. 127 Gun Control Bill Is 'Insanity on Steroids'

Congressional Bill H.R. 127- To Provide for the Licensing of Firearms and Ammunition - FosterFollyNews.com

Videos about the Bill:

OP Commentary:

Eleven or so miles as the crow flies from where I sit typing out this post criminal maniacs are "quaking" it up on the streets of Charm city free of any federal, state or local laws prohibiting them from murdering each other and innocent bystanders with every modern firearm imaginable, from handguns and submachine guns to semi and fully automatic rifles and carbines. Every single day I open up my Windows 10 news feed and find there, glaring back at me, new reports of killings down in beautiful old Baltimore—often within mere blocks of such bastions of civilization as Johns Hopkins University campus and the Inner Harbor, a world renowned tourist attraction. The factual truth is no level of government imposed "gun control" will ever stop or even slow down the Baltimore murder rate or number of daily shootings.

Despite the above undeniable reality, people like myself—veterans, former law enforcement and otherwise upstanding, law abiding citizens must jump through nearly impassable bureaucratic red tape hoops in order to simply transport our legally owned firearms to our local ranges in order to use them. And that's the sad state of affairs here in Maryland even before H.R. 127 makes its way through our Congress to President Biden's Resolute Desk. As it stands criminal maniacs, such as those daily murdering Americans on the streets of every major U.S. City, already are empowered with greater Second Amendment rights than American citizens who have never broken gun laws. With the introduction and likely passage of H.R. 127, We The People will have next to no legal ability to own firearms and/or use them to defend ourselves, our communities or our families.

The situation seems ultra clear, both from a gun owner's viewpoint and any American Citizen possessed of the capability for basic reasoning. Criminal maniacs—drug dealers, human traffickers, narco-terrorists, gangbangers and other human scum—will all have the protection of our federal government to carry on with their rampant destruction of human life with any firearm they choose to steal and shoot, whilst Americans who have always abided by our civilization's rule of law will be taxed and punished out of our Second Amendment right for the "crime" of merely wanting to own, oh no, a gun.

H.R. 127 is a clear and overt effort by our federal lawmakers to disarm, catalogue and demonize all law abiding American gun owners, from generational hunters to target shooters and even the little old lady who lives alone in the ghetto and seeks a gun for protection. H.R. 127 is a direct attack on all decent American Citizens and another front opened in our government's war against We The People.

Registering a weapon and ammunition isn't ending the second amendment.

Stop lying.

Every time some weapon safety laws are proposed you stupid people drag out the lies about ending the second amendment.

The only way to end that amendment is for a new one to be written that repeals it and it's voted on by the voting population of our nation.

Stop with the lies. It's so old and ridiculous.

Registering a weapon isn't taking the second amendment away.
There appear to be some who are trying to paint this as hopeless and insignificant, but that isn't the point. The point of anti-American legislation like this is to sound out the limits of the new Congress, and set benchmarks for how far they feel they can go. Of course they'll attempt to sell this horrid nonsense as 'sensible gun control' not the blatant violation of our rights. In a few weeks/months a new bill will be introduced with the most obvious violations removed, but some egregious violations will remain, in an attempt to subvert our rights.
Like the recent elections, the courts will side with the Constitution if this or this type of gun control law is passed.
There appear to be some who are trying to paint this as hopeless and insignificant, but that isn't the point. The point of anti-American legislation like this is to sound out the limits of the new Congress, and set benchmarks for how far they feel they can go. Of course they'll attempt to sell this horrid nonsense as 'sensible gun control' not the blatant violation of our rights. In a few weeks/months a new bill will be introduced with the most obvious violations removed, but some egregious violations will remain, in an attempt to subvert our rights.
Just right wingers trying to change the narrative to their right wing fantasy? If y'all are so worried about your gun rights join the organized militia who have actual and literal recourse to our Second Amendment when keeping and bearing Arms for the security needs of their State or the Union.

We already know the unorganized militia is worthless to the security of our free States.

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