Google To Delete User Location History On Phones On US Abortion Clinic Visits


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
Google announced Friday it would delete users' location history when they visit abortion clinics, domestic violence shelters and other places where privacy is sought.

"If our systems identify that someone has visited one of these places, we will delete these entries from Location History soon after they visit," Jen Fitzpatrick, a senior vice president at Google, wrote in a blog post. "This change will take effect in the coming weeks."

Google admits they track people going in and coming out of abortion clinics ... interesting ...

Deleting that information in order to "obstruct" a criminal investigation is a crime itself ... and a very serious crime, especially if they're obstructing a murder prosecution ...

File this under FAKE NEWS ... Google's not that stupid to announce this to God and man ...
Google announced Friday it would delete users' location history when they visit abortion clinics, domestic violence shelters and other places where privacy is sought.

"If our systems identify that someone has visited one of these places, we will delete these entries from Location History soon after they visit," Jen Fitzpatrick, a senior vice president at Google, wrote in a blog post. "This change will take effect in the coming weeks."

Great News. I've already let PPH know that my home is open to any Woman or girl who is seeking an abortion that I will shelter them. Before any of you Fuck Stick Cons have perverted wet dreams of barging into my home, I do have a legally own, registered and licenced Mossberg Pump Action Shotgun....yes I know how to use it and yes I will use it.
Google admits they track people going in and coming out of abortion clinics ... interesting ...

Deleting that information in order to "obstruct" a criminal investigation is a crime itself ... and a very serious crime, especially if they're obstructing a murder prosecution ...

File this under FAKE NEWS ... Google's not that stupid to announce this to God and man ...

Depends on what level of imbeciles they hire in their media department.
And I suspect they are pretty high up on the imbecile scale.

I will give you that it has gotten extremely difficult to weed out the media lies from the truth, especially when I assume all media posts ARE lies, until I do my research.
Great News. I've already let PPH know that my home is open to any Woman or girl who is seeking an abortion that I will shelter them. Before any of you Fuck Stick Cons have perverted wet dreams of barging into my home, I do have a legally own, registered and licenced Mossberg Pump Action Shotgun....yes I know how to use it and yes I will use it.

Cool. What's the muzzle end of it taste like? Salty, or sweet?

Go find out for me and report back here. I'm curious.
Google admits they track people going in and coming out of abortion clinics ... interesting ...

Deleting that information in order to "obstruct" a criminal investigation is a crime itself ... and a very serious crime, especially if they're obstructing a murder prosecution ...

File this under FAKE NEWS ... Google's not that stupid to announce this to God and man ...

It’s only been a week, and the forces that have lined up against the forced birthers already is astonishing. Just wait until the resistance has a few months of experience and resources gathered together.

By the end of the year, this will be the most irrelevant court decision in a generation. The state laws will be ignored and circumvented to the point, the governors and legislatures in those states will look like a loony tunes cartoon of Wile E Coyote trying to catch the Roadrunner.
It’s only been a week, and the forces that have lined up against the forced birthers already is astonishing. Just wait until the resistance has a few months of experience and resources gathered together.

By the end of the year, this will be the most irrelevant court decision in a generation. The state laws will be ignored and circumvented to the point, the governors and legislatures in those states will look like a loony tunes cartoon of Wile E Coyote trying to catch the Roadrunner.
That's nice... enjoy scrambling. It's time you people came forward to pay the freight on this abomination.
It’s only been a week, and the forces that have lined up against the forced birthers already is astonishing. Just wait until the resistance has a few months of experience and resources gathered together.

By the end of the year, this will be the most irrelevant court decision in a generation. The state laws will be ignored and circumvented to the point, the governors and legislatures in those states will look like a loony tunes cartoon of Wile E Coyote trying to catch the Roadrunner.

Yeah right. You folks blew your wad in 2020, over a dead druggie home-invader named George Floyd. With some major elections coming up, you have neither the energy, the focus, nor the financial backing to turn the SC decision into your next hill to die on.

