Gop plan is; privatize everything.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

More federal tax cuts mean more state taxes.
More federal job cuts mean less services and less jobs.
Government job creation has always jump started the economy by creating more private sector jobs.

GOP plan for jobs creation is attacking Obama. That say what they don’t like about what Obama want to do but they don’t have a plan of what and how they would create jobs, balance the budget and pay down the deficit except cut more taxes. If tax cuts could create jobs our unemployment would not be 9.1% with 14 million Americans unemployed.

Obama has a plan but the GOP keep blocking everything he attempt to do. Let tax cut for the rich expire, tax of shore accounts and a minute across the board tax increase. Less federal taxes mean more state taxes.

GOP plan to overturn Obamacare but don’t have a plan to replace it except “privatization.” And lets remember that failed privatization led to Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, unemployment and other government run programs. Privatization of human services has never worked. Even services for dogs and cats are government run serviced.

If states like Texas is go great at jobs creation and budget balancing, why don’t other states create jobs. If those candidates has such great ideas for creating jobs why do they have to wait for Obama to create them?

Sales taxes that Allen West suggest is not a fair tax because the rich and the poor would be paying the same rate of taxes . If taxes on products were 23% the rich could afford bread and the poor could not. Federal income tax is the only fair way to tax.

Private sector responds to government. Government create jobs and stimulate private sector will follow. It send the message that all is well. With the GOP cuts to federal government programs private sector is at a stalemate.

I have not heard Obama’s plan but it has to be fair federal income tax and government jobs.

FOXNEWS FREEDOM WATCH with Judge Nepolitano is still asking for smaller less government and less regulations and when the have a problem they don't have the money to take care of the call government and complain because government cannot afforce to respond.:cuckoo:

More federal tax cuts mean more state taxes.
More federal job cuts mean less services and less jobs.
Government job creation has always jump started the economy by creating more private sector jobs.

GOP plan for jobs creation is attacking Obama. That say what they don’t like about what Obama want to do but they don’t have a plan of what and how they would create jobs, balance the budget and pay down the deficit except cut more taxes. If tax cuts could create jobs our unemployment would not be 9.1% with 14 million Americans unemployed.

Obama has a plan but the GOP keep blocking everything he attempt to do. Let tax cut for the rich expire, tax of shore accounts and a minute across the board tax increase. Less federal taxes mean more state taxes.

GOP plan to overturn Obamacare but don’t have a plan to replace it except “privatization.” And lets remember that failed privatization led to Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, unemployment and other government run programs. Privatization of human services has never worked. Even services for dogs and cats are government run serviced.

If states like Texas is go great at jobs creation and budget balancing, why don’t other states create jobs. If those candidates has such great ideas for creating jobs why do they have to wait for Obama to create them?

Sales taxes that Allen West suggest is not a fair tax because the rich and the poor would be paying the same rate of taxes . If taxes on products were 23% the rich could afford bread and the poor could not. Federal income tax is the only fair way to tax.

Private sector responds to government. Government create jobs and stimulate private sector will follow. It send the message that all is well. With the GOP cuts to federal government programs private sector is at a stalemate.

I have not heard Obama’s plan but it has to be fair federal income tax and government jobs.

FOXNEWS FREEDOM WATCH with Judge Nepolitano is still asking for smaller less government and less regulations and when the have a problem they don't have the money to take care of the call government and complain because government cannot afforce to respond.:cuckoo:

Years ago I said Republicans would privatize everything if they could. Prisons, Federal Reserves, elections, schools, social security, medicare, police, etc. They haven't proved me wrong yet.

Republicans even laughed at me when I said they even want to privatize our National Parks. The idea being someone who owns the land will take better care of it than we will and it won't cost the taxpayers anything unless they want to visit. Eventually sell Yellowstone or the Grand Canyon to the rich who they think will take better care of them than we will. But we all know they will not.

This is why the GOP have de funded government and lowered taxes on the rich and corporations. Eventually they will take over what government once ran.

National Parks Have A Long To-Do List But Can't Cover The Repair Costs
I love the private sector but most things that remain public are for a good reason. I totally oppose anymore privatization.

-We all use the roads. We should pay for it through a tax.
-We all use the police. We should pay for it through taxes.
-We all use the nws/noaa for the latest information. We should maintain it through our taxes.
-We all expect the military to defend us. Our taxes pay for it!
-I think we're better off with a public choice for education. Nearly all of the top 30 best educational systems on earth are public, so it is up to us to make it work. I am ok with it being ran at the community or state level.
-I think a basic safetynet called unemployment is a great idea. Keep is public! I don't want to imagine how much the last recession would of sucked without it.
-Don't mess with ssi! People worked for it.

I can understand about going to far with the red tape on the private sector but lets not be retarded about it.
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Is there a problem with privatizing 75% of what the federal government does now?
Is there a problem with privatizing 75% of what the federal government does now?
Yes. Great example. Aramark private company takes over prisons. They do it cheaper than government. In 5 years when the contract expires, they jack up their prices and if we try to socialize prisons again you'll call us a socialist. Because you're dumb.
Is there a problem with privatizing 75% of what the federal government does now?
Yes. Great example. Aramark private company takes over prisons. They do it cheaper than government. In 5 years when the contract expires, they jack up their prices and if we try to socialize prisons again you'll call us a socialist. Because you're dumb.
I think I see your problem. You haven't advanced past the 5 year old stage of argument. But don't feel bad, I'm sure there's a place where your intellectual development is appreciated. Not here, but I'm sure somewhere.
Yep. It's called fascism

"The Winterhilfswerk... was to call on the Volk to help itself. We could have done things differently. Instead of appealing to the Volk's willingness to sacrifice, we could have directed our appeal to the taxpayer. We consciously and deliberately did not do so because we wanted to educate the German Volk to come together in this common sacrifice, and therein to begin to understand the nature of the community; to comprehend the duties this community demands of us and to satisfy these of our own free accord without relying on the taxpayer."
-- Adolf Hitler; from speech at Berlin Sportpalast (October 10, 1939)
Gosh, where to begin?

