GREAT NEWS: Virginia Brings Back Confederate History Month.

Jan 17, 2010
They should have never gotten rid of it in the first place. My only hope is that the teachers in the schools include Confederate History Month into their curriculum and teach it with the same amount of zeal that they promote black history month with. - Virginia Brings Back Confederate History Month

RICHMOND -- Gov. Bob McDonnell has brought Confederate History Month back to Virginia after an eight-year hiatus.

McDonnell becomes the first governor since 2001 to designate April to commemorate the secessionist, slaveholding South.
Perhaps we should also have Mexican history month?

And British history month, while we're at it?
They should have never gotten rid of it in the first place. My only hope is that the teachers in the schools include Confederate History Month into their curriculum and teach it with the same amount of zeal that they promote black history month with. - Virginia Brings Back Confederate History Month

RICHMOND -- Gov. Bob McDonnell has brought Confederate History Month back to Virginia after an eight-year hiatus.

McDonnell becomes the first governor since 2001 to designate April to commemorate the secessionist, slaveholding South.

I think it is a very good idea to have Confederate History Month, provided it is designed as a historical lesson and nothing more. The Civil War was a tragic chapter in our country's history - possibly the most tragic. But it was also vitally important in the historical chain of events that shaped this country and, as such, should be given its appropriate place in the education of generations of children.

What Confederate History Month should NOT be, is an opportunity to revive old viewpoints and agendas. I am always suspicious of the true motives behind those who advocate for the flying of the Confederate flag over state capitols in the South.

One of our best friends is a gal who was born and raised in Charleston, S.C. (excuse me, make that "Chawls-ton," S.C.). Down there, they still refer to the Civil War as "The recent unpleasantness."
Why does everything have to take a month?

Why not a week, or even a couple of days?
They should have never gotten rid of it in the first place. My only hope is that the teachers in the schools include Confederate History Month into their curriculum and teach it with the same amount of zeal that they promote black history month with. - Virginia Brings Back Confederate History Month

RICHMOND -- Gov. Bob McDonnell has brought Confederate History Month back to Virginia after an eight-year hiatus.

McDonnell becomes the first governor since 2001 to designate April to commemorate the secessionist, slaveholding South.

I am sure the blacks there just love this. That war was a horrible time in our country and this idiot wants to celebrate it. Whats next, Slavery month?

You are an idiot sir. An embarrassment to everyone who received a dd214.
There were half a million slaves in Virginia when Virginia seceded in order to assure they remained slaves.

I think a whole month to celebrate that is a bit excessive.
There were half a million slaves in Virginia when Virginia seceded in order to assure they remained slaves.

I think a whole month to celebrate that is a bit excessive.

How many slaves were in America when we seceded from Great Britain? And we still recognize Independence Day.
I think they should also have Confederate History month, it is apart of their history.
Jefferson owned and mated with slaves.

The baggers love confederate history month.
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Perhaps we should also have Mexican history month?

And British history month, while we're at it?

Why? Confederate history is part and parcel of UNITED STATES history. No getting around it -so what possible justification do you have to decide future generations should be forced to remain ignorant about OUR history? Except for liberals who always believe in re-writing history -REAL history does not involve re-writing those parts that are just too "inconvenient" to allow others to know or just flat out omitting them in order to deceive those who came after. So TRY to wrap your mind around this: HISTORY has nothing to do with any particular political party or policies. I know far too many liberals who believe otherwise -and I'm starting to think that fact alone justifies making sure liberals are never in a position to re-write US history.

History IS what it IS.

Mexican history is NOT US history - and unless MEChA gets it way, it will never will be. Just like Canadian history is not US history. It is what it is. Really dude -learn to deal with REALITY.
Jefferson owned and mated with slaves.

Still I think confederatew history nanosecond would be sufficient.

And he also fought for the abolition of slavery.

I guess it was embaressing loving a slave...
Did he free his slaves while fighting for the abolition of slavery?

No, he did not. A master of contradiction was Thomas Jefferson, but it's still a fact that he was one of the most outspoken abolitionists. He was also known to be kind to his slaves, though that is of course a small comfort, unlike the beloved George Washington.
So Jefferson was a Republican.
Say one thing and do another.

which is not entirely limited to Republicans of course.
They are just the best at it.
And he also fought for the abolition of slavery.

I guess it was embaressing loving a slave...
Did he free his slaves while fighting for the abolition of slavery?

No, he did not. A master of contradiction was Thomas Jefferson, but it's still a fact that he was one of the most outspoken abolitionists. He was also known to be kind to his slaves, though that is of course a small comfort, unlike the beloved George Washington.

I guess some people have a hard time keeping up with REALITY. In spite of nonstop attempts to paint Jefferson with this one -DNA tests have ALREADY PROVEN he was NOT the father of the Sally Hemmings line of descendants. Whether it fits in with your political agenda or not, HE didn't father any children with this woman. It was a RELATIVE of Jefferson -and probably his BROTHER, a man with a long history of alcoholism, dyspepsia and sleeping with slaves since the time he reached puberty. But Thomas Jefferson had no such history whatsoever. The fact that people keep trying to paint Thomas Jefferson with the sins of a relative knowing full well none of us get to pick our relatives -only reveals the TRUE agenda of such people. AND the fact that TRUTH is no part of their agenda whatsoever.
I guess it was embaressing loving a slave...
Did he free his slaves while fighting for the abolition of slavery?

No, he did not. A master of contradiction was Thomas Jefferson, but it's still a fact that he was one of the most outspoken abolitionists. He was also known to be kind to his slaves, though that is of course a small comfort, unlike the beloved George Washington.

I guess some people have a hard time keeping up with REALITY. In spite of nonstop attempts to paint Jefferson with this one -DNA tests have ALREADY PROVEN he was NOT the father of the Sally Hemmings line of descendants. Whether it fits in with your political agenda or not, HE didn't father any children with this woman. It was a RELATIVE of Jefferson -and probably his BROTHER, a man with a long history of alcoholism, dyspepsia and sleeping with slaves since the time he reached puberty. But Thomas Jefferson had no such history whatsoever. The fact that people keep trying to paint Thomas Jefferson with the sins of a relative knowing full well none of us get to pick our relatives -only reveals the TRUE agenda of such people. AND the fact that TRUTH is no part of their agenda whatsoever.

I believe you quoted the wrong person.

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