Government Shutdown looming over "The Wall"?

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
He just made the threat that he would if thats what it takes to get it done. I dont see the gop having the spine to take it there if need be. In fact i can see them overriding his veto on the subject if they submit a bill without funding.
Trump will fold before Congress does. They are increasingly showing that they have no respect for Trump, and are no longer afraid to ignore his wishes.
If Don THE Con can't get AMERICA to pay for the wall, the lying scum bag will shut down the government.
He just made the threat that he would if thats what it takes to get it done. I dont see the gop having the spine to take it there if need be. In fact i can see them overriding his veto on the subject if they submit a bill without funding.

we'll see how the market reacts to that comment.

he's crazy, thats all there is to it.
They might as well not even bother sending it to him unless it includes funding for the wall. I guarantee he will not sign it, for damn good reason too. It has long been known to all intelligent people that we need a wall on the southern border. It's not really a negotiable issue.
They might as well not even bother sending it to him unless it includes funding for the wall. I guarantee he will not sign it, for damn good reason too. It has long been known to all intelligent people that we need a wall on the southern border. It's not really a negotiable issue.

yeah Gomer, that's no way to get what he wants. If congress gangs up on his sorry ass he wont need a pen to sign jack shit, all he will have is his dick in his hand just like he does now.
The federal government does not deserve any money, any damage done to the federal government is a good thing for the country
He just made the threat that he would if thats what it takes to get it done. I dont see the gop having the spine to take it there if need be. In fact i can see them overriding his veto on the subject if they submit a bill without funding.
They don't have the votes, or the gonads.
They might as well not even bother sending it to him unless it includes funding for the wall. I guarantee he will not sign it, for damn good reason too. It has long been known to all intelligent people that we need a wall on the southern border. It's not really a negotiable issue.

yeah Gomer, that's no way to get what he wants. If congress gangs up on his sorry ass he wont need a pen to sign jack shit, all he will have is his dick in his hand just like he does now.
That "if" is wishful thinking on your part. Your wish is about as likely of coming true as your wish that you're going to win the lottery tomorrow. Technically possible, but not likely at all.

You remind me of somebody.

LOL Lose-lose for the GOP. Either they totally defy the treasonous fat senile old orange clown, or they lose the House in 2018. Of course, if they defy the clown, then they lose the 'Dingbats', and lose the House in 2018. LOL
And then there is the Senate. The porcine bastard has attacked about half the GOP Senators in that body, and many have zero respect for him, including McConnell.
And then there is the Senate. The porcine bastard has attacked about half the GOP Senators in that body, and many have zero respect for him, including McConnell.
And they STILL have to answer to those that voted them in. No politician is shielded from the wrath of the voter. If they were the bitch would be president.
And then there is the Senate. The porcine bastard has attacked about half the GOP Senators in that body, and many have zero respect for him, including McConnell.
No one should respect any GOP establishment career politician... they have a single digit approval rating. Fuck them
John McCain is an absolute career politician sucks the tit of the federal government for decades now, no longer a hero to America. No one should be resting on their laurels... especially a fucking career politician.
They might as well not even bother sending it to him unless it includes funding for the wall. I guarantee he will not sign it, for damn good reason too. It has long been known to all intelligent people that we need a wall on the southern border. It's not really a negotiable issue.
It is when he was going around proclaiming that Mexico was going to pay for the wall. Now he wants us to pay for it? Fuck that!
LOL Lose-lose for the GOP. Either they totally defy the treasonous fat senile old orange clown, or they lose the House in 2018. Of course, if they defy the clown, then they lose the 'Dingbats', and lose the House in 2018. LOL
They might as well not even bother sending it to him unless it includes funding for the wall. I guarantee he will not sign it, for damn good reason too. It has long been known to all intelligent people that we need a wall on the southern border. It's not really a negotiable issue.
It is when he was going around proclaiming that Mexico was going to pay for the wall. Now he wants us to pay for it? Fuck that!
It will be very easy to make them pay for it. Why are so many people willfully ignorant of that fact?
And then there is the Senate. The porcine bastard has attacked about half the GOP Senators in that body, and many have zero respect for him, including McConnell.
And they STILL have to answer to those that voted them in. No politician is shielded from the wrath of the voter. If they were the bitch would be president.
Clinton received nearly 3 million more votes than did the treasonous fat senile old clown. I think the GOP Senators are very sorry that the porcine bastard was elected. And that will be reflected in the upcoming debates on taxes and budgets. Should the old clown actually see that the government is shut down, the GOP is going to have a very hard row to hoe in 2018, and a worse one in 2020.
LOL Lose-lose for the GOP. Either they totally defy the treasonous fat senile old orange clown, or they lose the House in 2018. Of course, if they defy the clown, then they lose the 'Dingbats', and lose the House in 2018. LOL
They might as well not even bother sending it to him unless it includes funding for the wall. I guarantee he will not sign it, for damn good reason too. It has long been known to all intelligent people that we need a wall on the southern border. It's not really a negotiable issue.
It is when he was going around proclaiming that Mexico was going to pay for the wall. Now he wants us to pay for it? Fuck that!
It will be very easy to make them pay for it. Why are so many people willfully ignorant of that fact?
Perhaps because it is one of those 'Alternative Facts'. LOL
nobody's paying for a wall because THERE WON'T BE A DAMN WALL.

write that down.

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