Gun Grabbing group told....if my sister had had a gun she would still be alive...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This gun grabbing group contacted the sister of a murder victim in the hope of exploiting her death to deny the Constitutional rights of every other American citizen, and to help allow criminals a safer working environment...the sister told them to pound sand....and made the point that had her sister been carrying a gun...she would still be alive....

Quit Using My Sister A Gun Would Have Saved Her

In 2013, Jessie Doyle Cavett was shot and killed by her estranged husband, Josh Cavett. When Everytown for Gun Safety recently called Jessie’s sister–Jennie Cochran–to get permission to use the story to push gun control, Cochran told them not to use the story “for anything.”
She told Everytown that gun control simply “makes more victims,” and she doesn’t want her sister’s story used to do that.

First really good point.....

Speaking to Fox News on February 4, Cochran said the only thing that would have saved her sister was a gun. She said, “There’s no way the police would have gotten there in time had she just dialed 911.”

Second even better point....that shows that background check laws are stupid and do nothing to stop gun crime or mass shootings....

Cochran explained that her sister’s estranged husband was a felon, so there was no reason to believe he was going to follow gun control laws that prevented him from being armed. She said there was no justification for believing a background check requirement would keep him from getting a gun.

And 3rd great point.....

Rather, Cochran said, “The only thing that would have leveled [things] out” was if her sister had a gun.

Fox News then played a recording of Everytown for Gun Safety calling to use Jessie’s story. Everytown’s Ann Wright asked Cochran if she would be “comfortable… sharing [her] story so other people would understand why we need to strengthen our gun laws.”

Cochran demurred, giving Wright pause; then Cochran said, “I am actually against it… I am very pro-gun, as is Jessie, so I would really hope you guys don’t use her story for anything.”
I have a friend whose brother was randomly shot at a park and the anti-gunners immediately contacted his mother convincing her to join them in their fight. They prey on people in emotional states and that to me is almost criminal. My friend became very angry about it.
Here is more of what the woman said to the irrational, anti gun nutters.....You can listen to the actual was recorded.....

Recorded Conversation Anti-Gun Group Calls Victim 8217 s Sister To Get Her Support And She Gave Them Her Piece Of Mind Concealed Nation

“I’m very pro-gun, as is Jessie, so I would really hope that you guys don’t use her story for anything, because the only thing that would have saved her was a gun. Because Josh was in the position multiple times where he almost killed her without one, and gun laws and background checks are not going to stop people from getting guns. They’re not going to stop bad guy, who are determined to to go out and kill someone, it’s not going to stop them because they’re obviously not following the law already, so all it’s going to do is hinder law-abiding citizens. It would make me a felon. I have a gun that was a gift and I didn’t go through a background check to get it. I’m not going to go shoot up anybody, and it would hinder people like me who are law-abiding citizens. It would turn me into a felon, and I am not a felon. Jessie was not a felon.”

To hear the entire conversation, take a listen to the video at the top of this article. It’s a great conversation, and we applaud Cochran for standing her ground.
Poor thing, you are in a bad way. It might help to tell your story.
Wow, bitter much? Tell us your story.

Guns are saving so many people in Iraq.
Actually, the good guys that have them, probably yes.

There are no good-guys as the murderous US police state proves.

Aw what's the matter can't back up your beliefs with facts or common sense?
Guns are saving so many people in Iraq.
Actually, the good guys that have them, probably yes.

There are no good-guys as the murderous US police state proves. must be at home from school sick today...and mommy and daddy are at work and your baby sitter is too busy texting her drug dealer to pay attention to your computer time......


Meanwhile the US has Drones to reign missiles on you. So what good is your second Amendment?
Guns are saving so many people in Iraq.
Actually, the good guys that have them, probably yes.

There are no good-guys as the murderous US police state proves. must be at home from school sick today...and mommy and daddy are at work and your baby sitter is too busy texting her drug dealer to pay attention to your computer time......


Meanwhile the US has Drones to reign missiles on you. So what good is your second Amendment?

Hmmm...considering we have been Droning middle ages barbarians in Iraq and Afghanistan for the last 10 years and now we are just going to "come home" without winning decisively.....I would say that millions of Americans with Rifles and pistols can probably hold out against our own government just as long if not longer and win.....

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