Gun owners assert ultimate goal is to "ban tactical style rifles", Run on AR-15 ammo

Are supporters of Obama's Ammo Grab Enemies of the Constitution?

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Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
We know what you're doing. Fuck you Marxists. Banning ammo and claiming it doesnt' violate the second amendment is like banning ink and paper and claiming it's not an attack on the press.

If you support this, you're an Enemy of the Constitution of the United States.

Obama s AR-15 bullet ban under fire in Congress 4 of 10 oppose

President Obama s administration is proposing a ban on the green tip bullet

OKC Gun Stores See Spike In Ammo Sales After Proposed Federal Ba - - Oklahoma City OK - News Weather Video and Sports

Congressman Obama Using His Pen Phone to Gut 2nd Amendment Alex Jones Infowars There s a war on for your mind

AR-15 Ammo Ban First Step in Outlawing Guns - Tea Party News

Proposal Banning armor piercing bullets for the public

Obama s Stealth AR-15 Gun Ban Targets Ammo No One Can Import Sell or Even Produce It

GOP Rep ATF Can t Prove an M855 Round Has Ever Been Fired at Police from a Handgun

Lawmakers Warn ATF AR-15 Ammo Ban Interferes With 2nd Amendment - Breitbart

Run on AR-15 Ammo Buying Frenzy as Some Fear Total Gun Ban Alex Jones Infowars There s a war on for your mind

AR-15 Bullet Sales Surge After ATF Ban Announcement Alex Jones Infowars There s a war on for your mind

Fearful that this is just the first step towards the eventual goal of banning semi-automatic rifles altogether, gun owners have responded by stockpiling the bullets, which are the cheapest available for AR-15′s, prompting nationwide shortages.

“Oh we sold out of it in two days, every bit of it I had,”said Chuck Scott, owner of the Aiken Gun Rack and Range in Aiken, S.C., adding that the ATF’s proposal had created a a buying frenzy and panic.

Scott noted that the feds were, “banning something that’s going to affect hundreds of thousands of sports shooters, it’s rarely ever used in a crime.”

“Once they get this bullet off the market they’ll go for the next and the next,” remarked Mike Ludwiksowski, a keen hunter.

His sentiments were echoed by another gun owner in Oklahoma, who told News 9, “I think it’s them just trying to do little bits and pieces to get to their ultimate goal to ban tactical style rifles.”

Obama Administration To Ban Common AR-15 Ammo The Daily Caller

100-Plus Lawmakers Sign Letter Opposing AR-15 Ammo Ban GunsAmerica Digest

Backlash AR-15 Ammo Ban First Step in Outlawing Guns Opponents Say

Obama To Ban Popular AR-15 Bullets via Executive Order

Obama To Ban Popular AR-15 Bullets via Executive Order
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The Obama, and all of the other anti-gun loons, would ban 'assault weapons' in a heartbeat, if they had the ability to do so and doing so would not crush them politically.

Apparently their own personal and partisan political power means more to them than the lives of innocent children and police officers.
The Obama, and all of the other anti-gun loons, would ban 'assault weapons' in a heartbeat, if they had the ability to do so and doing so would not crush them politically.

Apparently their own personal and partisan political power means more to them than the lives of innocent children and police officers.

like Romney did ?
The Obama, and all of the other anti-gun loons, would ban 'assault weapons' in a heartbeat, if they had the ability to do so and doing so would not crush them politically.

Apparently their own personal and partisan political power means more to them than the lives of innocent children and police officers.

like Romney did ?

Romney, the Neocon Progressive who wrote Romneycare? He's also an enemy of the Constitution, just like you.
If you can't take their guns, take their ammunition. That's obviously where the Communist in Chief is going on this one. It's shameful.
Was just reading this about the one who loves his country and us so so much HE DICKTATES right over any of our Representation.

The Cartman Presidency: There Is No Check On President Obama

February 27, 2015 By Ben Domenech

The news this morning from the Imperial City: President Obama plans to ban certain bullets by executive action, threatening the top-selling AR-15 rifle:

“As promised, President Obama is using executive actions to impose gun control on the nation, targeting the top-selling rifle in the country, the AR-15 style semi-automatic, with a ban on one of the most-used AR bullets by sportsmen and target shooters. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives this month revealed that it is proposing to put the ban on 5.56 mm ammo on a fast track, immediately driving up the price of the bullets and prompting retailers, including the huge outdoors company Cabela's, to urge sportsmen to urge Congress to stop the president…

The inexpensive 5.56 M855 ammo, commonly called lightgreen tips, have been exempt for years, as have higher-caliber ammunition that also easily pierces the type of soft armor worn by police, because it's mostly used by target shooters, not criminals. The agency proposes to reclassify it as armor-piercing and not exempt.”

Just another day in the Eric Cartman presidency. Practically speaking, today’s Left finally has the situation it wants: a sufficiently progressive president in his second term is, in effect, an unchecked dictator.

The only checks and balances the constitution provides are money, nominations, and impeachment. The political and media climate have removed impeachment as a viable option; nomination disruption is a pathetic response to a president committed to Caesarism – “oh, are you going to block my nominees to DOJ, fine I’ll just ban bullets.” That leaves funding, and Republican leaders have publicly committed themselves not to using that leverage at all.

Barack Obama is basically operating now without any congressional checks and balances whatsoever.

