Government Healthcare Fraud Grows Every Year!


Bright F**ker
Oct 17, 2009
[ame=""]Medicare Fraud 1994 - part1[/ame]
[ame=""]Medicare Fraud 1994 - part2[/ame]
[ame=""]Medicare Fraud 1994 - part3[/ame]
[ame=""]Medicare Fraud 2007[/ame]
[ame=""]Medicare Fraud 2007[/ame]
Medicare Fraud 2009
[ame=""]Health Care Fraud Costs Rising Up to $250 Billion[/ame]
[ame=""]Great Fraud[/ame]

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I can imagine that pharmaceutical companies are drooling at the thought of mandatory insurance.

I said this before but should repeat it. While I was out to visit my folks last year I met some of the new neighbors. The local private hospital/clinic decided that the 80 year old Alzheimer mom of the neighbor needed heart surgery and a pacemaker to extend her life for another 15 years. The poor old woman does not remember how to dress herself. While we visited with mom's new neighbor the mom laid there on the couch. Every fifteen minutes or so the neighbor would go over and help her mom get her blanket and pillow straightened up for her. The neighbor said, "This is terrible. We may not live another fifteen years to take care of her." The neighbor's husband is recovering from cancer and she has had some health issues.
I can imagine that pharmaceutical companies are drooling at the thought of mandatory insurance.

I said this before but should repeat it. While I was out to visit my folks last year I met some of the new neighbors. The local private hospital/clinic decided that the 80 year old Alzheimer mom of the neighbor needed heart surgery and a pacemaker to extend her life for another 15 years. The poor old woman does not remember how to dress herself. While we visited with mom's new neighbor the mom laid there on the couch. Every fifteen minutes or so the neighbor would go over and help her mom get her blanket and pillow straightened up for her. The neighbor said, "This is terrible. We may not live another fifteen years to take care of her." The neighbor's husband is recovering from cancer and she has had some health issues.

Are you suggesting the heart surgery and pacemaker might not be the best thing for this 80 year old with Alzheimer's?
I agree that the pharmacuetical industry and private insurers are going to love the insurance mandate, especially with no public option from the gov't. What an incredible winfall for the insurance and drug making industry!
Medicare Fraud 1994 - part1
Medicare Fraud 1994 - part2
Medicare Fraud 1994 - part3
Medicare Fraud 2007
Medicare Fraud 2009


Fraud is a serious issue. More mechanisms need to be put in place to prevent or catch fraud.
I can imagine that pharmaceutical companies are drooling at the thought of mandatory insurance.

I said this before but should repeat it. While I was out to visit my folks last year I met some of the new neighbors. The local private hospital/clinic decided that the 80 year old Alzheimer mom of the neighbor needed heart surgery and a pacemaker to extend her life for another 15 years. The poor old woman does not remember how to dress herself. While we visited with mom's new neighbor the mom laid there on the couch. Every fifteen minutes or so the neighbor would go over and help her mom get her blanket and pillow straightened up for her. The neighbor said, "This is terrible. We may not live another fifteen years to take care of her." The neighbor's husband is recovering from cancer and she has had some health issues.

Are you suggesting the heart surgery and pacemaker might not be the best thing for this 80 year old with Alzheimer's?

I'm suggesting that the family and the woman should be consulted prior to a clinic/hospital making a unilateral decision as to whether this should have been done or not. The clinic/hospital did this without consent.
I can imagine that pharmaceutical companies are drooling at the thought of mandatory insurance.

I said this before but should repeat it. While I was out to visit my folks last year I met some of the new neighbors. The local private hospital/clinic decided that the 80 year old Alzheimer mom of the neighbor needed heart surgery and a pacemaker to extend her life for another 15 years. The poor old woman does not remember how to dress herself. While we visited with mom's new neighbor the mom laid there on the couch. Every fifteen minutes or so the neighbor would go over and help her mom get her blanket and pillow straightened up for her. The neighbor said, "This is terrible. We may not live another fifteen years to take care of her." The neighbor's husband is recovering from cancer and she has had some health issues.

Are you suggesting the heart surgery and pacemaker might not be the best thing for this 80 year old with Alzheimer's?
I think she might be!!!

Of course if the women has Alzheimers she probably won't live another five years, let along fifteen years.
I can imagine that pharmaceutical companies are drooling at the thought of mandatory insurance.

I said this before but should repeat it. While I was out to visit my folks last year I met some of the new neighbors. The local private hospital/clinic decided that the 80 year old Alzheimer mom of the neighbor needed heart surgery and a pacemaker to extend her life for another 15 years. The poor old woman does not remember how to dress herself. While we visited with mom's new neighbor the mom laid there on the couch. Every fifteen minutes or so the neighbor would go over and help her mom get her blanket and pillow straightened up for her. The neighbor said, "This is terrible. We may not live another fifteen years to take care of her." The neighbor's husband is recovering from cancer and she has had some health issues.

