Good luck keeping your job


Diamond Member
Mar 25, 2017
President Joe Biden’s plan to hike the corporate tax rate could cost one million jobs if coupled with other measures that reverse former President Donald Trump’s tax cuts.

A study from the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) found that if the corporate tax rate is raised to 28% and should Biden follow through on his campaign promise to repeal certain elements of Trump’s Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) then approximately one million jobs could be lost.

Study Calculates How Many Jobs Could Be Lost If Biden Hikes Corporate Tax Rate, Reverses Trump-Era Tax Cuts
President Joe Biden’s plan to hike the corporate tax rate could cost one million jobs if coupled with other measures that reverse former President Donald Trump’s tax cuts.

A study from the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) found that if the corporate tax rate is raised to 28% and should Biden follow through on his campaign promise to repeal certain elements of Trump’s Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) then approximately one million jobs could be lost.

Study Calculates How Many Jobs Could Be Lost If Biden Hikes Corporate Tax Rate, Reverses Trump-Era Tax Cuts

Fine them...heavily. I believe that's how they used to do it in the olden, golden days. :)
President Joe Biden’s plan to hike the corporate tax rate could cost one million jobs if coupled with other measures that reverse former President Donald Trump’s tax cuts.

A study from the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) found that if the corporate tax rate is raised to 28% and should Biden follow through on his campaign promise to repeal certain elements of Trump’s Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) then approximately one million jobs could be lost.

Study Calculates How Many Jobs Could Be Lost If Biden Hikes Corporate Tax Rate, Reverses Trump-Era Tax Cuts

Fine them...heavily. I believe that's how they used to do it in the olden, golden days. :)

Sure, there ought to be a couple that don't pull up stakes and move to a different country.
The job losses are already adding up...with covid shutdowns being lifted we should be adding jobs in the 7 figures each month but we are stuck at just above what we were adding during the height of covid closures....pitiful Joe....just pitiful and sad that a illegitimate president can do this much damage to our nation and the left that controls everything from the FBI to the media and everything in between.....stays silent....
No, the sky isn't falling. In recent weeks we've seen the announcements of a $2.3billion battery plant in Tennessee, a legal settlement that allows completion of a $2.6billion battery plant in Georgia, and Intel's announced $20billion expansion in Arizona.
President Joe Biden’s plan to hike the corporate tax rate could cost one million jobs if coupled with other measures that reverse former President Donald Trump’s tax cuts.

A study from the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) found that if the corporate tax rate is raised to 28% and should Biden follow through on his campaign promise to repeal certain elements of Trump’s Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) then approximately one million jobs could be lost.
Hardest thing to do is put Netflix down for 20 hrs a week. Tax Rate, Reverses Trump-Era Tax Cuts
Now is the perfect time for everyone to do what they love to do the most part time and see if they can make a go of it.
President Joe Biden’s plan to hike the corporate tax rate could cost one million jobs if coupled with other measures that reverse former President Donald Trump’s tax cuts.

A study from the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) found that if the corporate tax rate is raised to 28% and should Biden follow through on his campaign promise to repeal certain elements of Trump’s Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) then approximately one million jobs could be lost.

Study Calculates How Many Jobs Could Be Lost If Biden Hikes Corporate Tax Rate, Reverses Trump-Era Tax Cuts
These stupid fucking retards think Biden is only raising taxs on 400k incomes.lolol. Eliminating the Trump cuts raises theirs a lot...lolol........................Stupid brainless twit fukterds.
When people lose their jobs they will just look for more stimulus checks which means voting for the same people that caused them to lose their job in the first place.

Voters are not that bright.
So true. Democrats don't make policy to make things better, they make policy to get votes. It is a fantasy to think they look at things like tax policy from any angle other than what will get them more votes.
President Joe Biden’s plan to hike the corporate tax rate could cost one million jobs if coupled with other measures that reverse former President Donald Trump’s tax cuts.

A study from the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) found that if the corporate tax rate is raised to 28% and should Biden follow through on his campaign promise to repeal certain elements of Trump’s Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) then approximately one million jobs could be lost.

Study Calculates How Many Jobs Could Be Lost If Biden Hikes Corporate Tax Rate, Reverses Trump-Era Tax Cuts

Fine them...heavily. I believe that's how they used to do it in the olden, golden days. :)

Sure, there ought to be a couple that don't pull up stakes and move to a different country.

