Governor Sarah Palin Has The Highest Favorability Rating Among GOP Primary Voters


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
This is good news for Governor Palin. It shows that the GOP clearly is in support of her. I remember during the campaign in Iowa, even though she wasn't running, she showed up and made a speech on crony capitalism and corruption. She ended up drawing the largest audience than all the other GOP candidates, something Mitt Romney did not welcome. He had half the turnout she did. There is a reason to like Governor Palin. She has been honest, straight forward and doesn't mind taking on members of her own party calling them out on their cronyism while they catered to special interests. That is just one of the reasons what made her so favorable in Alaska as Governor.


Poll: Sarah Palin Has Highest Favorability Rating Among GOP Primary Voters

According to Public Policy Polling:

The best liked person we tested on this poll with Republican primary voters is actually Sarah Palin who has a 70/20 favorability rating. She's followed by Huckabee at 64/18, Ryan at 58/18, Paul at 58/21, Bush at 56/18, Cruz at 45/20, and Christie at 40/38. Most of those numbers are similar to what they were a month ago but Christie's seen a substantial drop from +18 at 47/29 a month ago to his new +2 net favorability.

Palin's favorability numbers show why former South Carolina Senator and Heritage Foundation President Jim DeMint said that Palin's endorsement was the most influential in a Republican primary. The poll was conducted January 23 to 26 and has a margin of error of +/- 4.6 percentage points.
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This is good news for Governor Palin. It shows that the GOP clearly is in support of her. I remember during the campaign in Iowa, even though she wasn't running, she showed up and made a speech on crony capitalism and corruption. She ended up drawing the largest audience than all the other GOP candidates, something Mitt Romney did not welcome. He had half the turnout she did. There is a reason to like Governor Palin. She has been honest, straight forward and doesn't mind taking on members of her own party calling them out on their cronyism while catering to special interests. That is just one of the reasons what made her so favorable in Alaska as Governor.

Poll: Sarah Palin Has Highest Favorability Rating Among GOP Primary Voters

According to Public Policy Polling:

The best liked person we tested on this poll with Republican primary voters is actually Sarah Palin who has a 70/20 favorability rating. She's followed by Huckabee at 64/18, Ryan at 58/18, Paul at 58/21, Bush at 56/18, Cruz at 45/20, and Christie at 40/38. Most of those numbers are similar to what they were a month ago but Christie's seen a substantial drop from +18 at 47/29 a month ago to his new +2 net favorability.

Palin's favorability numbers show why former South Carolina Senator and Heritage Foundation President Jim DeMint said that Palin's endorsement was the most influential in a Republican primary. The poll was conducted January 23 to 26 and has a margin of error of +/- 4.6 percentage points.

I have heard the rumors for months now, of Palin's chances, but I still can't imagine voting for her, though I would, were she the candidate. I do like her vision for America, but her lack of experience in foreign policy concerns me.
This is good news for Governor Palin. It shows that the GOP clearly is in support of her. I remember during the campaign in Iowa, even though she wasn't running, she showed up and made a speech on crony capitalism and corruption. She ended up drawing the largest audience than all the other GOP candidates, something Mitt Romney did not welcome. He had half the turnout she did. There is a reason to like Governor Palin. She has been honest, straight forward and doesn't mind taking on members of her own party calling them out on their cronyism while catering to special interests. That is just one of the reasons what made her so favorable in Alaska as Governor.

Poll: Sarah Palin Has Highest Favorability Rating Among GOP Primary Voters

According to Public Policy Polling:

The best liked person we tested on this poll with Republican primary voters is actually Sarah Palin who has a 70/20 favorability rating. She's followed by Huckabee at 64/18, Ryan at 58/18, Paul at 58/21, Bush at 56/18, Cruz at 45/20, and Christie at 40/38. Most of those numbers are similar to what they were a month ago but Christie's seen a substantial drop from +18 at 47/29 a month ago to his new +2 net favorability.

Palin's favorability numbers show why former South Carolina Senator and Heritage Foundation President Jim DeMint said that Palin's endorsement was the most influential in a Republican primary. The poll was conducted January 23 to 26 and has a margin of error of +/- 4.6 percentage points.

