Great Socialist Central Banks Intervention Not Bush-Perry "Go-It-Alone!"


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Anyone knows that Texas Governors are really hard to tell apart. George Bush saw Weapons of Mass Destruction in entire nation-states where they were not. Rick Perry now sees Weapons of Mass Destruction in entire Texas neighborhoods where they are not(?)! He goes jogging there loaded(?). . .or armed. . . .or whatever it is he does(?)!

The President of the World Bank mainly sees "Dangerous Tmes" by comparison. The Socialist Central Governments--In Clear Contrast to all of the above--are engaged in solving the European financial crisis!

Central banks to provide dollar liquidity - Sep. 15, 2011

"Go-It-Alone" money is better thought commodity-based--in metals instead of in something valueable, like clean air or water. "Go-It-Alone" is more about a central leader or family hoarding it all, then distributing what they have to fund supportive armies, led by aristocrats. Shop-keepers mainly then rely on banking mathematics to slowly grow commerce. Similar to a Ponzi-Scheme, they rarely have what they owe to depositors. Even money they lend is spent and so the borrower rarely has enough on hand to repay the loan.

Republicans know about flakes when they spot them! They are called shopkeepers and business-owners.

A history of business and commerce slowly happens, subject to the problems of arithmetic, most succinctly addressed in Proverbs 22:16. So the Adjustable Rate Mortgages oppressed the poor: With heinous interest rates, intended for profit. The Bush-Perry-GOP-Tea-Party Tax Cuts give to the rich. The rich get richer. The poor get poorer. The whole thing crashes on down. Ruin and want is all that is left. Tarp funds get send to the bankers, for a job well-done!

Socialists tend to market-supports instead. Central Governments do pensions, education, roads and bridges, medical health plans, housing supports, and income supports of all types. Central Regulations are created intended to increase the flow of funds in the market, as opposed to the squatting-funds in the purses and pocketbooks of Old Fat White People, Cavorting About Naked On Other People's Yachts--Dumping Substance And Other Tresure Into the Sea.

Socialist Central Banks have clearly reached a semblance of agreement on a market and income support intevention, contrary to Laissez-Faire. A Final Solution To the Presbyterian Question is at hand: "Just where is all this money going to come from?!"

The Obama Administration put into place the Refundable Tax Credit, Schedule M, in the IRS code. The "Go-It-Alone" Tea Party GOP took that away at the first chance they had.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many Granny-Squaws With Squatting-Funds Now In Lands Of Many Nations: Busy at work with one-armed bandits(?)! Hmmmm! Many Young Braves Don't Go There!)
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are engaged in solving the European financial crisis!

1) actually everyone is waiting for Greece to collapse the entire European economy and end the EU

2) Europe has about 68% of our standard of living because socialism does not work. Anyone should know this???
2) Europe has about 68% of our standard of living because socialism does not work. Anyone should know this???

Can you provide some information on this claim ?

I thought there were some places like Switzerland that had a very high standard of living.
...some places like Switzerland that had a very high standard of living.
Switzerland has the world's highest per-capita income. Higher than the US. Switzerland does not use the Euro, they never joined up with that stuff and they still use their own 'Swiss Franc'.
...some places like Switzerland that had a very high standard of living.
Switzerland has the world's highest per-capita income. Higher than the US. Switzerland does not use the Euro, they never joined up with that stuff and they still use their own 'Swiss Franc'.

My apologies.

But the request is still there to provide some information on your claim. I have not heard this before and would like to learn more.
...Switzerland has the world's highest per-capita income. Higher than the US. Switzerland does not use the Euro, they never joined up with that stuff and they still use their own 'Swiss Franc'.
...provide some information on your claim. I have not heard this before and would like to learn more.
If you mean about income there are lots of sources ( "per capita income" Switzerland highest - Google Search ) but as I was looking at it again I noticed that controversy's come up over ways to compare income in terms of purchasing power. Saying "Switzerland is one of the highest countries ranked by percapita income" starts fewer arguments.

Googling key words "Swiss Franc", euro, Switzerland verifies the currency claim with fewer lose ends.
The world's most advanced--as opposed to developing--economy is likely Sweden. Sweden is Socialist de facto and de jure. Private ownership and religious production values are in fact in place. So are the following:

1. Universal health Care
2. Non-Profit hospitals
3. Social Security
4. Free Education with pro-student incentives.
5. Extensive Government Regulation of the Workplace, and of executive administrations in
the workplace.

