Greg McMichaels settles in to his final home.


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
One of the men, the Father of the shooter, has been sent to what is in all honesty his final place of residence. Greg McMichael has arrived at the Georgia State Prison Hospital in Augusta. This is nearly 200 miles from his home in Satilla Shores and the scene of the crime.

He has chronic conditions, and after being assessed and categorized at the induction facility was sent to the Hospital. I sincerely doubt he will ever leave it.

There is a part of me. A small part, that feels compassion for the three men who committed the crimes on that day. All they had to do was kind their own business and they would not be in this mess. If they had wanted to follow Arbury, they could have and called the police. Instead they wanted to be Heroes. And they are spending the rest of their lives in Prison.

Travis remains at the Assessment level. Awaiting the assignment to where he will serve out his sentence. William Bryan is also there also awaiting where he will serve his sentence.

I’m posting this for the other heroes. The ones who fantasize about doing something about them or the enemy or whatever. If you don’t know what you are doing. You would be better off doing nothing. Unless you are willing to die in prison, a martyr to whatever cause you think you are standing up for, mind your business and learn what the laws actually say, instead of what you think they should say.
Isn't he the guy who shot that jogger who was stealing shit from construction sites?

No fucks to give over dead thieves.
Isn't he the guy who shot that jogger who was stealing shit from construction sites?

No fucks to give over dead thieves.

Only he wasn’t actually stealing anything. But other than that.
These men did a stupid thing: they tried to make a "citizen's arrest", almost certainly without knowledge of when you can and cannot do this. Even if they had not had the prejudices of many white Southerners -- even if they had been California liberals -- they could not have helped but be influenced by the widespread perception that associates young Black males with a propensity to criminality not found in other races and ages and sexes.

And this perception is correct.

It's hugely unfair to the great majority of young Black males who are no more criminally-inclined than the majority of young white males [who, as I've said elsewhere, I would not trust not to pinch something from an unattended building site], but it's there.

Had the jogger been an elderly Chinese woman, I doubt they would have acted as they did. This is the reality of race in America.

The jogger did not steal anything, and his previous criminal record was not more than you might find with many young men his age.

The men did not lie in ambush and shoot the jogger and then disappear. They had called the police, video'd the whole thing, thought they were acting lawfully. The jogger made a terrible mistake -- he was probably impulsive -- in trying to take that shotgun away. If he had not done that, he'd not only be alive today but would be enjoying the proceeds of a big civil suit against those men.

Whether you're on the Right or the Left, the only way to think about these cases is to reverse the politics, or the races, of the people involved.

If you're a conservative, how would you feel if a white boy, jogging in a Black neighborhood where there had been recent burglaries, had been shot by Blacks trying to make a citizen's arrest? Be honest, now.

If you're a liberal, how would you feel?

Of course, almost everyone will say, butter not melting in their mouths, that of course they would feel the exact same way. Although I will smile at this, I'll also be happy. It shows that not everyone in our country has not yet lost respect for the rule of law, at least in theory.

It's a precious thing, most countries outside of Europe and its ex-colonies do not have it to the extent we do. It's more important, even, than the free market for the progress of humanity.

Some, however, will exult at the expected lynching ('dirt nap') of one of these men. Liberals/progressives ought to repudiate such people, just as conservatives ought to repudiate genuine white supremacists, anti-Semites, male chauvinists, and people who make crude insults towards those with non-standard sexual orientations. (No side is pure, certainly not on this forum.)

Okay, I know. It won't do any good. We're all going where we're going. Patriots, act accordingly.
Isn't he the guy who shot that jogger who was stealing shit from construction sites?

No fucks to give over dead thieves.

Aubrey didn't steal anything. .. according to the testimony of the builder.

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