GOP candidates and the bailouts


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2008
your dreams
Correct me if I'm wrong, and I know you will, but isn't Ron Paul the only GOP presidential candidate to publicly oppose the bailouts before they happened?

That's gotta be worth something, no?
Cain publicly endorsed the bailouts.

Fact, not opinion. :thup:

Good. He put practicality over ideology. That's an excellent trait.

Those who opposed the bailouts have no idea what kind of clusterfuck we would have been in without it. They think we have it hard now.... we got off light.... if the banks had gone under. Oh, dear, Lord.... it does not bear thinking about.
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Cain publicly endorsed the bailouts.

Fact, not opinion. :thup:

Good. He put practicality over ideology. That's an excellent trait.

Those who opposed the bailouts have no idea what kind of clusterfuck we would have been in without it. They think we have it hard now.... we got off light.... if the banks had gone under. Oh, dear, Lord.... it does not bear thinking about.

And I say your soothsaying skills suck. :thup:
Cain publicly endorsed the bailouts.

Fact, not opinion. :thup:

Good. He put practicality over ideology. That's an excellent trait.

Those who opposed the bailouts have no idea what kind of clusterfuck we would have been in without it. They think we have it hard now.... we got off light.... if the banks had gone under. Oh, dear, Lord.... it does not bear thinking about.

And I say your soothsaying skills suck. :thup:

And I care about what you think because?
The bailouts were needed at the point in time that they were done.

The worst part of the bailouts ( besides the failures that lead to them being needed) was that Paulson and the Bush team put NO caveots on the banks for taking the money.

The US government could have made MONEY off the tranactions that were designed to save the banks very lives.

Some fool (PAULSON) desided it was a completely FREE ride for the banks after they had screwed us all with their greed.
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Good. He put practicality over ideology. That's an excellent trait.

Those who opposed the bailouts have no idea what kind of clusterfuck we would have been in without it. They think we have it hard now.... we got off light.... if the banks had gone under. Oh, dear, Lord.... it does not bear thinking about.

And I say your soothsaying skills suck. :thup:

And I care about what you think because?

Because obviously you care about what everybody thinks. It's your job as a propaganda peddling partisan twat silly.

But whatcha gonna do? :dunno:
Cain publicly endorsed the bailouts.

Fact, not opinion. :thup:

Good. He put practicality over ideology. That's an excellent trait.

Those who opposed the bailouts have no idea what kind of clusterfuck we would have been in without it. They think we have it hard now.... we got off light.... if the banks had gone under. Oh, dear, Lord.... it does not bear thinking about.

Sadly our 2 party government's fearmongering worked on you as well CalGirl.

We're in a clusterfuck now, and we had the bailouts.

Look how our politicians have brainwashed us, gov't buddying up with selected corporations (coincidentally the ones who lined their pockets the most), in other words fascism, is now being endorsed by the american citizen.

They win, we lose.
Cain publicly endorsed the bailouts.

Fact, not opinion. :thup:

Good. He put practicality over ideology. That's an excellent trait.

Those who opposed the bailouts have no idea what kind of clusterfuck we would have been in without it. They think we have it hard now.... we got off light.... if the banks had gone under. Oh, dear, Lord.... it does not bear thinking about.

It'd be all over with and a real recovery could have begun, much like the real depression that Warren Harding dealt with. He did nothing and let things take their natural course. The pain and suffering were over in two years.
No bankster buddies of the administration were allowed to save their portfolios while countless others were wiped out a la Bush and Obama.
Cain publicly endorsed the bailouts.

Fact, not opinion. :thup:

Good. He put practicality over ideology. That's an excellent trait.

Those who opposed the bailouts have no idea what kind of clusterfuck we would have been in without it. They think we have it hard now.... we got off light.... if the banks had gone under. Oh, dear, Lord.... it does not bear thinking about.

Sadly our 2 party government's fearmongering worked on you as well CalGirl.

We're in a clusterfuck now, and we had the bailouts.

Look how our politicians have brainwashed us, gov't buddying up with selected corporations (coincidentally the ones who lined their pockets the most), in other words fascism, is now being endorsed by the american citizen.

They win, we lose.

My opinion on the bailouts had nothing to do with either party's view. It came from economists.... international economists. They are smarter - and much less 'republican' or 'democrat' (since most of them aren't even American) - than anyone in either party.

And - just so we're clear - these were some of the economists who were warning our government - and other governments - about the likelihood of a 'perfect storm' of economic disasters that were bubbling.
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Good. He put practicality over ideology. That's an excellent trait.

Those who opposed the bailouts have no idea what kind of clusterfuck we would have been in without it. They think we have it hard now.... we got off light.... if the banks had gone under. Oh, dear, Lord.... it does not bear thinking about.

Sadly our 2 party government's fearmongering worked on you as well CalGirl.

We're in a clusterfuck now, and we had the bailouts.

Look how our politicians have brainwashed us, gov't buddying up with selected corporations (coincidentally the ones who lined their pockets the most), in other words fascism, is now being endorsed by the american citizen.