Swedish economy - SWEDEN.SE

Texas it is not, and in the sense that Haiti it is not, and East Africa it is not. Texas is near to number one in federal grants, federal employment, and federal military spending. Many would say that None of That Is At All Like Sweden. East Africa is beset with the plague of Western, U. N. Missionaries--ostensibly hunting for orphans to ship back home. In Haiti that became the stuff of legend. Apparently Texas governors feel at home in such locations. None of the three areas are comparable to Sweden. Sweden is even widely known to be anti-war. Sweden has no problem with multi-nationalism, and especially in global economics and routine business. Texas mainly has some remaining oil, by comparison. Texas is better said a prime example of "The Reagan Trajectory" of federal spending on the rich. The poor and middle in Texas are not included, or involved.

Probably Hollywood, can relate most easily to that--any of that, and without exception! See for example, the gang-land music and feature-film sub-culture. Hollywood knows about "Reagan Trajectory," Integration.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Armed and Loaded while out jogging: Not now even in Lands of Many Nations!)
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...Switzerland has the world's highest per-capita income. Higher than the US. Switzerland does not use the Euro, they never joined up with that stuff and they still use their own 'Swiss Franc'.
...provide some information on your claim. I have not heard this before and would like to learn more.
If you mean about income there are lots of sources ( "per capita income" Switzerland highest - Google Search ) but as I was looking at it again I noticed that controversy's come up over ways to compare income in terms of purchasing power. Saying "Switzerland is one of the highest countries ranked by percapita income" starts fewer arguments.

Googling key words "Swiss Franc", euro, Switzerland verifies the currency claim with fewer lose ends.

I was looking for some information or your source on the 68% of our standard of living.

I will do some work on my own, but this is not a metric that I have spent that much time with.
The world's most advanced--as opposed to developing--economy is likely Sweden. Sweden is Socialist de facto and de jure. Private ownership and religious production values are in fact in place. So are the following:

1. Universal health Care
2. Non-Profit hospitals
3. Social Security
4. Free Education with pro-student incentives.
5. Extensive Government Regulation of the Workplace, and of executive administrations in
the workplace.

Swedish economy - SWEDEN.SE

Texas it is not, and in the sense that Haiti it is not, and East Africa it is not. Texas is near to number one in federal grants, federal employment, and federal military spending. Many would say that None of That Is At All Like Sweden. East Africa is beset with the plague of Western, U. N. Missionaries--ostensibly hunting for orphans to ship back home. In Haiti that became the stuff of legend. Apparently Texas governors feel at home in such locations. None of the three areas are comparable to Sweden. Sweden is even widely known to be anti-war. Sweden has no problem with multi-nationalism, and especially in global economics and routine business. Texas mainly has some remaining oil, by comparison. Texas is better said a prime example of "The Reagan Trajectory" of federal spending on the rich. The poor and middle in Texas are not included, or involved.

Probably Hollywood, can relate most easily to that--any of that, and without exception! See for example, the gang-land music and feature-film sub-culture. Hollywood knows about "Reagan Trajectory," Integration.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Armed and Loaded while out jogging: Not now even in Lands of Many Nations!)

The last I checked, Sweden had the population of Michigan (about 10 millioin people). This is about 3.5% of the population of the entire United States. So, does universal health care have to be about the U.S. or can Michigan have it's own ?

Why can't Michigan run itself like Sweden ?
1. Universal health Care
2. Non-Profit hospitals
3. Social Security
4. Free Education with pro-student incentives.
5. Extensive Government Regulation of the Workplace, and of executive administrations in
the workplace.
People in Sweden talk funny too, doesn't mean Americans should. The issue is what suits our needs.

Each of these programs have already been instituted in the US to one degree or another, so we've all pretty much had a chance to decide whether we want more or less of which. My preference (and probably that of most Americans) is for an immediate end to 1, 2, and 5, a phasing out of 3, and local control of 4.
...some places like Switzerland that had a very high standard of living.
Switzerland has the world's highest per-capita income. Higher than the US. Switzerland does not use the Euro, they never joined up with that stuff and they still use their own 'Swiss Franc'.
Didn't Switzerland just recently tie their Franc to the Euro? They're playing the money devaluing "Currency Wars" game now aren't they?
Can you provide some information on this claim ?[that Europe has 68% of our standard of living. I thought there were some places like Switzerland that had a very high standard of living.

Europe has about 68% of our standard of living because socialism does not work. Anyone should know this???
I thought there were some places like Switzerland that had a very high standard of living.

Switzerland is a tiny homogenouus specialized tax, money haven. A typical European country is France, which has the per capita income of Arkansas, about our poorest state. Obviously, if France a geographic, language, and cultural neighbor to Switzerland cant copy Switzerland, we certainly can't.

Moreover, why would we want to since we have a higher income despite taking in the worlds poor and despite the liberal cancer that is loose in our country!!

Qatar $ 179,000 2010 est.

