Great Socialist China Able To Stimulate Economy V. GOP Opposed To All Spending!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Widely known Socialist China is bringing inflation under control. The usual math of inflation-creation is not yet apparent to Chinese leaders. The math of high interest rates instead has been applied, and is working to stem inflation excepting among the price of pg meat: Which has soared.

China's September inflation rate eases to 6.1 per cent, creating leeway for stimulus |

Anyone can guess how that can be solved, especially in China(?)! Some world problems are likely not. . . .insurmountable. Famously, even any "Richshaw Motors" may actually use usual engines as the planet understands them.

Getting pigs to. . . well, is now job-one for a billion people.

The Republican alternative remains Cain's Tax the poor plan instead, "Nein! Nein! Nein!!" of Rep. Bachmann's, "Devil Is In The Details" critique.

Republicans famously have used most of 2011 to oppose all customers doing any spending in the stores of the USA with U. S. money. U. S. money is clearly Socialist. Republicans demand that no one American be allowed to have any.

Herman Cain in fact has proposed already taking most of it away from the colored poor.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Half-Wit Father in Washington did lubrication first--Now ready to do more exciting stimulus for all Americans: Like for all Chinese. . .pigs(?)!)
I'm informed that China's facing a very real problem, thoigh.

It also has an enormous REAL ESTATE BUBBLE forming, mostly in RE in the major cities.

Ironically, I am informed this problem is mostly because the WORKERS SAVE TOO MUCH MONEY.

Add to that problem, the problem that the Chinese people do not have a whole lot of investment opportunities other than RE, and you can see why this is happening, too.

Now if the USA passes this TARIFF plan on Chinese imports?

Then China is going to be facing a RE crash, I expect.

Because as workers get laid off, due to reduced exporting, the RE bubble is going to burst.
Widely known Socialist China is bringing inflation under control. The usual math of inflation-creation is not yet apparent to Chinese leaders. The math of high interest rates instead has been applied, and is working to stem inflation excepting among the price of pg meat: Which has soared.

China's September inflation rate eases to 6.1 per cent, creating leeway for stimulus |

Anyone can guess how that can be solved, especially in China(?)! Some world problems are likely not. . . .insurmountable. Famously, even any "Richshaw Motors" may actually use usual engines as the planet understands them.

Getting pigs to. . . well, is now job-one for a billion people.

The Republican alternative remains Cain's Tax the poor plan instead, "Nein! Nein! Nein!!" of Rep. Bachmann's, "Devil Is In The Details" critique.

Republicans famously have used most of 2011 to oppose all customers doing any spending in the stores of the USA with U. S. money. U. S. money is clearly Socialist. Republicans demand that no one American be allowed to have any.

Herman Cain in fact has proposed already taking most of it away from the colored poor.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Half-Wit Father in Washington did lubrication first--Now ready to do more exciting stimulus for all Americans: Like for all Chinese. . .pigs(?)!)

China only works because it's enforced at the barrel of a gun.

If anything goes wrong they just lie to the people and they're forced to believe them.

Obama and company really seem to wish the USA was more like the OP states.
Widely known Socialist China is bringing inflation under control. The usual math of inflation-creation is not yet apparent to Chinese leaders. The math of high interest rates instead has been applied, and is working to stem inflation excepting among the price of pg meat: Which has soared.

China's September inflation rate eases to 6.1 per cent, creating leeway for stimulus |

Anyone can guess how that can be solved, especially in China(?)! Some world problems are likely not. . . .insurmountable. Famously, even any "Richshaw Motors" may actually use usual engines as the planet understands them.

Getting pigs to. . . well, is now job-one for a billion people.

The Republican alternative remains Cain's Tax the poor plan instead, "Nein! Nein! Nein!!" of Rep. Bachmann's, "Devil Is In The Details" critique.

Republicans famously have used most of 2011 to oppose all customers doing any spending in the stores of the USA with U. S. money. U. S. money is clearly Socialist. Republicans demand that no one American be allowed to have any.

Herman Cain in fact has proposed already taking most of it away from the colored poor.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Half-Wit Father in Washington did lubrication first--Now ready to do more exciting stimulus for all Americans: Like for all Chinese. . .pigs(?)!)

China only works because it's enforced at the barrel of a gun.

If anything goes wrong they just lie to the people and they're forced to believe them.

Obama and company really seem to wish the USA was more like the OP states.