But feel free to give it a good try. I can can easily imagine how bad it's going to look for you Democrats, when you chuckleheads are rioting in the streets over the entitlement of women to kill their unborn.

Bad optics, man. You'll see what I mean by the midterms and next Presidential election. :laughing0301:
Yeah right. You folks blew your wad in 2020, over a dead druggie home-invader named George Floyd. With some major elections coming up, you have neither the energy, the focus, nor the financial backing to turn the SC decision into your next hill to die on.

But feel free to give it a good try. I can can easily imagine how bad it's going to look for you Democrats, when you chuckleheads are rioting in the streets over the entitlement of women to kill their unborn.

Bad optics, man. You'll see what I mean by the midterms and next Presidential election. :laughing0301:

Most major corporations providing resources for employees abortions

Transportation services offering free rides.

Air BNBs offering lodging.

Prosecutors in anti abortion states refusing to prosecute.

Google thwarting law enforcement from monitoring whereabouts.

You got your ass kicked son. And it has barely been a week. A Supreme Court ruling rendered toothless by the American peoples resistance to it.

You culture warriors need a new hobby.
Most major corporations providing resources for employees abortions

Transportation services offering free rides.

Air BNBs offering lodging.

Prosecutors in anti abortion states refusing to prosecute.

Google thwarting law enforcement from monitoring whereabouts.

You got your ass kicked son. And it has barely been a week. A Supreme Court ruling rendered toothless by the American peoples resistance to it.

You culture warriors need a new hobby.

Nice. Please list those corporation, transportation services, Air BNBs, and prosecutors. This war is just starting.
Google announced Friday it would delete users' location history when they visit abortion clinics, domestic violence shelters and other places where privacy is sought.

You just can't make this stuff up! So now the Left's Number One agent for INVADING people's privacy is an advocate FOR people's privacy so long as they are breaking the law or looking to murder a fetus?! RICH! :auiqs.jpg:
Oh so the gps stuff is accurate enough to know if someone went to an abortion clinic but not accurate enough if they were visiting NGOs. picking up 100 voting ballots and stuffing them in harvesting boxes.

"Google announced Friday it would delete users' location history when they visit abortion clinics, domestic violence shelters and other places where privacy is sought."
Great News. I've already let PPH know that my home is open to any Woman or girl who is seeking an abortion that I will shelter them. Before any of you Fuck Stick Cons have perverted wet dreams of barging into my home, I do have a legally own, registered and licenced Mossberg Pump Action Shotgun....yes I know how to use it and yes I will use it.

LOL.....You act as if someone cares. Your state your rules, just as it should be and that was sorta the whole point.

Hell, I'm all for there being fewer of your ilk so you can take your low-rent shotgun and stick it where the sun don't shine.
It’s only been a week, and the forces that have lined up against the forced birthers already is astonishing. Just wait until the resistance has a few months of experience and resources gathered together.

By the end of the year, this will be the most irrelevant court decision in a generation. The state laws will be ignored and circumvented to the point, the governors and legislatures in those states will look like a loony tunes cartoon of Wile E Coyote trying to catch the Roadrunner.
Sounds like the same court scenarios you all promoted in which denied Trump a proper shake and a look see into the evidence concerning an election that was won (until weeee hours if the morning), where somehow strangely it got turned all around for a real career crooked politician to prosper, just like we think we have residing in that office right now.

Funny how you stand up and say something like this, just like it is claimed that Google would say something like that. Hmmmmmm.
Google announced Friday it would delete users' location history when they visit abortion clinics, domestic violence shelters and other places where privacy is sought.

"If our systems identify that someone has visited one of these places, we will delete these entries from Location History soon after they visit," Jen Fitzpatrick, a senior vice president at Google, wrote in a blog post. "This change will take effect in the coming weeks."

Cool, accessories to murder.

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