Good cop or bad cop? You be the judge.


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
Let me lay out the scenario. A 61 year old Black Woman is driving home from dinner with her baby grandson in the car. The Police claim that she failed to signal a turn, and the Cop suspected the driver of being intoxicated. The driver was stopped, and failed the field sobriety test according to Police. Further the driver refused a blood test and one was gotten with a warrant.

The Woman’s husband who is also Black claims the woman had not been drinking, and it was all insidious. He is outraged that the police arrested her, and says that witnesses at the dinner are prepared to testify she only drank water and lemonade. He showed a picture of a receipt which showed lemonade. The Husband is further angry that the Police refused to allow him to see his wife in custody, and would not send a supervisor out to speak with him.

Now, in the interest of fairness it is possible to blow positive on a breathalyzer and not be under the influence of alcohol. One of those ways is dangerously low blood sugar which can happen to Diabetics. This can also create what are called Ketones which the breathalyzer will register as alcohol. If this is the case, the blood test will be able to determine the blood sugar and other signs of this potential condition.

Now, is the Black Man telling the truth? Are the cops wrong and harassing an innocent black woman? If she did blow positive, was it possibly because of a medical condition?

I've relayed this story before.

A few years ago my daughter called me on New Years day all upset saying she had been arrested for DUI. I couldn't understand why she was calling me from home.

Anyway, she had been to a New Years eve party where she had a couple drinks early and quit. Driving home at I believe 3 in the morning she is pulled over. The cop made her do all of the field sobriety checks. She (in his own words) passed them all. He still wanted her to do a breathalyzer.

My daughter as A1D1. It's a lung disease. (look it up). She tried but could not get enough air. She said she needed her inhaler. She used it and still not enough. The cop took her to the station. (5 minutes away). There she used her inhaler twice and was able to get a good enough breath. She blew .8. Legal limit is .8.

Now I still am not completely aware of the law but he was legally required to jail her. He allowed a friend to come get her after processing.

I read where you can NOT take a breathalyzer for 30 minutes after using an inhaler. She had used hers 3 times. We went to court. The magistrate gave the cop a hard time and dismissed the charges.

