Goodbye Athena


Libertarian Radical
Feb 8, 2011
Behind the Orange Curtain
My beloved Dingo, Athena suffered a heart attack and died yesterday afternoon. She was 14 years old. She was loved by all who met her.

My beloved Dingo, Athena suffered a heart attack and died yesterday afternoon. She was 14 years old. She was loved by all who met her.

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Sorry for your losing you pet pooch. It's really a hard thing. However rest assured that you gave your pooch a wonderful life that any dog would envy. The only thing to do now is to find another and give it just as fine of a life.
Athena had the best life any dog could dream of.

As a puppy we discovered that Athena was anything but an ordinary dog. Well, we knew that, when we adopted her through Riverside Animal Rescue we were told that the mother was confiscated when animal control raided an illegal dog fighting circuit. The dog fighters were importing exotic dogs including Australian dingos. Athena was rescued from a potentially horrible fate.

The first clue I had was when she was about 4 months old. I was building a sunroom on my house, standard size with 8 foot ceiling. I came home one afternoon to find her on the roof. She had jumped up for some reason, and couldn't get down. 8 feet is not normal for a dog to jump. She could clear any fence. Living in a Los Angeles suburb, this initially concerned us. But Athena was smart. She roamed as she pleased, but not on the streets, she jumped back yard fences and ran around the city as she pleased from back yard to back yard.

She loved her pool, she used the pool more than anyone, she would swim in December. It's California, but still gets pretty cold in the winter. She was loyal beyond belief. She thought leashes were stupid, so we agreed not to put them on her. She could go anywhere with me and stay inches from my side. She loved my big Daytona and went with me everywhere.

Athena lived life on her terms. She held on at the end to say goodbye to family and friends, my adult children came and visited her over the weekend, and then when we said it was okay, she died on her terms, loyal and loving to the last breath.
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My heartfelt condolences. It's never easy to let go of our beloved friends. Thank you for giving her a good life. She was a free spirit, and she remains so with even more space to roam and more friends to meet, including my sweeties.

Take some time to grieve, then get down to Riverside Animal Rescue and adopt another bundle of joy. It would fill that vacuum in your heart and I think that Athena would be honored.
I'm sorry. Dogs better than people. I had to put one down Aug 2018, still talk to him every day, every single day. Still got one though, 16 years old now.

Wow Corazon, that's an old Kitty! I don't know if it's vets, evolution or what but critters seem to have better lifespans now. My little boy gets homemade cookies, all organic. 2X a day he gets chicken, sweet potato and one of 3, brussels, brocolli or caulif. Sometimes blackeye peas drenched in chicken broth. But he can fart up some good ones so beans not to often!!! Got a pic in another thread, won't do it here, this is Athenas thread. Poor old girl, she is at Rainbow Bridge.
You're right Shawnee_b. He was really old.
18 y.o. for a cat it's like 80 or something for us human beings.
When he died it was like a bolt out of the blue...he seemed to be in good health
I miss my cat so much :(

So hard. I don't know if I can get another after my little boy.
You're right Shawnee_b. He was really old.
18 y.o. for a cat it's like 80 or something for us human beings.
When he died it was like a bolt out of the blue...he seemed to be in good health
I miss my cat so much :(

So hard. I don't know if I can get another after my little boy.

What I've found over the years,when their memory makes you smile instead of making you sad it's time.
What I've found over the years,when their memory makes you smile instead of making you sad it's time.

Thank you, good thought. Makes sense and have seen it now that you bring it up. My other boy I had to put down 2018 Aug, I couldn't see the good memories for quite some time. Now I do though.
What I've found over the years,when their memory makes you smile instead of making you sad it's time.

Thank you, good thought. Makes sense and have seen it now that you bring it up. My other boy I had to put down 2018 Aug, I couldn't see the good memories for quite some time. Now I do though.

It took the Wife and I about a year or so before we were ready again.
Then we got Gadsden and Betsy.
I will say it's a hell of a lot harder to deal with two new pups at 54 than it was at 40.
The little bastards will run you ragged!!!
It took the Wife and I about a year or so before we were ready again.
Then we got Gadsden and Betsy.
I will say it's a hell of a lot harder to deal with two new pups at 54 than it was at 40.
The little bastards will run you ragged!!!

Yeah been well over a year but I didn't realize I was having good memories till you mentioned that. I'm 65 now, totally devote myself to my dogs. I can imagine 2 more (need at least 2) My little one passed was a nut for sure, Climb stairways but too skert to come down, go to the book case pull books and eat the last 3 pages, chewed every 110 powercord in the place in two till I caught that and had no more exposed cords. My little guy left is not as nutz but had his moments too!
You're right Shawnee_b. He was really old.
18 y.o. for a cat it's like 80 or something for us human beings.
When he died it was like a bolt out of the blue...he seemed to be in good health
I miss my cat so much :(

So hard. I don't know if I can get another after my little boy.

That's where I'm at too.
It took the Wife and I about a year or so before we were ready again.
Then we got Gadsden and Betsy.
I will say it's a hell of a lot harder to deal with two new pups at 54 than it was at 40.
The little bastards will run you ragged!!!

Yeah been well over a year but I didn't realize I was having good memories till you mentioned that. I'm 65 now, totally devote myself to my dogs. I can imagine 2 more (need at least 2) My little one passed was a nut for sure, Climb stairways but too skert to come down, go to the book case pull books and eat the last 3 pages, chewed every 110 powercord in the place in two till I caught that and had no more exposed cords. My little guy left is not as nutz but had his moments too!

Oh yeah,,,,
The two new boxers have already cost me around 15k due to their antics.
Had the sago palms removed because they're deadly to dogs....dumbass left the most poisonous part of the plant,the bulbs, after I specifically told him to remove all of it.
They both ended up in the ER for around five days and then came home.
Shortly after they said Gadsden had Parvo which cost another 5k. I'd bet my left nut Gadsden caught it at their facility but what are ya gonna do?

Had to buy two 5x5 kennels and set em up in the living room and the kitchen to keep em separated since parvo is extremely contagious. That went on for four months.

During all this we had to wear paper gowns and booties that had to be thrown away every time we handled Gadsden.

It sucked keeping em apart especially since they were brother and sister.
You're right Shawnee_b. He was really old.
18 y.o. for a cat it's like 80 or something for us human beings.
When he died it was like a bolt out of the blue...he seemed to be in good health
I miss my cat so much :(

So hard. I don't know if I can get another after my little boy.
Same here. I don't want any other pet because I did suffer too much for my cat :icon_cry:

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