Gov. DeSantis Tells Unemployed Floridians Collecting Benefits To Start Looking For A Job


Diamond Member
Oct 19, 2012
He has done it again! :clap:

He is amazing! DeSantis is Da Man! :up:

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has delivered a message to his state's unemployed residents: Either start looking for a job, or you'll stop receiving unemployment benefits

Published May 7, 2021
DeSantis said:

"Normally when you’re getting unemployment, the whole idea is that’s temporary, and you need to be looking for work to be able to get off unemployment," DeSantis said at a news conference. "It was a disaster, so we suspended those job search requirements. I think it’s pretty clear now, we have an abundance of job openings.

The previous executive order waiving the work-search requirement will likely end May 29, DeSantis said.

"We absolutely can put more people to work. The demand is there. Business want to hire more people, and I think we can go in that direction very soon,"

Best Gov, ever! :up:
DeSantis said:

"Normally when you’re getting unemployment, the whole idea is that’s temporary, and you need to be looking for work to be able to get off unemployment," DeSantis said at a news conference. "It was a disaster, so we suspended those job search requirements. I think it’s pretty clear now, we have an abundance of job openings.

The previous executive order waiving the work-search requirement will likely end May 29, DeSantis said.

"We absolutely can put more people to work. The demand is there. Business want to hire more people, and I think we can go in that direction very soon,"

Best Gov, ever! :up:
I wonder if he realizes that the Democrats are going to take credit for that.
DeSantis said:

"Normally when you’re getting unemployment, the whole idea is that’s temporary, and you need to be looking for work to be able to get off unemployment," DeSantis said at a news conference. "It was a disaster, so we suspended those job search requirements. I think it’s pretty clear now, we have an abundance of job openings.

The previous executive order waiving the work-search requirement will likely end May 29, DeSantis said.

"We absolutely can put more people to work. The demand is there. Business want to hire more people, and I think we can go in that direction very soon,"

Best Gov, ever! :up:
I wonder if he realizes that the Democrats are going to take credit for that.

DemoncRats always will lose with Da Man -DeSantis! ;)
DeSantis said:

"Normally when you’re getting unemployment, the whole idea is that’s temporary, and you need to be looking for work to be able to get off unemployment," DeSantis said at a news conference. "It was a disaster, so we suspended those job search requirements. I think it’s pretty clear now, we have an abundance of job openings.

The previous executive order waiving the work-search requirement will likely end May 29, DeSantis said.

"We absolutely can put more people to work. The demand is there. Business want to hire more people, and I think we can go in that direction very soon,"

Best Gov, ever! :up:
I wonder if he realizes that the Democrats are going to take credit for that.

DemoncRats always will lose with Da Man -DeSantis! ;)
We'll see. Cheaters like the left always find a way to cheat.
DeSantis said:

"Normally when you’re getting unemployment, the whole idea is that’s temporary, and you need to be looking for work to be able to get off unemployment," DeSantis said at a news conference. "It was a disaster, so we suspended those job search requirements. I think it’s pretty clear now, we have an abundance of job openings.

The previous executive order waiving the work-search requirement will likely end May 29, DeSantis said.

"We absolutely can put more people to work. The demand is there. Business want to hire more people, and I think we can go in that direction very soon,"

Best Gov, ever! :up:
I wonder if he realizes that the Democrats are going to take credit for that.

DemoncRats always will lose with Da Man -DeSantis! ;)
We'll see. Cheaters like the left always find a way to cheat.

I know.

As you wisely say....we'll see.
Good for DeSantis! Florida, unlike other BLUE states, should not have to become an "Enabler" state. A state that "enables" its residents to live off the system. The residents should be able to find some work, even if its a few hours. Living off the state government only shows that "you" are incapable to function in society with a decent record.
There's a (huge) difference when someone is disabled - like myself - to work. And someone who just refuses to work, and collects from the government to "pay his/her way in life". I rather be working and making a living. But since I was injured due to work related issue, I am only able to work part-time and I can't stand for a long period of time. But I do manage to work for a friend of mine and get paid. It's not much. But it's much better than being stuck at home and living off the system. I don't even get food stamps - because I make too much. But I don't need it. I rather give it to someone who really needs it more than I do. And I don't do drugs, so my money doesn't go to that, or even alcohol. And I don't smoke pot. It makes me sick now. So, I use my money elsewhere. Like paying bills and paying for streaming services.
DeSantis said:

"Normally when you’re getting unemployment, the whole idea is that’s temporary, and you need to be looking for work to be able to get off unemployment," DeSantis said at a news conference. "It was a disaster, so we suspended those job search requirements. I think it’s pretty clear now, we have an abundance of job openings.

The previous executive order waiving the work-search requirement will likely end May 29, DeSantis said.

"We absolutely can put more people to work. The demand is there. Business want to hire more people, and I think we can go in that direction very soon,"

Best Gov, ever! :up:
I wonder if he realizes that the Democrats are going to take credit for that.

DemoncRats always will lose with Da Man -DeSantis! ;)
We'll see. Cheaters like the left always find a way to cheat.

I know.

As you wisely say....we'll see.
What if the only jobs on offer are way below your normal pay grade?
This is already a requirement for receiving benefits, giving Desantis credit for pointing it out is :laugh:
I'm disabled. My left foot has to have a special boot because it's swelled up and the bones are spread apart, it will never heal back to normal again. If I keep walking on it it will slowly get worse until I lose my foot. But I don't have disability. It takes 5 months to get disability, if everything works perfectly. 5 months without an income because if you have an income your automatically judged as not disabled enough to need it. But working makes it worse but not working means the rent doesn't get paid. So I'm forced to be homeless in order to qualify for disability. Biden fixed that.

Took awhile for me to get fired but falling asleep at work eventually they'll fire you. I have extreme pain in my feet that is unpredictable. If it occurs when I need to sleep I don't sleep. The pain pills make me sleepy and they don't work they don't dull the pain. Took me 2 years doing the job my best ability to get fired. I thought I was going to get another damn promotion but they finally fired me. I couldn't bring myself to do a bad job on purpose I don't work that way.

Now I collect Bidens unemployment and make $5.00 per hour more than I made when I worked. Once I start collecting checks. It's been 5 weeks and they haven't paid me a dime yet. I need this unemployment to start paying me and keep paying me for another 4 more months so I can get on disability. Else, I will have to choose between working till my foot falls off or homelessness.

I support 5 people on my income. I pay 75% of the bills. 1 is disabled waiting 6 years to collect her disability. liver sorosis, hepatitus, etc. 1 retired and two perpetually unemployed 20 year olds. Some may say we deserve to be starving in the streets. But I'm doing everything in my power to insure that doesn't happen. If I am homeless so are they.

I'm assuming I can find another job that will allow me to work from home on computer and phone. I was an apple tech csr for 2 years, other work at home jobs before that one. I got the knowledge and experience but I also got competition. Can't get a real job with this foot.

I never asked for anything, somehow paid my own way. But now I ask for 4 more months of unemployment so I can get my disability without becoming homeless first.
Those working for $20 per hour or less full time should get some assistance in that state.

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