I have heard the rumors for months now, of Palin's chances, but I still can't imagine voting for her, though I would, were she the candidate. I do like her vision for America, but her lack of experience in foreign policy concerns me.

You could not imagine voting for her, but you would? Now what is wrong with that line of thought?
Isn't proper protocol to refer to a former Governor as Governor if there's a new one in office. She's just "Mrs. Palin." Doing so just to be petulant just makes it look like her supporters are all poorly educated suck-ups.
Seeing as much as she trotted out the tard for the world to see last time around, why doesn't she make him VP?
And she's just the type of gal who will let this go to her head and starting thinking all kinds of crazy thoughts like, "I could be President."

It would never happen, she'd never get the nomination, the GOP power brokers would kill that half-way through the primaries, however…

How sweet would it be to see Hillary wipe the floor with her?

Given that being dumb doesn't disqualify you from becomming President (lil' Bush et al.) I'd be VERY concerned if Mrs. Palin moves in that direction. :)
We don't have to worry about Sarah. She'll resign in a year and a half.

OMG...wait. Then we'll have VP Tard as president!
I like Sarah Palin. Would I vote for her in a primary over say Rubio, or Christie, or someone else? Probably not. I mean lets face it, who ever is the conservative candidate is going to have a huge target painted on their back. Things that would be oh so incredibly wrong if the Democratic candidate were the target will be fine so long as its done to the conservative candidate. Making fun of their special needs children, their weight, their handicap (i.e., confined to a wheelchair) etc. will be the order of the day. So long as its the Republican or conservative candidate who is the target.

I like her because she sends liberals into an absolute meltdown. She's a hundred times easier on the eyes than Hillary (aka Kankles), that's for sure.
How sweet would it be to see Hillary wipe the floor with her?
What the hell are you talking about? In 2008 the Clinton machine couldn't even wipe the floor with a unknown man with zero executive governing experience and got thrown under the bus by her own party.:cuckoo:
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This is good news for Governor Palin. It shows that the GOP clearly is in support of her. I remember during the campaign in Iowa, even though she wasn't running, she showed up and made a speech on crony capitalism and corruption. She ended up drawing the largest audience than all the other GOP candidates, something Mitt Romney did not welcome. He had half the turnout she did. There is a reason to like Governor Palin. She has been honest, straight forward and doesn't mind taking on members of her own party calling them out on their cronyism while they catered to special interests. That is just one of the reasons what made her so favorable in Alaska as Governor.


Poll: Sarah Palin Has Highest Favorability Rating Among GOP Primary Voters

According to Public Policy Polling:

The best liked person we tested on this poll with Republican primary voters is actually Sarah Palin who has a 70/20 favorability rating. She's followed by Huckabee at 64/18, Ryan at 58/18, Paul at 58/21, Bush at 56/18, Cruz at 45/20, and Christie at 40/38. Most of those numbers are similar to what they were a month ago but Christie's seen a substantial drop from +18 at 47/29 a month ago to his new +2 net favorability.

Palin's favorability numbers show why former South Carolina Senator and Heritage Foundation President Jim DeMint said that Palin's endorsement was the most influential in a Republican primary. The poll was conducted January 23 to 26 and has a margin of error of +/- 4.6 percentage points.

Good news? That is OUTSTANDING news! :clap2:
Governor Sarah Palin Has The Highest Favorability Rating Among GOP Primary Voters
Boy, that speaks volumes about the GOP voters, don't it.

Exactly the same thing crossed my mind.

If Sarah Palin is the best the GOP can do, it speaks volumes more about the condition of the party than everything I have said to date about the party which turned me away from it.

I am really hating John McCain for inflicting her on us.
I can see it now. Hillary is sitting in a closed room trying to pull a Vulcan mind meld or something saying:

"Run Sarah. Run"
"Run Sarah. Run"
"Run Sarah. Run"
"Run Sarah. Run"
I dunno... I'm afraid that Obama's less than stellar performance has probably ruined the chances of anyone who isn't your standard gray haired old white guy from getting the job for a while...

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