gullible liberals always makes me laugh

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
This is way to funny

I have to pay back my Obamacare subsidy
February 13 NEW YORK
Janice Riddle got a nasty surprise when she filled out her tax return this year.
The Los Angeles resident had applied for Obamacare in late 2013, when she was unemployed. She qualified for a hefty subsidy of $470 a month, leaving her with a monthly premium of $1 for the cheapest plan available.
Riddle landed a job in early 2014 at a life insurance agency, but since her new employer didn't offer health benefits, she kept her Obamacare plan. However, she didn't update her income with the California exchange, which she acknowledges was her mis
I have to pay back my Obamacare subsidy - Feb. 13 2015
Someone tried to scam the system and got caught. Good to hear. What does that have to do with liberals?
Someone tried to scam the system and got caught. Good to hear. What does that have to do with liberals?
How did that lady try to scam the system? The system was a scam when built, so the gullible liberals would vote for it.
Remember it took the Unions a few years latter to realize their Cadillac heath care plans were screwed in 2018.
What does this have to do with liberals?
Every liberal that cheered for this obieccare shit is going to get fucked just like this lady did.

Only the ones that don't accurately report their income. You breaks the rules you pays the price. Doesn't matter which party you support.
Everyone is getting fucked over with this garbage law. The difference and entertainment comes at the libs expense because they were so shit ass stupid as to think they were getting a great deal. Cons at least knew all of this was going to happen but you assholes swore it wasn't. Well, surprise dingle berry!
she didn't update her income with the California exchange, which she acknowledges was her mis
Didn't you read the OP?
I read it and that's part of my point, that could happen to anyone living a busy life, why do liberals want people to jump through hoops all the time? Why do we have to check in with the government?

It's like.when I had progressive auto insurance and found out state farm was cheaper, I switched and progressive tried to charge me $200 or prove I had other coverage

Told them to fuck off, I am not going to prove my innocence and I am not paying, send it to a collection agency see if I care.
Democrats always say they are for the poor and working class, this lady had to dig into her life savings because what a cluster fuck of the Obama care law was written just to get it passed.

Democrats are scum they even fuck the people who vote for them , at least the republicans and conservatives are honest we know they will try to screw us over
Lets face facts here bear. You are just a fucked up individual. Who has health insurance through their employer.

My buddy who loves Republicans and would never think of voting for Obama or any Democrat was very glad to find out that he could finally afford health insurance to pay for the treatments and care his COPD required.

Something about being very sick and not having a means to pay for treatment does this;
He LOVES Obamacare now. But he still hates Obama. Go figure.

And there are LOTS of Republicans who have health care coverage (some for the first time ever) who would kick your ass if you took that coverage away.
What does this have to do with liberals?
Every liberal that cheered for this obieccare shit is going to get fucked just like this lady did.

Only the ones that don't accurately report their income. You breaks the rules you pays the price. Doesn't matter which party you support.
Everyone is getting fucked over with this garbage law. The difference and entertainment comes at the libs expense because they were so shit ass stupid as to think they were getting a great deal. Cons at least knew all of this was going to happen but you assholes swore it wasn't. Well, surprise dingle berry!

I've got a great deal. Why would anyone be surprised that not properly reporting your income would cost you in the long run? Whether it's ACA or anything else, you gotta follow the rules.
she didn't update her income with the California exchange, which she acknowledges was her mis
Didn't you read the OP?
I read it and that's part of my point, that could happen to anyone living a busy life, why do liberals want people to jump through hoops all the time? Why do we have to check in with the government?

It's like.when I had progressive auto insurance and found out state farm was cheaper, I switched and progressive tried to charge me $200 or prove I had other coverage

Told them to fuck off, I am not going to prove my innocence and I am not paying, send it to a collection agency see if I care.

I lead a busy life, and forgot to renew the tags on my car. The officer who gave me a ticket didn't really care why I didn't renew them. The rules were well known, and I should have followed them. Same thing.
I make 50k a year, one income family, 3 dependents 2 are children. I applied for Obamacare and got turned down, I did not make enough money. I had to enroll in Medi-Cal.

Not everybody in California qualifies for the Federal program.
I make 50k a year, one income family, 3 dependents 2 are children. I applied for Obamacare and got turned down, I did not make enough money. I had to enroll in Medi-Cal.

Not everybody in California qualifies for the Federal program.

Medi-Cal was expanded in 2014 to include people whose income was too low for a direct subsidy. ACA subsidizes the expansion. You are qualified and are receiving the benefits of a federal program. According to ACA rules, your insurance price is based on your income, so you have good insurance at an affordable price. ACA is working for you just as promised. Say it with me now......"THANKS OBAMA"
Medi-Cal Expansion Information

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