Great Gore Cartoon

I'm loving it. I started at the beginning, Dec. '02. I have a long way to go. Thanks for posting the link, I've got it bookmarked now. :D
He is totally ga-ga. My take on the brownshirts is his metaphor for those on the net that are forcing issues into the open. Blogs came to light with the Trent Lott fiasco. 'Conservative blogs' wouldn't let the regular media bury the story. Now that their focusing on the partisanship of the 9/11 commission and the lies being put out by the dems, Gore is taking off on them:

Gore slams Bush `Brown Shirts'
By Noelle Straub
Friday, June 25, 2004

WASHINGTON - Former Vice President Al Gore yesterday unleashed another verbal assault on President Bush [related, bio], comparing him to Richard Nixon and his staff to Nazi ``Brown Shirts.''

Gore accused Bush of deliberately lying to the American people by drawing a link between Iraq and al-Qaeda in an effort to justify his administration's ``power grab.''

``So long as their big flamboyant lie remains an established fact in the public's mind, President Bush will be seen as justified in taking for himself the power to make war on his whim,'' Gore said in remarks to the American Constitution Society....

The former vice president also said the administration works with ``a network of `rapid response' digital Brown Shirts'' that pressure reporters and editors, a reference to Nazi supporters of the 1930s.

He also referred to Abu Ghraib, the center of the Iraqi prisoner abuse scandal, as ``the Bush Gulag.'' Gore slammed the Republican-led Congress for not standing up to Bush and claimed the administration has intimidated the media...

Today Al Gore upped the ante. He coined a new term for the Internet critics of his positions: digital brownshirts. Yes, yes, it’s over the top. But it’s not the sentiment that raises eyebrows, it’s the position of the person who’s saying it. We don’t expect presidential candidates past or present to indulge in Usenet flame-war lingo. We don’t expect serious party elders to call the other side Nazis, and for good reason: it’s obscene. The brownshirts were evil. The brownshirts kicked the Jews in the streets and made the little kids put their hands on their heads as they stumbled off to the trains. The brownshirts were not interested in refuting arguments. They were interested in killing the people who dared argue at all.

At some point, I fear, the political discourse of 2004 is going to seem horribly irrelevant and misplaced in the face of some loud new wretched horror; it will seem as oddly disconnected from reality as the Condit / Killer-Shark news reports of August 2001. An indolent luxury.

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