I suspect MW, that the Chinese government is more fearful of their citizens than ours is.

Their leaders KNOW what happens when their people are pissed.

Hell, their last social revolution against the Gang of Four was a nightmare!
Widely known Socialist China is bringing inflation under control. The usual math of inflation-creation is not yet apparent to Chinese leaders. The math of high interest rates instead has been applied, and is working to stem inflation excepting among the price of pg meat: Which has soared.

China's September inflation rate eases to 6.1 per cent, creating leeway for stimulus |

Anyone can guess how that can be solved, especially in China(?)! Some world problems are likely not. . . .insurmountable. Famously, even any "Richshaw Motors" may actually use usual engines as the planet understands them.

Getting pigs to. . . well, is now job-one for a billion people.

The Republican alternative remains Cain's Tax the poor plan instead, "Nein! Nein! Nein!!" of Rep. Bachmann's, "Devil Is In The Details" critique.

Republicans famously have used most of 2011 to oppose all customers doing any spending in the stores of the USA with U. S. money. U. S. money is clearly Socialist. Republicans demand that no one American be allowed to have any.

Herman Cain in fact has proposed already taking most of it away from the colored poor.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Half-Wit Father in Washington did lubrication first--Now ready to do more exciting stimulus for all Americans: Like for all Chinese. . .pigs(?)!)

China only works because it's enforced at the barrel of a gun.

If anything goes wrong they just lie to the people and they're forced to believe them.

Obama and company really seem to wish the USA was more like the OP states.

I suspect MW, that the Chinese government is more fearful of their citizens than ours is.

Their leaders KNOW what happens when their people are pissed.

Hell, their last social revolution against the Gang of Four was a nightmare!

First thing you've said in quite some time I agree with.

China historically has been fearful of just about everything. The Great Wall is a prime example.

They know that they have to keep tight control over their people so lies and intimidation is really all they have.

Which is why so many Democrats love to use them as an example of success.
Opposed to all spending? We overspent by over $1 trillion annually since Obmadinejad was inaugerated!
what corporations want is a free trade agreement with Asia to open markets to allow the Asians to spent that money
The Chinese economy is in fact attracting Western Investment. It expanded rapidly, and now central government intervention is slowing it down. The mechanism is interest rate manipulation.

The GOP fear of inflation is that the dollar will weaken, with investment returns uncertain. The Chinese fear of inflation is that it places undue burden on middle and lower incomes, making political class returns uncertain(?). The Herman Cain fear of the middle and lower incomes(?) is that in fact they may have enough money to spend. "Nein! Nein! Nein!" can take a fourth of that away, on top of state and local taxes: Slightly more than a third, when all totaled up. Upper incomes tend to pay far less than the third, all totaled.

The use of the gun is more akin to what Governor Perry does, however: Apparently, when he goes jogging--wherever that is. He Maybe jogs near Crawford, TX, or something.

The Chinese further have the flaw(?), however, of the fixed percentage pay raises, interest rates, and dividend types of payments. More tends to get more, less tends to get less, and successively less. The political class makes out. A wealthy market-class makes out. No else makes out, (or after the first child, or something).

The fault is likely with "General Systems Theory," formulations--curiously reliant on creating social arithmetic with a zero point preserved.

Ever since the 1960's, the Liberal Left tendency in the United States is to create an income floor, and raise that. Unfortunately, they used the fixed percentage raise concept--to raise all other incomes the same percentage as the floor.

The Raised and Indexed Standard Deduction and Personal Exemptions in the 1986 Tax Reform, then The Clinton Equal Amount per child tax credits, and then the Obama Schedule M, refundable Make Work Pay tax credit--all of them got rid of the concept of a fixed percentage raise, and included an equal amount concept instead.

Schedule M effectively became the first national COLA ever, on any found record, computed on the equal-amount basis. That could be applied at the payroll source, and benefits sources, easily. Unions used to have COLA's that raised the hourly $0.01 for every 0.3% raise of the Consumer Price Index.

Even in Social Security, however, the Fixed percentage rise of the Consumer Price Index is what actually gets applied as a COLA increase, likely for January 1, 2012, for example. There will be an "average raise," in the press releases. In fact each benefit amount will get the same percentage raise. It is never advertised that way.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(White Eyes create funny marks on paper to make Lands of Many Nations desolate--even in arithmetic!)

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