Google Threatens To Deny Australia Access To Its Search Engine


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Nations around the world, to include Australia, are waking up to the fact that NOTHING in life is 'free', not even Google's search engine that has 86.6% of the market for search engines.

'Free' use of Google costs the use of all of its users search history / patterns and personal data, which Goggle sells for massive profits so businesses can create extremely tailored ads targeting consumers.,

"On Google you are BOTH the CUSTOMER and the PRODUCT."

It has become more and more evident that Google and the other Big Tech social media giants are extremely liberal, are anti-Conservative-biased, have begun censoring news and Conservative content, Countries like Australia is finding their practices more and more dangerous and more and more unacceptable.

At the center of the issue between Google and Australia is a new Code / Law:

"The proposed law would force digital platforms to enter into negotiations with news media companies to pay for content. If the tech companies and media companies fail to reach an agreement, the law would empower an arbiter to determine the payments."

Google's Response?
"Google threatened to shut down its powerful search engine for the 19 million people in Australia if the country adopts Big Tech draft legislation currently before parliament."

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison said his country will not be intimidated by threats.
-- “Let me be clear. Australia makes our rules for things you can do in Australia. That’s done in our parliament. It’s done by our government and that’s how things work here in Australia and people who want to work with that in Australia, you’re very welcome,” Morrison said at a press conference on Friday. “But we don’t respond to threats.”

"While it seems this Australian law may go too far, this battle may help alter the playing field for companies with such a massive influence as Google. If Google did remove its search engine from Australia, that would cause massive disruption, but that disruption might open the door for some new alternatives.

Then again, there is a reason why Google has cornered the online search market — its search engine is particularly effective. Any company wishing to compete with Google faces a monumental task, and Australia’s proposed law likely would make things harder for Google’s competitors, as well."

At first glance I think Australia has the advantage

Google stands to lose a tiny market for them of 19 million customers

But Australia loses nothing since there are other search engines just as good
At first glance I think Australia has the advantage

Google stands to lose a tiny market for them of 19 million customers

But Australia loses nothing since there are other search engines just as good
Even better, when the world sees that we can survive the information age without depending on Google, more countries will follow suit.
This would be a loss for Google, not Australia.

Their citizens would then be encouraged to use alternatives and other nations might follow suit.

The banning by twitter and facebook has given license for all foreign governments to take a second look at how they treat big tech companies in their borders.

CEOs sometimes illustrate their arrogance and stupidity. It costs shareholders and even their home country.
They are getting tough on big tech down under...where are our cowardly elected officials?....
Governments all around the world are warning our big tech sector...pull back or your done....
At first glance I think Australia has the advantage

Google stands to lose a tiny market for them of 19 million customers

But Australia loses nothing since there are other search engines just as good
Yes; just changed my default to duckduckgo. FUCK GOOGLE!!! Took about 25 seconds. lol

At first glance I think Australia has the advantage

Google stands to lose a tiny market for them of 19 million customers

But Australia loses nothing since there are other search engines just as good
And if the law passes they will pay to do searches. Would you like to pay when you do a search?
At first glance I think Australia has the advantage

Google stands to lose a tiny market for them of 19 million customers

But Australia loses nothing since there are other search engines just as good
And if the law passes they will pay to do searches. Would you like to pay when you do a search?
I pay NOTHING on my new search engine.

Google and FakeBook are abusive monopolies.
They force people to have an account to sign-up for many other internet services.
Their bad reputation will consume them if they do not change.
The internet started out as free, but now it is being turned into some sort of Orwellian Nightmare of censorship and conformity.
At first glance I think Australia has the advantage

Google stands to lose a tiny market for them of 19 million customers

But Australia loses nothing since there are other search engines just as good
Yes; just changed my default to duckduckgo. FUCK GOOGLE!!! Took about 25 seconds. lol

Amazon keeps sending me emails trying to entice me back..f em...
I dumped prime and my account and my Amazon credit card...boom....I unsubscribed but they I blocked them...
At first glance I think Australia has the advantage

Google stands to lose a tiny market for them of 19 million customers

But Australia loses nothing since there are other search engines just as good
And if the law passes they will pay to do searches. Would you like to pay when you do a search?
I pay NOTHING on my new search engine.

The OP is not about you that is correct it is about Australia.
If countries really wanted to make a fortune they should invoice google every time someone in that country does a google search and clicks on a link.
At first glance I think Australia has the advantage

Google stands to lose a tiny market for them of 19 million customers

But Australia loses nothing since there are other search engines just as good
And if the law passes they will pay to do searches. Would you like to pay when you do a search?
People have always been willing to pay for a decent product. We are paying to use Google now, by looking at ads and having our data harvested. It wouldn't bother me at all to pay a penny or two a search to a company that respected my privacy.
Who uses a search engine other than google and how do you like it.
Me; as of about six hours ago. Can't say I notice any difference. DuckDuckgo is the one I'm on but I tried swisscows...also good. lol

Didn't realise there were realistic alternatives. Both do
the job easily....and there are many others. Just right click the address bar and scroll down to "edit search engines". Change the default to a new engine.

At first glance I think Australia has the advantage

Google stands to lose a tiny market for them of 19 million customers

But Australia loses nothing since there are other search engines just as good
And if the law passes they will pay to do searches. Would you like to pay when you do a search?
People have always been willing to pay for a decent product. We are paying to use Google now, by looking at ads and having our data harvested. It wouldn't bother me at all to pay a penny or two a search to a company that respected my privacy.
I still pay by reading the data harvesting though.

And if the law passes they will pay to do searches. Would you like to pay when you do a search?
I dont think so because the public will have access to free search engines
The law will make it so everyone pays to do a search of media.
"The proposed law would force digital platforms to enter into negotiations with news media companies to pay for content.
That means they will pass on the cost to the subscriber or platform user.

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