2 Liechtenstein $ 141,100 2008 est.

3 Luxembourg $ 82,600 2010 est.

4 Bermuda $ 69,900 2004 est.

5 Singapore $ 62,100 2010 est.

6 Jersey $ 57,000 2005 est.

7 Norway $ 54,600 2010 est.

8 Brunei $ 51,600 2010 est.

9 United Arab Emirates $ 49,600 2010 est.

10 Kuwait $ 48,900 2010 est.

11 United States $ 47,200 2010 est.

12 Andorra $ 46,700 2009 est.

13 Hong Kong $ 45,900 2010 est.

14 Guernsey $ 44,600 2005

15 Cayman
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...Didn't Switzerland just recently tie their Franc to the Euro? They're playing the money devaluing "Currency Wars" game now aren't they?
That's what I heard, but pegging the SF to Euro is probably a smart move considering they have to do most of their trade in Euros anyway.
The world's most advanced--as opposed to developing--economy is likely Sweden. Sweden is Socialist de facto and de jure. Private ownership and religious production values are in fact in place. So are the following:

1. Universal health Care
2. Non-Profit hospitals
3. Social Security
4. Free Education with pro-student incentives.
5. Extensive Government Regulation of the Workplace, and of executive administrations in
the workplace.

Swedish economy - SWEDEN.SE

Texas it is not, and in the sense that Haiti it is not, and East Africa it is not. Texas is near to number one in federal grants, federal employment, and federal military spending. Many would say that None of That Is At All Like Sweden. East Africa is beset with the plague of Western, U. N. Missionaries--ostensibly hunting for orphans to ship back home. In Haiti that became the stuff of legend. Apparently Texas governors feel at home in such locations. None of the three areas are comparable to Sweden. Sweden is even widely known to be anti-war. Sweden has no problem with multi-nationalism, and especially in global economics and routine business. Texas mainly has some remaining oil, by comparison. Texas is better said a prime example of "The Reagan Trajectory" of federal spending on the rich. The poor and middle in Texas are not included, or involved.

Probably Hollywood, can relate most easily to that--any of that, and without exception! See for example, the gang-land music and feature-film sub-culture. Hollywood knows about "Reagan Trajectory," Integration.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Armed and Loaded while out jogging: Not now even in Lands of Many Nations!)

i laugh when libtards tout Sweden as the "role model" for Socialism....Sweden flopped just like every other Socialist State....altho not quite as badly because it had money to burn when its Socialistic policies got started....Sweden today is not as Socialistic as so many libs like to think it has been changing....

Sweden was a wealthy country after WWII because it sat out the with all that wealth the Socialists stepped in and started to appropriate that wealth to their own devices....during the 60s and 70s they spent tons on their socialistic programs....Sweden became a "free lunch" society which created enormous problems..... not a single net job was created in the private sector in Sweden since 2000 Sweden had fallen from 4th to 14th in the OECD's ranking....not exactly a "showpiece" for Socialism....

For the past two decades Sweden has been REFORMING and becoming more and more Capitalistic and market friendly....the Social Democrats have lost power and their Prime Minister is a center-right conservative ....and as a result it is recovering from its former failing socialistic policies although there are still many socialistic hangovers such as long health care lines and high taxes...

Sweden: A Socialist Paradise Lost | Verum Serum 2000 Sweden had fallen from 4th to 14th in the OECD's ranking....not exactly a "showpiece" for Socialism....

yes they have about 80% of our income and would have only 40%
if they could not use and buy the goods and services invented in capitalist America. We, for example, hold 80% of all recent medical patents. And, Sweden is hardly the welcoming new home to the worlds poor they way the saintly USA is.
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The Left-Wing core values of Advanced Civilizations have in common what was OP posted.
These advantages do not arise from, and are not laissez-faire:

1. Universal health Care
2. Non-Profit hospitals
3. Social Security
4. Free Education with pro-student incentives.
5. Extensive Government Regulation of the Workplace, and of executive administrations in
the workplace.

The Greek Finance Minister is on the phone daily with potential benefactors, in fact promising to curtail the public sector. 200,000 civil servants are no longer on payroll now, and more cuts are expected.

The core values, however, are not being touched: Even in the United States. None of those five core values are supported by the 64 Fantasies, now in control of the federal Republican, Congressional Delegation, for example.

In the alternative, there is the Democratic Party, embracement of them as is usual.

1. Universal health Care
2. Non-Profit hospitals
3. Social Security
4. Free Education with pro-student incentives.
5. Extensive Government Regulation of the Workplace, and of executive administrations in
the workplace.

Parts of Texas, in contrast, have yet to even benefit from the Rural Electrification Act of 1936.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many on Lands of Many Nations: Now know blessings of great roulette wheel, spinning--not like in laissez faire!)
It is not without notice that left-leaning liberation of peoples tends to characterize the U. S. Democratic Party. Within that group there are factions. The Obama-Biden stimulus failed to re-start the local tax-base economics of the way the federal rules are set up, and so is not entirely Socialist Democracy.

