GOP internal polling finds fertile ground for expanding the House map


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
this Democrat collapse is so tasty


Polling commissioned by GOP groups on four newly redistricted, Democratic-leaning House seats — Colorado’s 8th District, Indiana’s 1st District, Oregon’s 5th District and Texas’ 28th District — found President Joe Biden’s approval ratings underwater in areas he won by an average of 7 points in 2020. The generic ballot in those combined districts, pitting an unnamed Democratic candidate against an unnamed Republican candidate, was tied at 39 percent among registered voters.

Across all four districts, 27 percent said the country was on the right track, while 67 percent said it was on the wrong track.

Significantly, the districts are similar in their longtime blue lean. Three are currently represented by House Democrats, none of whom are on the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee’s list of most vulnerable members: Rep. Kurt Schrader (D-Ore.), who represents a large chunk of central Oregon; Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-Texas) represents a heavily Latino strip of south Texas; and Rep. Frank Mrvan Jr. (D-Ind.) is in the northern Indiana seat, which includes metropolitan Chicago suburbs. Mrvan’s district is one of the longest continuously blue seats in the country, having not elected a Republican to Congress in 90 years.

Even so, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee presented its own private polling on Wednesday to members, showing that they were down just 2 points in generic head-to-heads, a small improvement from the party’s own internal polling in July showing a 6-point deficit to Republicans.

The new GOP survey was paid for by a pair of groups: The Coalition to Protect American Workers, run by Marc Short, a Trump administration alum; and N2 America, led by Liesl Hickey, a Republican strategist who served as executive director of the National Republican Congressional Committee. The survey, conducted by Public Opinion Strategies, interviewed 600 registered voters across four House districts with a margin of error of plus or minus 4 percentage points.
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this Democrat collapse is so tasty


Polling commissioned by GOP groups on four newly redistricted, Democratic-leaning House seats — Colorado’s 8th District, Indiana’s 1st District, Oregon’s 5th District and Texas’ 28th District — found President Joe Biden’s approval ratings underwater in areas he won by an average of 7 points in 2020. The generic ballot in those combined districts, pitting an unnamed Democratic candidate against an unnamed Republican candidate, was tied at 39 percent among registered voters.

Across all four districts, 27 percent said the country was on the right track, while 67 percent said it was on the wrong track.

Significantly, the districts are similar in their longtime blue lean. Three are currently represented by House Democrats, none of whom are on the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee’s list of most vulnerable members: Rep. Kurt Schrader (D-Ore.), who represents a large chunk of central Oregon; Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-Texas) represents a heavily Latino strip of south Texas; and Rep. Frank Mrvan Jr. (D-Ind.) is in the northern Indiana seat, which includes metropolitan Chicago suburbs. Mrvan’s district is one of the longest continuously blue seats in the country, having not elected a Republican to Congress in 90 years.
I'm sure their planning a national massive cheating scheme to minimize the damage as I write this....I saw many dead people walking to the polls in a vision I had recently
this Democrat collapse is so tasty


Polling commissioned by GOP groups on four newly redistricted, Democratic-leaning House seats — Colorado’s 8th District, Indiana’s 1st District, Oregon’s 5th District and Texas’ 28th District — found President Joe Biden’s approval ratings underwater in areas he won by an average of 7 points in 2020. The generic ballot in those combined districts, pitting an unnamed Democratic candidate against an unnamed Republican candidate, was tied at 39 percent among registered voters.

Across all four districts, 27 percent said the country was on the right track, while 67 percent said it was on the wrong track.

Significantly, the districts are similar in their longtime blue lean. Three are currently represented by House Democrats, none of whom are on the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee’s list of most vulnerable members: Rep. Kurt Schrader (D-Ore.), who represents a large chunk of central Oregon; Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-Texas) represents a heavily Latino strip of south Texas; and Rep. Frank Mrvan Jr. (D-Ind.) is in the northern Indiana seat, which includes metropolitan Chicago suburbs. Mrvan’s district is one of the longest continuously blue seats in the country, having not elected a Republican to Congress in 90 years.

Even so, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee presented its own private polling on Wednesday to members, showing that they were down just 2 points in generic head-to-heads, a small improvement from the party’s own internal polling in July showing a 6-point deficit to Republicans.

The new GOP survey was paid for by a pair of groups: The Coalition to Protect American Workers, run by Marc Short, a Trump administration alum; and N2 America, led by Liesl Hickey, a Republican strategist who served as executive director of the National Republican Congressional Committee. The survey, conducted by Public Opinion Strategies, interviewed 600 registered voters across four House districts with a margin of error of plus or minus 4 percentage points.