First off, the GOP is hardly a thing at the moment. Just a bunch of old white guys freaking out that the suckers they sold BS to for decades have grown weary of them.

Second, if you oppose privatization then why not demand more out of public servants? If public employees want my support then they have to work harder, receive market-rate pay and benefits and be held to account like a private employee does. No one should have a protected job and the dumbest and laziest should always feel the hot threat of dismissal.

Personally, I find it ironic that someone who has never signed the front of a paycheck (OP) should comment on job creation.
Is there a problem with privatizing 75% of what the federal government does now?
Yes. Great example. Aramark private company takes over prisons. They do it cheaper than government. In 5 years when the contract expires, they jack up their prices and if we try to socialize prisons again you'll call us a socialist. Because you're dumb.
I think I see your problem. You haven't advanced past the 5 year old stage of argument. But don't feel bad, I'm sure there's a place where your intellectual development is appreciated. Not here, but I'm sure somewhere.
You aren't even smart enough to grasp the concept of why not to privatize prisons, elections, federal parks, schools, etc.

If you aren't even smart enough to grasp the general concept, don't try to converse about it, dummy.
Is there a problem with privatizing 75% of what the federal government does now?
Yes. Great example. Aramark private company takes over prisons. They do it cheaper than government. In 5 years when the contract expires, they jack up their prices and if we try to socialize prisons again you'll call us a socialist. Because you're dumb.
I think I see your problem. You haven't advanced past the 5 year old stage of argument. But don't feel bad, I'm sure there's a place where your intellectual development is appreciated. Not here, but I'm sure somewhere.
You aren't even smart enough to grasp the concept of why not to privatize prisons, elections, federal parks, schools, etc.

If you aren't even smart enough to grasp the general concept, don't try to converse about it, dummy.
Experience real life for about 25 years (that means actually get out of the basement). You might gain enough sophistication to opine on the subject.
Everything is already privatized. For the individual customer, it doesn't matter if he gets a crap service because the government official who runs it is lazy or is renamed shareholder. Both can understaff any office, and they can call it saving tax money, or saving operating expense for shareholder bonus. What is the difference?
I love the private sector but most things that remain public are for a good reason. I totally oppose anymore privatization.

-We all use the roads. We should pay for it through a tax.
-We all use the police. We should pay for it through taxes.
-We all use the nws/noaa for the latest information. We should maintain it through our taxes.
-We all expect the military to defend us. Our taxes pay for it!
-I think we're better off with a public choice for education. Nearly all of the top 30 best educational systems on earth are public, so it is up to us to make it work. I am ok with it being ran at the community or state level.
-I think a basic safetynet called unemployment is a great idea. Keep is public! I don't want to imagine how much the last recession would of sucked without it.
-Don't mess with ssi! People worked for it.

I can understand about going to far with the red tape on the private sector but lets not be retarded about it.
You mix up things that should be paid in state and those that should be paid for federally

The thing is we are more than capable of handling the majority of these things through individual states.

Doesn't it make sense to you that the vast majority of your tax money should be spent locally and not federally?
For the individual customer, it doesn't matter if he gets a crap service because the government official who runs it is lazy or is renamed shareholder. Both can understaff any office, and they can call it saving tax money, or saving operating expense for shareholder bonus. What is the difference?

The difference is that poor service can drive a private enterprise out of business, to be replaced by a better alternative. The DMV and many city schools have proven that no amount of poor service can make a difference to the entrenchment and longevity of a public enterprise.
Record revenue and trillion dollar deficitsas far as the eye can see and libs think this is wonderful
and what is so wrong with that? as we've seen over and over these idiots running our Government waste more money than they take in, step all over us with fees, taxes and regulations to keep PAYING for their jobs. they can't even set up a Website and have wasted (BILLIONS of us taxpayers hard earned money) for some new Fascist Government entitlement with that puke Presidents name attached to it. ObamaNoCare.
The real joy of their plan is a privatized military where Posse Comitatus become Hasbeen Corpse.
The"dream" becomes reality.
The real joy of their plan is a privatized military where Posse Comitatus become Hasbeen Corpse.
The"dream" becomes reality.
We already almost have that

Private military contractors the top 10 of which the government uses have on their boards former military and political personnel

And they make a shit ton of dough off of the tax payers
For the individual customer, it doesn't matter if he gets a crap service because the government official who runs it is lazy or is renamed shareholder. Both can understaff any office, and they can call it saving tax money, or saving operating expense for shareholder bonus. What is the difference?

The difference is that poor service can drive a private enterprise out of business, to be replaced by a better alternative. The DMV and many city schools have proven that no amount of poor service can make a difference to the entrenchment and longevity of a public enterprise.
But there are no alternatives allowed in a marketplace that is not free but controlled by a ruling corporate alliance or a ruling government. I see no difference, still. By the way, the DMV example is interesting, imagine you get your drivers license from 20 different corner shops. And schools will always have the primary duty to indoctrinate into a national thinking line.

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