Governor Palin Pens Energy Op-Ed for Texas Tribune (Shear Brilliance)


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
Nobody can disagree with what she has to say here, not even a liberal. Once again, Governor Palin's keen insight on the oil and gas industry shines.


Why drill baby drill was right
When Governor Palin opened with recognition of Americans who WORK you had to know she was in deep shit with Obama's acolytes who hate to see anyone gainfully employed.

Now watch 'em circle the wagons......shouldn't take but.....5.....4.....3.....2......
Yeah, it was all that drill baby drilling that brought down the price of gas, but then Obama went golfing and fucked it all up. Gas is going back up. THAT BASTARD!!!
Only the stupid refer to Palin as Governor. Not because she quit, but because there's a Governor in that office now. Once that happens, former Governors lose the title.
Only the stupid refer to Palin as Governor. Not because she quit, but because there's a Governor in that office now. Once that happens, former Governors lose the title.

Glad to see that using "Governor" still gets liberal panties all in a twist!

I'm not a liberal, just educated. Read my posts in the "why is abortion ever ok" thread to confirm. :)
A Palin speech always sounds like a Mad Libs page to me. Every politician uses button words and phrases to trigger emotional responses in their audience, but Palin takes it to a diabetic level.
Yeah, but she has to work at it.

All I have to do is type "GOVERNOR Palin" and those few liberals who still have dicks get those little schlongs painfully caught in their twisting thongs.
Only the stupid refer to Palin as Governor. Not because she quit, but because there's a Governor in that office now. Once that happens, former Governors lose the title.
Wrong. She is addressed as governor everywhere she goes. It's common courtesy to address her as such.

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