Don't get too cocky, they still have control and as this year has shown us they will virtually burn the country down just to be right.

It's still an uphill battle. So stay positive, encourage the republican party, and always remind everyone of what Biden and his administration are doing and don't tolerate their shit.

Remember, as much as they fucked things up so far it's still 3 more years.
Voters forget what democrats really are, and then the MSM goes 93% negative on Republicans so some persuadable voters do vote for democrats, and then they see WTF they voted for....voter's remorse doesn't begin to describe it.
this Democrat collapse is so tasty


Polling commissioned by GOP groups on four newly redistricted, Democratic-leaning House seats — Colorado’s 8th District, Indiana’s 1st District, Oregon’s 5th District and Texas’ 28th District — found President Joe Biden’s approval ratings underwater in areas he won by an average of 7 points in 2020. The generic ballot in those combined districts, pitting an unnamed Democratic candidate against an unnamed Republican candidate, was tied at 39 percent among registered voters.

Across all four districts, 27 percent said the country was on the right track, while 67 percent said it was on the wrong track.

Significantly, the districts are similar in their longtime blue lean. Three are currently represented by House Democrats, none of whom are on the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee’s list of most vulnerable members: Rep. Kurt Schrader (D-Ore.), who represents a large chunk of central Oregon; Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-Texas) represents a heavily Latino strip of south Texas; and Rep. Frank Mrvan Jr. (D-Ind.) is in the northern Indiana seat, which includes metropolitan Chicago suburbs. Mrvan’s district is one of the longest continuously blue seats in the country, having not elected a Republican to Congress in 90 years.

Even so, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee presented its own private polling on Wednesday to members, showing that they were down just 2 points in generic head-to-heads, a small improvement from the party’s own internal polling in July showing a 6-point deficit to Republicans.

The new GOP survey was paid for by a pair of groups: The Coalition to Protect American Workers, run by Marc Short, a Trump administration alum; and N2 America, led by Liesl Hickey, a Republican strategist who served as executive director of the National Republican Congressional Committee. The survey, conducted by Public Opinion Strategies, interviewed 600 registered voters across four House districts with a margin of error of plus or minus 4 percentage points.

Democraps are going to create a new narrative. The GOP or Trump, or maybe De Santis did something, and laugh as it takes 4 or 5 years to unravel it. Democraps are crooks, Anti- American as we know it, but one thing conservatives and the GOP should take to heart is, they are NOT stupid! Ridiculous, off the rails, out of bounds, YES. But stupid, dumb, or incompetent, no way!

I am a President Trump fan, not that I think he is the be all, end all, but look what they managed to do to him. You have Swalwell sleeping with a Chinese spy, you have people in the Dem party colluding with Steel, and you have Russians colluding with all of them, and yet, they managed to make this all about Trump? They are stupid or dumb? No, they are very smart, and anyone underestimating them does so at their own peril. We may not agree with them, but their outcomes are so good, we should wish them on our side.

Some of our guys/gals are hatchet people, and they really are, think about it. Notice, all of our hatchet people, the Left has a hard-on for. They are no better or worse then the far Left, it is just the far Left makes a better case if you watch media, especially CNN or MSNBC.

Admit it or not, we are LOSING, midterms taken out of the equation. FOX has a big following; yes I agree. But when put up against all the others, it is not even close to 35%. That is a recipe for absolute DISASTER! If only 35% of people get an alternative point of view, that means 65% of people are getting indoctrinated. appears CNN is going up for sale, lol. Time to put your money where your mouth is. Flip CNN who has the whole damn airport and train conglomerate under their control, and now you can push forth a different perspective.

Remember, Americans are NOT dumb, they just need options, because freedom is all about options. The more options you have, the more free you are. We need to give access to those options. Fox is good, but Leftists aren't going to Fox because they have been vilified by the Left. Time to take over CNN that is for sale, WITH their contracts for plane, bus, and train stations, and let the American public see a different point of view.
You have to consider that Biden, in spite of all his failures, has a 38% approval rating. That's a lot of stupid people no matter how you look at it. We can't be complacent because the future of our country depends on voting Marxist Democrats out. Manchin can stay.
Yeah, the conditions are right.
Republicans are transferring the vote from the people to legislators, if they don't like the outcome.
Gerrymandering, so they can choose their voters.
Dropping polling locations.
Threatening poll workers.

Right out of Russian/Putin playbook.

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