GOP Senators Try to Force Senate Approval for New WHO Pandemic Treaty Amendments


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2020
An attempt to usurp our Constitution through international treaty law was thwarted last year when some 3rd world African & S American countries blocked the coup.
DC has been working behind the scenes through the HHS with WHO since then to draft & ultimately pass amendments to a previously Senate approved health treaty that would bind signatories to laws that would take precedent over national laws.

I have gone through the 32 page set of new rules they are looking to pass within weeks & it is absolutely criminal they way they are trying to strip our own rights & subjugate laws under the color of "international treaty law".

Going past the fact it is full of ambiguous legalize gobbledygook that can be stretched, molded & manipulated as to give almost unlimited power to an unelected health body that is, at best, a bunch of morons, what is concrete is the fact that:

It forces a "universal health care" system on all countries.
It forces us to help pay for the healthcare of other countries (From each according to their abilities, to each according to their needs)
Local laws take precedence BUT they must be changed to comport with the treaty rules.
Countries are committed for 2 years & can only withdraw 1 year after giving notice of withdrawal.
All healthcare would be equal but it's more equal for some than others.
Unlimited funding/taxing/borrowing as needed.
WHO unilaterally decides what is a health crises with a 1 size fits all approach.
Affirmative action instead of merit

Healthcare factors can be controlled include:
climate change,
vaccines & records (ID's),
"misinformation" censorship,
inequality for protected groups
Equality of outcomes

I know I'm forgetting some others but this is more than enough to tell anyone with a lick of common sense that is is the grandaddy of bad ideas.
It would give the commies at the WHO the ability to declare another DEMPANIC!!! over just about anything, subjugating our own laws to an authoritarian organization of "experts" that have proven to be incompetent previously.
In our own country, many on the left have called guns violence a heath emergency as well so it isn't crazy they would back door block the 2A & try to confiscate guns under something like this.

You can see where this is going if you have any reasonable cognitive abilities left after years of gaslighting & fear mongering.
Courts have already declared a President can make an executive decision on something like this that by-passes Senate approval & it will take a higher position than our own laws & even the Constitution.

The draft accord, which would be “legally binding” on all 194 member nations, gives the WHO the authority to declare pandemics and submits member countries to “the central role of the WHO as the directing and coordinating authority on international health work,” in areas like lockdowns, treatments, medical supply chains, surveillance, and “disinformation and false news,” once a pandemic is declared.

Seventeen U.S. senators, led by Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), introduced the “No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act” on Feb 15, which states that the pandemic accord must be deemed a treaty, thus requiring the consent of a supermajority of the Senate, which is two-thirds, or 67 senators. The legislation comes as the WHO gears up to present what it calls the “zero draft” of the accord, negotiated with the help of U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra, to all member nations on Feb. 27 to agree final terms.

Here is the draft they are set to debate & vote on:
It forces a "universal health care" system on all countries.
You can stop right there! That represents 'freedom' for the American poor and working class.
America's quality of life has been downgraded and is now judged to 54th. in the world.

This can only be because the very wealthy in America have convinced the working class to do the bidding of the wealthy.

America is still the country that is most capable of all of providing an affordable health care system of the highest quality.
You can stop right there! That represents 'freedom' for the American poor and working class.
America's quality of life has been downgraded and is now judged to 54th. in the world.

This can only be because the very wealthy in America have convinced the working class to do the bidding of the wealthy.

America is still the country that is most capable of all of providing an affordable health care system of the highest quality.
Meanwhile in Canada

Everybody has a right to treat themselves as they see fit or SEEK healthcare from a 3rd party.
There is no right that entails forcing someone else to provide it for them.

Ya'll can keep your socialized medicine.
We need more free market here, not less
An attempt to usurp our Constitution through international treaty law was thwarted last year when some 3rd world African & S American countries blocked the coup.
DC has been working behind the scenes through the HHS with WHO since then to draft & ultimately pass amendments to a previously Senate approved health treaty that would bind signatories to laws that would take precedent over national laws.

I have gone through the 32 page set of new rules they are looking to pass within weeks & it is absolutely criminal they way they are trying to strip our own rights & subjugate laws under the color of "international treaty law".

Going past the fact it is full of ambiguous legalize gobbledygook that can be stretched, molded & manipulated as to give almost unlimited power to an unelected health body that is, at best, a bunch of morons, what is concrete is the fact that:

It forces a "universal health care" system on all countries.
It forces us to help pay for the healthcare of other countries (From each according to their abilities, to each according to their needs)
Local laws take precedence BUT they must be changed to comport with the treaty rules.
Countries are committed for 2 years & can only withdraw 1 year after giving notice of withdrawal.
All healthcare would be equal but it's more equal for some than others.
Unlimited funding/taxing/borrowing as needed.
WHO unilaterally decides what is a health crises with a 1 size fits all approach.
Affirmative action instead of merit

Healthcare factors can be controlled include:
climate change,
vaccines & records (ID's),
"misinformation" censorship,
inequality for protected groups
Equality of outcomes

I know I'm forgetting some others but this is more than enough to tell anyone with a lick of common sense that is is the grandaddy of bad ideas.
It would give the commies at the WHO the ability to declare another DEMPANIC!!! over just about anything, subjugating our own laws to an authoritarian organization of "experts" that have proven to be incompetent previously.
In our own country, many on the left have called guns violence a heath emergency as well so it isn't crazy they would back door block the 2A & try to confiscate guns under something like this.

You can see where this is going if you have any reasonable cognitive abilities left after years of gaslighting & fear mongering.
Courts have already declared a President can make an executive decision on something like this that by-passes Senate approval & it will take a higher position than our own laws & even the Constitution.

The draft accord, which would be “legally binding” on all 194 member nations, gives the WHO the authority to declare pandemics and submits member countries to “the central role of the WHO as the directing and coordinating authority on international health work,” in areas like lockdowns, treatments, medical supply chains, surveillance, and “disinformation and false news,” once a pandemic is declared.

Seventeen U.S. senators, led by Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), introduced the “No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act” on Feb 15, which states that the pandemic accord must be deemed a treaty, thus requiring the consent of a supermajority of the Senate, which is two-thirds, or 67 senators. The legislation comes as the WHO gears up to present what it calls the “zero draft” of the accord, negotiated with the help of U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra, to all member nations on Feb. 27 to agree final terms.

Here is the draft they are set to debate & vote on:

You can stop right there! That represents 'freedom' for the American poor and working class.
America's quality of life has been downgraded and is now judged to 54th. in the world.

This can only be because the very wealthy in America have convinced the working class to do the bidding of the wealthy.

America is still the country that is most capable of all of providing an affordable health care system of the highest quality.

Our healthcare system was taken over by the government in the 60's

Wait, you think the government doesn't benefit from Medicare and Medicaid?
Yes, government benefits in that it can pay employees, but then honest and good government does it more cost effectively than private business can. Americans have never experienced that sort of government.

A socialist government 'can' be more cost effective, but isn't always, due to dishonesty.

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