Again, you can thank conservative policies and generous tax cuts from Republicans for making the mess you see now.
Cause..and effect. So now, we are going to introduce a little parity back into the system and the right wing is going to
sound the klaxxon? Where was this concern while jobs were being offshored under Republican (and admittedly Democratic) administrations
in the past? Oh yeah, lost in the haze of TAX CUTS.....Sigh...

If you'd like a historical refresher, here's a blast from the past. Now just turn it around and think now there's a huge deficit.
Again, you can thank conservative policies and generous tax cuts from Republicans for making the mess you see now.

Did tax cuts cause the mess or did too much spending?

Both. However, you'll have to be nuanced in the spending argument. There are several big budget items that end up taking up the vast majority of money spent each year.
Food stamps and other programs of the like, are a drop in the bucket. But they are always the first thing conservatives go after. Nothing like cutting off your nose to spite
someone else's face.
Again, you can thank conservative policies and generous tax cuts from Republicans for making the mess you see now.

Did tax cuts cause the mess or did too much spending?

Both. However, you'll have to be nuanced in the spending argument. There are several big budget items that end up taking up the vast majority of money spent each year.

The federal government is projected to take in over $3.7 trillion this year, not to mention the hundreds of billions, if not eclipsing $1 trillion, state and local governments take in every year. How is that not enough money to effectively run a country?
President Joe Biden’s plan to hike the corporate tax rate could cost one million jobs if coupled with other measures that reverse former President Donald Trump’s tax cuts.

A study from the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) found that if the corporate tax rate is raised to 28% and should Biden follow through on his campaign promise to repeal certain elements of Trump’s Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) then approximately one million jobs could be lost.

Study Calculates How Many Jobs Could Be Lost If Biden Hikes Corporate Tax Rate, Reverses Trump-Era Tax Cuts

Fine them...heavily. I believe that's how they used to do it in the olden, golden days. :)

Sure, there ought to be a couple that don't pull up stakes and move to a different country.

Again, you can thank conservative policies and generous tax cuts from Republicans for making the mess you see now.
Cause..and effect. So now, we are going to introduce a little parity back into the system and the right wing is going to
sound the klaxxon? Where was this concern while jobs were being offshored under Republican (and admittedly Democratic) administrations
in the past? Oh yeah, lost in the haze of TAX CUTS.....Sigh...

If you'd like a historical refresher, here's a blast from the past. Now just turn it around and think now there's a huge deficit.
big brother should get all the available money...ask any communist...the idea you work for a living is to old school...just vote for a living
The job losses are already adding up...with covid shutdowns being lifted we should be adding jobs in the 7 figures each month but we are stuck at just above what we were adding during the height of covid closures....pitiful Joe....just pitiful and sad that a illegitimate president can do this much damage to our nation and the left that controls everything from the FBI to the media and everything in between.....stays silent....
LASST WEEK OVER 800,000 UNEMPLOYMENT CLAIMS WERE FILED. Good thing pelosi says unemployment creates jobs. Because biden sure don't.
President Joe Biden’s plan to hike the corporate tax rate could cost one million jobs if coupled with other measures that reverse former President Donald Trump’s tax cuts.
It is a KNOWN fact that contards are great at attacking but terrible at defending.
Because they stand for empty promises and just talking points.

Trickle Down, which you refuse to call it NOW, is exactly what you are trying to convince non-RWI's, of what is best.
Trickle down DOES NOT WORK. The Rich get Richer.

So, use all the 'talking points' you want.
trump is a total conman, still conning you today.
President Joe Biden’s plan to hike the corporate tax rate could cost one million jobs if coupled with other measures that reverse former President Donald Trump’s tax cuts.

A study from the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) found that if the corporate tax rate is raised to 28% and should Biden follow through on his campaign promise to repeal certain elements of Trump’s Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) then approximately one million jobs could be lost.

Study Calculates How Many Jobs Could Be Lost If Biden Hikes Corporate Tax Rate, Reverses Trump-Era Tax Cuts
Raise the minimum wage instead! Higher paid labor Creates more in Demand and generates more in tax revenue.
What libs fail to consider is that every action has a reaction.

If you subject corporations to Financial Assrapery euphemistically referred to as "taxes", they will fire staff and close facilities to raise the funds to pay it off.

Taxation changes people's behavior, and always has.

I remember 20 years ago, the states decided to raise funds for children's health care or something and they sold it to the people as "free" because it would be paid with punitive taxes on cigarettes.

People quit buying as many ciggies, and tax money actually failed. The taxpayers got screwed as they had to pick up where the declining number of smokers could no longer pick up the bill.

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