Ground Zero: Rampant Eminent Domain on Long Island


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
A View From The Ronkonkoma Trenches | The Libertarian Party of Suffolk County, New York

Concerned Citizens Swarm Brookhaven Town Hall
Over the Ronkonkoma Hub

On the evening of January 9th, hundreds of Brookhaven and Islip residents laid siege to the Brookhaven Hall, many of which were wearing custom made T-shirts with the slogan “Say No to Eminent Domain.”

These citizens had convened in order to guard their most precious right, the foundation of American Liberty, the cornerstone of the Enlightenment that guided the minds of John Locke, James Madison and Thomas Jefferson. This is the right of Man to enjoy the fruits of his own labor; to be secure in his person, house and effects against unreasonable search and seizure; nor to have any Governmental agency confiscate his property without just compensation.

When the Government fails to protect this right, it is dysfunctional, and void of purpose; however, when a Government not only fails to protect right, but becomes the Transgressor itself, it ceases to be a Government at all, as it is now a Tyranny, run by ravenous madmen, sending “hither swarms of Officers to harass our people, and eat out their substance.”

This is the story of the company North Fork Express, a prospering bus company that has been beleaguered by a multitude of local and state agencies, enforcing the most trivial and inane penalties and regulations. Their crime: Refusing to sell their business to the Tritec Corporation, the Saudi Arabian behemoth that was awarded the development contract by the Town of Brookhaven.

My entire town is going to be annilhated by Saudi Arbian interests (right wing groups), under the guise and using leftist tactics and talking points (affordable housing) with the "useful idiot" bleedingheart liberal crowd on the front lines.


When it's "bi-partisan" run for your lives.[/quote]
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No mention from Newsday (Long Island's primary newspaper) that a most unlikely union between Tea Party, COnservatives, Green party, Libertiarans, ALCU, Code Pink and other left and right orgnaizations, have come together to oppose this rampant use of eminent domain.

They were outnubmered 250:1 by angry reisdents, and the shill Newsday barely mentions them.

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