There is the Judiciary and nothing else preventing him from doing anything he wants. And there is no reason to believe he will abide by court rulings. Federal law is such a thicket now, and litigation so complicated, that for every door the Courts choose to close, there are dozens of cracked-open windows the Executive can try to pry open. It’s a game of constitutional whack-a-mole, and by the time the court rulings come down, you have to deal with the consequences of the illegal steps the president has taken in the meantime.

all of it here:
The Cartman Presidency There Is No Check On President Obama
Still trying to propagate this same lie; the OP and most others on the right must not care they're correctly perceived as liars.
You're an enemy of the Constitution.

And you are a crazy conspiracy nut. I'll bet your blood pressure is off the charts with all the stupid things you are afraid of.

You're an Enemy of the Constitution.

You can call me a fluffy bunny if you want to. You are still a crazy conspiracy nut.
Are supporters of Obama's Ammo Grab Enemies of the Constitution?
  1. Yes.
  2. No.

Where's the "Of Course" button?

People trying to interfere with citizens' right to own and carry useful guns (that means loaded ones) are plainly enemies of the Constitutional provision that says they can't.

People who want to spend tax money to pay "only the less wealthy" are enemies of the Constitutional provision that says they can't.

People who want the Fed govt to control and set standards for health care are enemies of the Constitutional provision that says they can't.

People who want the Fed govt to control force people to join retirement programs such as Social Security, are enemies of the Constitutional provision that says they can't.

People who want the government to set Minimum Wages are enemies of the Constitutional provision that says they can't.

In general, people who want to push liberals programs are plainly enemies of the Constitution, which forbids nearly every such program they want. The Constitution is basically conservative document that says the Fed govt can do only certain things - the ones explicitly listed - and is forbidden to do the rest, which only state or lower govts can do.

Those people are also enemies of common sense, since the programs they keep pushing have a nearly 100% record of failure... yet they keep pushing them, thinking THEY can finally make them work.
Still trying to propagate this same lie; the OP and most others on the right must not care they're correctly perceived as liars.
You're an enemy of the Constitution.

And you are a crazy conspiracy nut. I'll bet your blood pressure is off the charts with all the stupid things you are afraid of.

You're an Enemy of the Constitution.

You can call me a fluffy bunny if you want to. You are still a crazy conspiracy nut.

You're an Enemy of the Constitution.
I dont care for the ban on green tip ammo mainly because it has never been a problem in the past,and it's not really the killer it's being portrayed as.
As you can see here.....

These plates by the way are the same material as my gong targets which are 3/8 thick.
You'll have to step up to 30.06 before you're going to punch a hole in it.
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We know what you're doing. Fuck you Marxists. Banning ammo and claiming it doesnt' violate the second amendment is like banning ink and paper and claiming it's not an attack on the press.

If you support this, you're an Enemy of the Constitution of the United States.

Obama s AR-15 bullet ban under fire in Congress 4 of 10 oppose

President Obama s administration is proposing a ban on the green tip bullet

OKC Gun Stores See Spike In Ammo Sales After Proposed Federal Ba - - Oklahoma City OK - News Weather Video and Sports

Congressman Obama Using His Pen Phone to Gut 2nd Amendment Alex Jones Infowars There s a war on for your mind

AR-15 Ammo Ban First Step in Outlawing Guns - Tea Party News

Proposal Banning armor piercing bullets for the public

Obama s Stealth AR-15 Gun Ban Targets Ammo No One Can Import Sell or Even Produce It

GOP Rep ATF Can t Prove an M855 Round Has Ever Been Fired at Police from a Handgun

Lawmakers Warn ATF AR-15 Ammo Ban Interferes With 2nd Amendment - Breitbart

Run on AR-15 Ammo Buying Frenzy as Some Fear Total Gun Ban Alex Jones Infowars There s a war on for your mind

AR-15 Bullet Sales Surge After ATF Ban Announcement Alex Jones Infowars There s a war on for your mind

Fearful that this is just the first step towards the eventual goal of banning semi-automatic rifles altogether, gun owners have responded by stockpiling the bullets, which are the cheapest available for AR-15′s, prompting nationwide shortages.

“Oh we sold out of it in two days, every bit of it I had,”said Chuck Scott, owner of the Aiken Gun Rack and Range in Aiken, S.C., adding that the ATF’s proposal had created a a buying frenzy and panic.

Scott noted that the feds were, “banning something that’s going to affect hundreds of thousands of sports shooters, it’s rarely ever used in a crime.”

“Once they get this bullet off the market they’ll go for the next and the next,” remarked Mike Ludwiksowski, a keen hunter.

His sentiments were echoed by another gun owner in Oklahoma, who told News 9, “I think it’s them just trying to do little bits and pieces to get to their ultimate goal to ban tactical style rifles.”

Obama Administration To Ban Common AR-15 Ammo The Daily Caller

100-Plus Lawmakers Sign Letter Opposing AR-15 Ammo Ban GunsAmerica Digest

Backlash AR-15 Ammo Ban First Step in Outlawing Guns Opponents Say

Obama To Ban Popular AR-15 Bullets via Executive Order

Obama To Ban Popular AR-15 Bullets via Executive Order

Funny how common-sense cop-protecting measures are 'enemies of the Constitution' and 2nd Amendment threatening, but the same issue isn't described as 'allowing cop body armor defeating ammunition.'
Funny how common-sense cop-protecting measures are 'enemies of the Constitution' and 2nd Amendment threatening, but the same issue isn't described as 'allowing cop body armor defeating ammunition.'

Name how many cops have been killed by this ammo.

Of the police murdered by firearms, what percentage are killed by this bullet.

A knife can be a cop killer too.

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