Greenies do 180, suddenly love logging


Diamond Member
May 20, 2014
Their know nothing callous hypocrisy on full display. How many lives did they ruin with their anti logging campaigns and now want to present themselves righteous with wooden construction cause only they can do it responsibly.
Tall buildings out of timber? In the face of climate change, Seattle encourages it.
Mark Wishnie, director of global forestry at the Nature Conservancy, understands the whiplash that some feel about the environmental movement’s about-face on timber. One of the biggest challenges to increasing demand for CLT construction, he said, is the “scars in people’s memories” — the perception that logging equals deforestation. Cross-laminated timber makes sense, Wishnie said, only if the wood comes from a forest that’s managed responsibly.
Environmentalists have been against clear cutting, not responsible logging.

Damn, it's like you kids need to be told every damn thing.
I was up in them woods here a few years ago ... plenty of it ready for harvest ... I'm talking about these tracts that have already been clear-cut and replanted ... they're due to be cut and replanted again from what I could tell ... the environment bears no resemblance to a natural forest, we've a few around here to compare ... just a few other species of plants and animals survived and they do quite well ... another clear-cut won't hurt things at all ...

I like hugging trees as much as the next fella ... but I'm also a carpenter and know how much wood it takes to house the homeless ... clear-cutting is cheapest, and whatever irresponsibility involved is already done ... not sure how to selective cut when all the trees are the same size, leaving half just blocks the sun and stuns the new trees ... we've learned our lessons, I think it's time to move on, forests are a renewable resource ... they grow back ...
Environmentalists have been against clear cutting, not responsible logging.

Damn, it's like you kids need to be told every damn thing.

Right...which is why wildfires rage out of control.... Had they allowed responsible logging, rather than take a complete hands off nature approach to forestry, the undergrowth would not have grown so think and dense that it fueled wildfires to the point that they were able to actually burn out the tops of the trees... Do you ever actually try to learn anything?
Environmentalists have been against clear cutting, not responsible logging.

Damn, it's like you kids need to be told every damn thing.

Right...which is why wildfires rage out of control.... Had they allowed responsible logging, rather than take a complete hands off nature approach to forestry, the undergrowth would not have grown so think and dense that it fueled wildfires to the point that they were able to actually burn out the tops of the trees... Do you ever actually try to learn anything?
That's a pretty twisted version of the truth.
Right...which is why wildfires rage out of control.... Had they allowed responsible logging, rather than take a complete hands off nature approach to forestry, the undergrowth would not have grown so think and dense that it fueled wildfires to the point that they were able to actually burn out the tops of the trees... Do you ever actually try to learn anything?

That's the start of the problems in California ... except logging wouldn't have prevented this as much as people think ... keep in mind that California has a distinct dry season during summer, it rarely rains in July and August and when it does, it's so minimum that the lightning is a far far bigger problem ...

These wildfires are completely natural and in a few species a requirement for propagation ... and as SSDD noted when these wildfires are allowed to burn it keeps the fuel load down, the fires low to the ground and usually the mature trees survive ... logging only helps mitigate this where logging and replanting has occurred, but that's not every place and any single place this doesn't happen but every 30 to 50 years ...

The PROBLEM is folks building their homes in these forestlands and stringing power lines through ... even with normal fuel loads and normal climate, we have bone dry brush and dead grass everyplace and 10,000 people running around playing with matches ... but of course we have above normal fuel loads, more rainfall in winters and one hell of a lot more people running around playing with matches ... the whole state is going to burn eventually and yet still people won't take basic mitigation to heart ...

Is it too soon to criticize Paradise? ... I look at the before picture and yeah, it's pretty but there was way too many trees ... there should have been a quarter mile buffer zone all around the town that was kept mowed down to just a few inches of growth ... a fire break ... it's ugly as sin but it may well have saved those 87 lives ...

Much the same is present in Oregon ... except it's mostly illegal to build in the forests, not as many power lines strung through ... plus the power companies are much smaller, local residents have more control over maintenance ... Paradise could have voted to increase electric rates by a few cents per kw-hr and trimmed back the trees themselves and not have to rely on Wall Street to get to it ...
Their know nothing callous hypocrisy on full display. How many lives did they ruin with their anti logging campaigns and now want to present themselves righteous with wooden construction cause only they can do it responsibly.
Tall buildings out of timber? In the face of climate change, Seattle encourages it.
Mark Wishnie, director of global forestry at the Nature Conservancy, understands the whiplash that some feel about the environmental movement’s about-face on timber. One of the biggest challenges to increasing demand for CLT construction, he said, is the “scars in people’s memories” — the perception that logging equals deforestation. Cross-laminated timber makes sense, Wishnie said, only if the wood comes from a forest that’s managed responsibly.

Their hypocrisy simply knows no bounds. I suppose they've never heard of video tape and forgot that the Internet never forgets. They're simply friggin morons.
Environmentalists have been against clear cutting, not responsible logging.

Damn, it's like you kids need to be told every damn thing.

Actually Clear Cutting is proper method for certain tree species, and improper for other tree species. One of the important criteria for logging is based on SHADE TOLERANCE.

Douglas Fur (pine) is shade intolerant, which is why they get logged clear cutting style, while Stitka Spruce is shade tolerant, which is why they are logged selectively (the bigger trees).

It is YOU and ignorant ecoloonies who needs to learn the crucial differences between selective and clear cutting reasons.

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