GREAT Opening Speech at the Abu Dhabi Special Olympics


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Great to see the Middle East embrace the Special Olympics and broadcast the acts of Compassion & Righteousness as a contrast to all the images of destructive behavior, violent conflict and intollerance in the region.
THE alternative visuals and inspiration instill rational choices in the hearts and minds of those who have chosen poorly.
Shame the speech isn't on youtube -not yet anyway.

Please positive responses only.
Righteousness is such a misunderstood concept as are acts of compassion... Many of the countries of the Middle East have had their fair share of failings in these two categories thatis for sure however that being said it is never too late for a country or an individual for that matter to Return or Refrain from their wicked ways...Never ever too late ...So my heartfelt appreciation goes out to the people of Abu Dhabi for hosting and welcoming the special Olympics... It could not have been easy for them as they are a small country with a small population but the effort was in the right place and even the smallest steps or the smallest effort can change even the most ingrained individual or country....Let us hope that this is the first tentative and small step towards building a better future of compassion and understanding towards each other and that these examples will shine onto others who will be moved to emulate them as well...
Countries that hide their disabled lose out on the inspiration and appreciation for what they have, and they don't learn the valuable lessons as well.
That lost influence equates to less stable behavior in the population missing that intricate social dynamic.
That is so true.... In the prince of Egypt movie Jethro points out to Moses that all are just a thread in a tapestry and that without each thread holding the others in place the tapestry would become weakened and would eventually become unravelled and would loose its beutiful distinct look.... Everyone has their role to play.... People should realize the interconnectivity of society or a simple cloth is built upon sucessive layers holding the whole intact and stable if anything is removed for whatever reason then it becomes unstable first fraying at the edges and then eventually tearing itself apart as the different threads go in their own direction away from the whole...

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