They win, we lose.

My opinion on the bailouts had nothing to do with either party's view. It came from economists.... international economists. They are smarter - and much less 'republican' or 'democrat' (since most of them aren't even American) - than anyone in either party.

And - just so we're clear - these were some of the economists who were warning our government - and other governments - about the likelihood of a 'perfect storm' of economic disasters that were bubbling.

That's perhaps the most fair statement on the thread. We don't know what would have happened without them, although some of the items were certainly questionable.
Cain publicly endorsed the bailouts.

Fact, not opinion. :thup:

Good. He put practicality over ideology. That's an excellent trait.

Those who opposed the bailouts have no idea what kind of clusterfuck we would have been in without it. They think we have it hard now.... we got off light.... if the banks had gone under. Oh, dear, Lord.... it does not bear thinking about.

Practicality is not overextending the checkbook. Practicality is not burdening the country with more debt as a means provide socialism to rich non human entities.

I like you much better when you say nothing.
We don't know what would have happened without them, although some of the items were certainly questionable.

We know what happened with them. Wealth redistribution from the middle class to the wealthy. Go ahead and ask that hypocrite Caliphony Girl what she thinks about wealth redistribution. :eusa_whistle:
Cain publicly endorsed the bailouts.

Fact, not opinion. :thup:

Good. He put practicality over ideology. That's an excellent trait.

Those who opposed the bailouts have no idea what kind of clusterfuck we would have been in without it. They think we have it hard now.... we got off light.... if the banks had gone under. Oh, dear, Lord.... it does not bear thinking about.

And I say your soothsaying skills suck. :thup:

She's absolutely right. In fact much of the collapse could have been quelled if they'd bailed out Lehman early on. Nobody in high places seemed to know how deep their roots were in other financial institutions. It's called systemic risk.

I think we allow banking institutions too much control over the money supply; But bringing that ideology to the table doesn't change the situation we were in when the bailouts took place.
Good. He put practicality over ideology. That's an excellent trait.

Those who opposed the bailouts have no idea what kind of clusterfuck we would have been in without it. They think we have it hard now.... we got off light.... if the banks had gone under. Oh, dear, Lord.... it does not bear thinking about.

And I say your soothsaying skills suck. :thup:

She's absolutely right. In fact much of the collapse could have been quelled if they'd bailed out Lehman early on. Nobody in high places seemed to know how deep their roots were in other financial institutions. It's called systemic risk.

I think we allow banking institutions too much control over the money supply; But bringing that ideology to the table doesn't change the situation we were in when the bailouts took place.

Any I say you are wrong too.

And it doesn't surprise me to see partisans on both sides toeing the institutional line on this one.
We don't know what would have happened without them, although some of the items were certainly questionable.

We know what happened with them. Wealth redistribution from the middle class to the wealthy. Go ahead and ask that hypocrite Caliphony Girl what she thinks about wealth redistribution. :eusa_whistle:

It wasn't, and isn't, about 'wealth redistribution.'

Ever heard that 'A rising tide lifts all boats?' If we allowed major banking institutions to fail, we'd have a falling tide the likes of which the world has never seen.

The fact that some shithead bankers took the money and blew it on executive bonuses and frills out the ass is beside the point.
And I say your soothsaying skills suck. :thup:

She's absolutely right. In fact much of the collapse could have been quelled if they'd bailed out Lehman early on. Nobody in high places seemed to know how deep their roots were in other financial institutions. It's called systemic risk.

I think we allow banking institutions too much control over the money supply; But bringing that ideology to the table doesn't change the situation we were in when the bailouts took place.

Any I say you are wrong too.

And it doesn't surprise me to see partisans on both sides toeing the institutional line on this one.

I don't think you understand what was happening at the time. Where our economy is today is concrete laid on top of bedrock compared to what it looked like then. Full collapse was, and still is, a very scary proposition.
Cain publicly endorsed the bailouts.

Fact, not opinion. :thup:

Good. He put practicality over ideology. That's an excellent trait.

Those who opposed the bailouts have no idea what kind of clusterfuck we would have been in without it. They think we have it hard now.... we got off light.... if the banks had gone under. Oh, dear, Lord.... it does not bear thinking about.

Practicality is not overextending the checkbook. Practicality is not burdening the country with more debt as a means provide socialism to rich non human entities.

I like you much better when you say nothing.

Yea, 20/20 hindsight would fix it. Idiot.

We had no option other than to bail out the banks. It was a necessary evil... because the alternative would have destroyed vast numbers of ordinary Americans. This is quite complex shit - and requires a working understanding of economics, and the ability to work through scenarios (critical thinking).... and the removal of partisan ideology in order to reach logical, unemotional conclusions.

If you lack those skills, I am not at all surprised that you find me hard to cope with.
If we allowed major banking institutions to fail, we'd have a falling tide the likes of which the world has never seen.

Horseshit fear mongering.

And sadly, most everybody bought it, hook, line and sinker.

But whatcha gonna do? :dunno:

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