1. State and local government got federal money, and spent it on themselves, in their own budgets, on their own payrolls. Greece even pointedly, understands how U. S. State and local governments work.

2. Corporate and Investment America got federal tax breaks--noted to be abomination in the Old Testament, New Testament, and at S&P over the summer--and so Corporate and Investiment America is now hoarding all the money, not doing much in the way of new business. Greece it is.

The UAW, in contrast, now has GM expanding into the market place, and even into China--maybe on a more humanitarian basis than would otherwise be expected.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Possibly any new electronic, Chinese Rickshaws, will be encouraged, Generally, to now use motors instead!)
Oh, I think it not unreasonable to suggest that the TAPP event was a kind of socialism.

It was, after all, the government coming forth to bail out private corporations.
who'd so screwed up that they'd killed the goose that laid the golden eggs.

I'm at least beginning to understand why many of you call our government socialist.

But to REALLY be socialist, when the government came to the aid of those banks, it would ALSO have taken possession of them at the same time.

So I'd say that we have welfare for the Banks, but we haven't quite yet gone over the event horizon to being authentically socialist.

AIG, is arguably more like socialism, in that the US government saved that failing insurance company by "buying (read overpaying for) 80% of it stock.
One Abomination of TARP was the rewarding of continuing poor management, and the continuation of bonuses though contract. No breach of any rational basis of employment was even alleged. Rep Barney Frank had to become famous, instead.

A more anarchist socialism, in fact, creates no government whatsoever. A logic of DeCentralization arises from the Arithmetic of it. Like U. S. IRS Code Schedule M--which the Democrats put in place, and which the Republicans characteristically took away: Regardless of any individual's place in any hierarchy of things, then an equal amount raise--or bonus--gets paid. In Matthew 20::1-16, The First are Last, and the Last are First: In an arithmetic puzzle, even then.

Schedule M was a first-ever attempt on record at a National COLA, created like that. Moslem nations, and Communist nations, and Socialist nations such as Israel: Have created national COLA's, but on a fixed percentage raise basis. The equal-amount basis was not done. That is like Matthew 25::14-30, wherein the treatment is fiat unequal, using math, and the treatment of humanity is harsh.

With income amounts increasing, but the differences remaining the same: Then a far more egalitarian market is created. It is also a far more benign kind of economic environment.

Importantly, those are clearly not laissez-faire markets, but are reliant on government. The fixed percentage raise and bonuses program--like interest or dividends--is clearly not a laissez-faire market, but is even the more reliant on government. Both require an acceptable currency. Those are now created in governments: Socialism does that to markets. Then when governments tend to arithmetic in policies and law: Then intervention has happened. When contract following arithmetic is in place: Then fiat intervention in the market is in place.

The more centralized outcome tends to the creation of a monopoly of force, to compel an insider-outer darkness environment. The More Decentralized outcome appllies the more efficient use of labor and technology to the making of Socialist prosperity. Socialists can be as rapacious as Capitalists. Capitalists have no concept of efficient use of labor and technology for making available Widespread Wealth Worldwide.

The more DeCentralized outcome tends to less need of government. Public Utility Co-ops have been around for decades. UNESCO has been around for decades. The World Health Organization--and the Red Cross--have been around for decades. The International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank, have been around for decades.

A civilization without borders is not devoid of organization. Said civilization is mainly de-centralized--and in the extreme in an anarchy.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many say, "We are not of a particular race, but only of one human race!" Lands of Many Nations have been human race for millienia! Hmmm!)
Last edited: 2000 Sweden had fallen from 4th to 14th in the OECD's ranking....not exactly a "showpiece" for Socialism....

yes they have about 80% of our income and would have only 40%
if they could not use and buy the goods and services invented in capitalist America. We, for example, hold 80% of all recent medical patents. And, Sweden is hardly the welcoming new home to the worlds poor they way the saintly USA is.

well actually Sweden has been welcoming poor muslims from various islamic countries which has put extreme pressure on their much touted welfare system.....

not only has it become a huge economic problem but of course the muslims have not integrated into Swedish society and... contrary to what mascale claims.... multiculturalism has become a HUGE problem in Sweden....the U.S. would be smart to heed this....due to leftist policies Sweden is disappearing and will probably become the first Islamic country in 2050 the cross on the Swedish flag will probably be replaced by the crescent moon...

Sweden was presented during the Cold War as a middle way between capitalism and Communism. When this model of a society collapses – and it will collapse, under the combined forces of Islamic Jihad, the European Union, Multiculturalism and ideological overstretch – it is thus not just the Swedish state that will collapse but the symbol of Sweden, the showcase of an entire ideological world view.

Jihad and the Collapse of the Swedish Model | The Brussels Journal

[ame=]The Problem of Islam in Sweden - YouTube[/ame]

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