Are you suggesting the heart surgery and pacemaker might not be the best thing for this 80 year old with Alzheimer's?

I'm suggesting that the family and the woman should be consulted prior to a clinic/hospital making a unilateral decision as to whether this should have been done or not. The clinic/hospital did this without consent.

So you want her to have a "care" meeting, or meet with a death panel(which is what the right likes to call the meeting you are talking about)?
I can imagine that pharmaceutical companies are drooling at the thought of mandatory insurance.

I said this before but should repeat it. While I was out to visit my folks last year I met some of the new neighbors. The local private hospital/clinic decided that the 80 year old Alzheimer mom of the neighbor needed heart surgery and a pacemaker to extend her life for another 15 years. The poor old woman does not remember how to dress herself. While we visited with mom's new neighbor the mom laid there on the couch. Every fifteen minutes or so the neighbor would go over and help her mom get her blanket and pillow straightened up for her. The neighbor said, "This is terrible. We may not live another fifteen years to take care of her." The neighbor's husband is recovering from cancer and she has had some health issues.

Are you suggesting the heart surgery and pacemaker might not be the best thing for this 80 year old with Alzheimer's?

I'm suggesting that the family and the woman should be consulted prior to a clinic/hospital making a unilateral decision as to whether this should have been done or not. The clinic/hospital did this without consent.

So doctors should confer with their patients and their family as to the best route to take regarding their care, especially when the patient is very old and sick.

Care, rod, you are getting dangerously close to, "killing grandma" with your talk of counciling and what not.
I agree that the pharmacuetical industry and private insurers are going to love the insurance mandate, especially with no public option from the gov't. What an incredible winfall for the insurance and drug making industry!

This 'public option' stuff is just so much shit.... The Pharmas have looked at what happens in 'single payer' countries and realized that - even with a public option - they're still gonna be making money. We will eventually have a single payer system.... but everyone that can afford it will not only pay into the single payer system, we'll all be taking private insurance because the single payer system will be crap. And when you look realistically at countries that have single payer, and look at the size of our country, and the price that we'll all be paying to 'take care of the poor people', maybe.... if you're really smart and can do math.... you'll be as afraid of this scenario as I am.
I agree that the pharmacuetical industry and private insurers are going to love the insurance mandate, especially with no public option from the gov't. What an incredible winfall for the insurance and drug making industry!

This 'public option' stuff is just so much shit.... The Pharmas have looked at what happens in 'single payer' countries and realized that - even with a public option - they're still gonna be making money. We will eventually have a single payer system.... but everyone that can afford it will not only pay into the single payer system, we'll all be taking private insurance because the single payer system will be crap. And when you look realistically at countries that have single payer, and look at the size of our country, and the price that we'll all be paying to 'take care of the poor people', maybe.... if you're really smart and can do math.... you'll be as afraid of this scenario as I am.

I always laugh when people say single payer system will be crap.
My son goes to an office that mostly sees patients with state insurance, or who have insurance through their job at the government. I never have to wait, it is never crowded, they have great doctors, who I call when my son is sick I actually get to talk to them.
And PS most people here don't want a single payer system, they just want a public option for the people who can't get insurance.
Are you suggesting the heart surgery and pacemaker might not be the best thing for this 80 year old with Alzheimer's?

I'm suggesting that the family and the woman should be consulted prior to a clinic/hospital making a unilateral decision as to whether this should have been done or not. The clinic/hospital did this without consent.

So you want her to have a "care" meeting, or meet with a death panel(which is what the right likes to call the meeting you are talking about)?
I would prefer that private care facilities such as the one in the case I mentioned be held accountable for their unilateral actions that do nothing to improve the patient's quality of life. When anyone wants to improve their own bottom line over and above a patient's rights I consider that abuse.
I agree that the pharmacuetical industry and private insurers are going to love the insurance mandate, especially with no public option from the gov't. What an incredible winfall for the insurance and drug making industry!

This 'public option' stuff is just so much shit.... The Pharmas have looked at what happens in 'single payer' countries and realized that - even with a public option - they're still gonna be making money. We will eventually have a single payer system.... but everyone that can afford it will not only pay into the single payer system, we'll all be taking private insurance because the single payer system will be crap. And when you look realistically at countries that have single payer, and look at the size of our country, and the price that we'll all be paying to 'take care of the poor people', maybe.... if you're really smart and can do math.... you'll be as afraid of this scenario as I am.

If we are mandating insurance I will take my chances with offering a public option over just handing billions more to private insurers.
I'm suggesting that the family and the woman should be consulted prior to a clinic/hospital making a unilateral decision as to whether this should have been done or not. The clinic/hospital did this without consent.

So you want her to have a "care" meeting, or meet with a death panel(which is what the right likes to call the meeting you are talking about)?
I would prefer that private care facilities such as the one in the case I mentioned be held accountable for their unilateral actions that do nothing to improve the patient's quality of life. When anyone wants to improve their own bottom line over and above a patient's rights I consider that abuse.

