CDZ groups linked to Betsy DeVos are coordinating to stop Michigan’s independent commission from drawing fair congressional maps.


Gold Member
Dec 27, 2011
A new report shows that extremist groups linked to Betsy DeVos are coordinating to stop Michigan’s independent commission from drawing fair congressional maps.

Every 10 years, congressional districts are redrawn in accordance with population data from the census.

It’s an opportunity to make sure our congressional districts are fair and representative. For extremists in the GOP, it’s an opportunity to undermine our democracy and rig the system in their favor.

Betsy DeVos has made it clear she intends to use her fortune to influence Michigan elections and do whatever it takes to win.

It seems like everyday we’re hearing stories about Republican attacks on the integrity of our democracy. We all have a responsibility to stand up and do our part in the fight to strengthen and preserve our democracy.

Michigan voters deserve the right to pick their elected officials -- not the other way around.

Thank you, Debbie Stabenow
United States Senator
How is what she doing any different than what others, like Soros, doing?

Or Bloomberg?

Actually, that list is endless.
Debbie Stabenow's letter is short on detail and long on hyperbole.
IDK our new commission in Virginia is all sorts of goofy. They had a plan to have 5 safe red and 5 safe blue districts and 1 toss up district but then the democrats balked because they found out that some GOP group had submitted a map that was similar to the one the commission came up with so they think they are being tricked now by the plan they helped come up with to begin with
what are Soros and Bloomberg doing exactly?
I think it's dishonest to speak as if trying to tilt the scale unfairly is some kind of extremist conservative phenomenon. Partisans from both sides think the world is ending. They'll do whatever they think they have to to gain an advantage.

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