Gun Safety Rules for Alec Baldwin and others who know f-all about guns.

Bootney Lee Farnsworth

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2017
The Thread on Current Events was closed, but I think this warrants discussion.

Let's talk about gun safety rules and why Alec Baldwin committed gross negligence when he shot and killed a member of the filming crew.

The Thread on Current Events was closed, but I think this warrants discussion.

Let's talk about gun safety rules and why Alec Baldwin committed gross negligence when he shot and killed a member of the filming crew.


Best guess? Either Alec Baldwin is king and emperor of fucking stupid, was high/drunk off his ass, or he wanted to kill someone and get away with it. I am waiting for the video to be found/released of the shooting.
The Thread on Current Events was closed, but I think this warrants discussion.

Let's talk about gun safety rules and why Alec Baldwin committed gross negligence when he shot and killed a member of the filming crew.

I can speak on this as a I am fresh due to a gun safety course I just took. Always point in a safe space, loaded or unloaded. That was like the first rule I was taught. I am admittedly a neophyte.
The Thread on Current Events was closed, but I think this warrants discussion.

Let's talk about gun safety rules and why Alec Baldwin committed gross negligence when he shot and killed a member of the filming crew.


Baldwin is an incredibly dangerous combination of violent, arrogant, and stupid. It was only a matter of time until he did something like this. What's truly disgusting is seeing all the lefties defending him because he's the same kind of hatemonger they are.
I can speak on this as a I am fresh due to a gun safety course I just took. Always point in a safe space, loaded or unloaded. That was like the first rule I was taught. I am admittedly a neophyte.

A gun, any gun, is always loaded—even when it isn't. I trust almost no one but myself with firearms handling. Gun safety is also about training, training, training and presence of mind. The more gun safety training one has, the more gun safety becomes muscle memory. Folks who play with live firearms, loaded or not, will eventually either kill or wound themselves or someone else.

Funny story. Some years back I served in the US Army as a UN Peacekeeper with a bunch of Russians. After returning from just about every mission the Russians would unload their rifles by firing them into the ground inside our tent. Other than that small moment of firearms indiscretion the Russians were pretty damn well trustworthy with their weapons. I think they wanted to impress us Americans . . .
Here are some suggestions:

1. NEVER point a gun at anyone
2. Always check your own weapon - don't take someone's word that it isn't loaded
3. Hire only certified weapons handlers - people who have gone through courses on how to handle a gun - to be your armorer
4. Don't use real weapons for movies
5. If you DO use real weapons, do not use live rounds in them (tgt practice then use for filming)
6. Do not have live ammo on or anywhere near the set
7. Make it mandatory for anyone in the cast who will be handing a gun to go through a gun safety course / training before being allowed to handle weapons / prop guns
Here are some suggestions:

1. NEVER point a gun at anyone
2. Always check your own weapon - don't take someone's word that it isn't loaded
3. Hire only certified weapons handlers - people who have gone through courses on how to handle a gun - to be your armorer
4. Don't use real weapons for movies
5. If you DO use real weapons, do not use live rounds in them (tgt practice then use for filming)
6. Do not have live ammo on or anywhere near the set
7. Make it mandatory for anyone in the cast who will be handing a gun to go through a gun safety course / training before being allowed to handle weapons / prop guns
Pretty solid list.

Never allow a liberal /Democrat to have a gun of any kind, even when filming a show / movie

1. Democrats oppose guns
2. Democrats do not believe anyone should have a gun.
3. Democrats prefer a gun-free world
4. Democrats should oppose the glorification of guns in violent movies
5. Democrats should not have guns to prevent them from looking hypocritical

Here are some suggestions:

1. NEVER point a gun at anyone
2. Always check your own weapon - don't take someone's word that it isn't loaded
3. Hire only certified weapons handlers - people who have gone through courses on how to handle a gun - to be your armorer
4. Don't use real weapons for movies
5. If you DO use real weapons, do not use live rounds in them (tgt practice then use for filming)
6. Do not have live ammo on or anywhere near the set
7. Make it mandatory for anyone in the cast who will be handing a gun to go through a gun safety course / training before being allowed to handle weapons / prop guns

Basic NRA safety rules would have prevented this killing. But, again, Alec Baldwin is an arrogant, violent asshole and he's demonized the NRA at every turn.

Fuck him, I hope he goes to prison, and I hope he's sued into the poorhouse by that woman's surviving family.
John Wayne has killed more bad guys with blanks than most actors. Think about how many blanks you've seen fired on the silver screen in your lifetime.

That gun had been used for live target practice earlier. The manslaughter defendant is whoever left that gun on the set.
The Thread on Current Events was closed, but I think this warrants discussion.

Let's talk about gun safety rules and why Alec Baldwin committed gross negligence when he shot and killed a member of the filming crew.

It's too easy to have a misfire or be unsafe with a gun.
What is hard is making sure you never use them in an unsafe manner.

But when you have a job where the NRA is considered to be the enemy....of course they will have accidental shootings.
They think gun owners are they don't respect guns at all.

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