I agree with you 100%, I was lucky enough to work for nursing home/memory care that even though corporate owned, our director cared about the residents. She even turned in a doctor for medicare fraud, because he peformed a hip replacement on a women who dementia and heart failure. She was probably a few months away from dying, but due to the how hard surgerory can be on your body, she died a week after the hip replacement.

Personally if I was the older women I wouldn't want anything that would make my life longer, it would just mean more years of pain and suffering. Plus the Alzheimer's will kill her anyways.
Are you suggesting the heart surgery and pacemaker might not be the best thing for this 80 year old with Alzheimer's?

I'm suggesting that the family and the woman should be consulted prior to a clinic/hospital making a unilateral decision as to whether this should have been done or not. The clinic/hospital did this without consent.

So doctors should confer with their patients and their family as to the best route to take regarding their care, especially when the patient is very old and sick.

Care, rod, you are getting dangerously close to, "killing grandma" with your talk of counciling and what not.
I have seen a lot of elderly people abused in various ways over the years. I can fully understand why people wish to be protective of the elderly. I have also known of cases where the care takers would have preferred to see the elderly patient die so they could get the inheritance from the estate. We took care of an older Hungarian woman that was very wealthy for a short period of time. This dear woman did not want to leave us and my family wold have gladly taken care of her for free. She was put into protective care by a close friend that was a welfare committee member for that district. The man she was leaving her estate to both she and her husband had treated as their own son for twenty years. They had no children of their own. This man they had treated like a son for twenty years wanted her gone so he could get her estate. He knew if he could get her committed she wouldn't last long. She was leaving everything she owned to him in her will and he knew it. We had to watch this all happen and we were helpless to assist her. The only thing we could do was visit her in the rest home after the man got the court to order her incompetent. After they took her to the rest home she would not talk to anyone. She passed away a few months later. It was very sad.
The fraud comes from all sides. We have medical pros scamming the elderly & stupid out of our tax dollars. We have criminals & desperate recipients scamming the system for anything they can get. We have the government officials skimming off the top & turning a blind eye helping scammers who contribute to their campaigns.

I am so glad my elected officials ignore me. I just love being forced into slavery to pay all these criminals. 16,500 more IRS agents will be hired to enforce Obamacare Damn I love this country!
I agree that the pharmacuetical industry and private insurers are going to love the insurance mandate, especially with no public option from the gov't. What an incredible winfall for the insurance and drug making industry!

This 'public option' stuff is just so much shit.... The Pharmas have looked at what happens in 'single payer' countries and realized that - even with a public option - they're still gonna be making money. We will eventually have a single payer system.... but everyone that can afford it will not only pay into the single payer system, we'll all be taking private insurance because the single payer system will be crap. And when you look realistically at countries that have single payer, and look at the size of our country, and the price that we'll all be paying to 'take care of the poor people', maybe.... if you're really smart and can do math.... you'll be as afraid of this scenario as I am.

I always laugh when people say single payer system will be crap.
My son goes to an office that mostly sees patients with state insurance, or who have insurance through their job at the government. I never have to wait, it is never crowded, they have great doctors, who I call when my son is sick I actually get to talk to them.
And PS most people here don't want a single payer system, they just want a public option for the people who can't get insurance.

Wait til it the standard... then come back and tell me how easy it is. I'm not big on giving personal stories of examples but here's one from the UK's National Health Service. Friend of mine, single Mom, 3 young kids, waited 18 months for a standard, basic procedure. For 18 months she was on painkillers that didn't help, held down a job and raised 3 kids. 18 months! For a procedure that takes 30 minutes. You think this single payer thing is gonna be the exception - for those who can't afford insurance? Sure, it will start off that way. But it will become the norm. It will be something we all contribute towards and if we contribute towards it, we are entitled to use it. And when that happens - we will have a monstrosity of a system that will suck this nation dry.
Dumbocrats say they will save us money by reducing Medicare Fraud. They have done such a great job reducing fraud over the last 16 years, so lets just give them the whole healthcare system.
:clap2:Government has done an awesome job with HUD, GSEs Fannie & Freddie, Education.:clap2:
:lol:I love being controlled & continuously robbed by the Elite Rich & Powerful Oligarchy.:lol:
I will remember in November who voted to increase this fraud against the taxpayers in this country.
If you think Government can crack down on this you are out of your mind! Medicare fraud was only a few billion problem in 1994. The government cracked down & now in 2009 it is up-wards of $250 Billion dollar fraud. Watch the same media sting posted below filmed in 2009 vs the ones posted in the OP from 1994. This problem is 100s of times worse now 16 years later.

[ame=""]$100+ Billion Fraud 2009 part 1[/ame]
[ame=""]$100+ Billion Fraud 2009 part 2[/ame]

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