So yes, you can register a illegal limit but still not be drunk. As I noted above the cop testified in court she passed all field tests.
Traffic stops for minor shit that isn't actively endangering anyone is practically always a fishing expedition and is often harassment. Other than that there is not enough information to make a judgement call.
The roads are filled with people that when pulled over for any myriad of infractions, claim: "I din do nuttin wrong." They travel 20mph over the speed limit and are pulled over...."you're lying....I din do traveling the speed limit." They just do a rolling-stop thru a stop sign...."you're lying....I din do nuttin wrong." They make a left turn from a right lane...."you're lying....I din do nuttin wrong." They tailgate...."you're lying....I din do nuttin wrong." They drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs...."you're lying....I din do nuttin wrong." They run stoplights...."you're lying....I din do nuttin wrong." They travel on the shoulder of a road to get past traffic...."you're lying....I din do nuttin wrong." They are witnessed threatening others on the road and are pulled over...."you're lying....I din do nuttin wrong." They cause an accident and are stopped...."you're lying....I din do was them." They are caught being aggressive reckless drivers...."you're lying....I din do nuttin wrong." They drive with headlights or taillights out...."you're lying I din do nuttin wrong." Then there are the "do you know who I am" types...(mayors, town council members, other government officials or celebrities thinking that if they toss out their title or name, that they are above the law. Then there also the "you pulled me over because you are racist" elements of society, thinking that if they say that, the cop will back off and let them go, or be fired. We also mustn't forget the women that say cops sexually assaulted them to let them off for a ticket, yet now with bodycams, they are proven to be liars. Last but not least are the idiotic and as far as I'm concerned, mentally unstable, "sovereign citizens and Moorish sovereign citizens. " can't stop us, we're just traveling. I don't need insurance, a current driver's license and up to date plates on my method of travel."
You hear it all on the streets and highways and much of the time it's claims of innocence to avoid paying a traffic ticket. My tactic is simple....when I'm pulled over and the cop approaches my window, I hand him/her my driver's license and registration....and cooperate fully. Why? Because I know me. I have a lead foot and will sometimes exceed the speed limit. So, I cooperate, accept the ticket, wish him/her a good day and pay my fine.
Are there bad cops out there.....rarely, but yes. There is a small percentage of cops that are jerks. I've never personally encountered one, but history has shown us that bad cops do exist, but not in significant numbers. When caught, they should be weeded out.
The roads are filled with people that when pulled over for any myriad of infractions, claim: "I din do nuttin wrong." They travel 20mph over the speed limit and are pulled over...."you're lying....I din do traveling the speed limit." They just do a rolling-stop thru a stop sign...."you're lying....I din do nuttin wrong." They make a left turn from a right lane...."you're lying....I din do nuttin wrong." They tailgate...."you're lying....I din do nuttin wrong." They drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs...."you're lying....I din do nuttin wrong." They run stoplights...."you're lying....I din do nuttin wrong." They travel on the shoulder of a road to get past traffic...."you're lying....I din do nuttin wrong." They are witnessed threatening others on the road and are pulled over...."you're lying....I din do nuttin wrong." They cause an accident and are stopped...."you're lying....I din do was them." They are caught being aggressive reckless drivers...."you're lying....I din do nuttin wrong." They drive with headlights or taillights out...."you're lying I din do nuttin wrong." Then there are the "do you know who I am" types...(mayors, town council members, other government officials or celebrities thinking that if they toss out their title or name, that they are above the law. Then there also the "you pulled me over because you are racist" elements of society, thinking that if they say that, the cop will back off and let them go, or be fired. We also mustn't forget the women that say cops sexually assaulted them to let them off for a ticket, yet now with bodycams, they are proven to be liars. Last but not least are the idiotic and as far as I'm concerned, mentally unstable, "sovereign citizens and Moorish sovereign citizens. " can't stop us, we're just traveling. I don't need insurance, a current driver's license and up to date plates on my method of travel."
You hear it all on the streets and highways and much of the time it's claims of innocence to avoid paying a traffic ticket. My tactic is simple....when I'm pulled over and the cop approaches my window, I hand him/her my driver's license and registration....and cooperate fully. Why? Because I know me. I have a lead foot and will sometimes exceed the speed limit. So, I cooperate, accept the ticket, wish him/her a good day and pay my fine.
Are there bad cops out there.....rarely, but yes. There is a small percentage of cops that are jerks. I've never personally encountered one, but history has shown us that bad cops do exist, but not in significant numbers. When caught, they should be weeded out.
I'm only replying to my own post because of "pknopps" disagreement meme. Pknopp, for a period of about two years, I resided in Pensacola, Florida and as a friend of mine was a Sheriff's Deputy and they had a civilian ride-along program, I accompanied him when I could and above are things that I witnessed and as for the claims of racism and politician denial, you just have to watch the various officers bodycam footage to see that crap go on. Is this a story of a bad cop, I don't know, but based upon my experience and watching the people in videos, my sympathy goes out to the cop, not the person stopped. I don't give a rat's-ass what a person's race is, no one is above the laws. If you fail the sobriety test, pay the fine and stop drinking. If you disagree with the ticket, that's what court appearances are for. Just bring in ample "PROOF" that will exonerate you, rather than just appearing before a judge and bitch. That isn't going to change anything. All judges, regardless of race, want actual proof, not whining.
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I'm only replying to my own post because of "pknopps" disagreement meme. Pknopp, for a period of about two years, I resided in Pensacola, Florida and as a friend of mine was a Sheriff's Deputy and they had a civilian ride-along program, I accompanied him when I could and above are things that I witnessed and as for the claims of racism and politician denial, you just have to watch the various officers bodycam footage to see that crap go on.

I didn't even read what you wrote because of the ignorant way you started your thread.
Let me lay out the scenario. A 61 year old Black Woman is driving home from dinner with her baby grandson in the car. The Police claim that she failed to signal a turn, and the Cop suspected the driver of being intoxicated. The driver was stopped, and failed the field sobriety test according to Police. Further the driver refused a blood test and one was gotten with a warrant.

The Woman’s husband who is also Black claims the woman had not been drinking, and it was all insidious. He is outraged that the police arrested her, and says that witnesses at the dinner are prepared to testify she only drank water and lemonade. He showed a picture of a receipt which showed lemonade. The Husband is further angry that the Police refused to allow him to see his wife in custody, and would not send a supervisor out to speak with him.

Now, in the interest of fairness it is possible to blow positive on a breathalyzer and not be under the influence of alcohol. One of those ways is dangerously low blood sugar which can happen to Diabetics. This can also create what are called Ketones which the breathalyzer will register as alcohol. If this is the case, the blood test will be able to determine the blood sugar and other signs of this potential condition.

Now, is the Black Man telling the truth? Are the cops wrong and harassing an innocent black woman? If she did blow positive, was it possibly because of a medical condition?

The cop should have shot them.
I didn't even read what you wrote because of the ignorant way you started your thread.
Nothing ignorant about it. Those are actual claims by drivers in the wrong (although most would have said" "I didn't do anything wrong," rather than "I din do nuttin wrong." I just get tired of hearing that lame excuse by people getting out of traffic tickets. The other is, "your equipment isn't working right."
Let me lay out the scenario. A 61 year old Black Woman is driving home from dinner with her baby grandson in the car. The Police claim that she failed to signal a turn, and the Cop suspected the driver of being intoxicated. The driver was stopped, and failed the field sobriety test according to Police. Further the driver refused a blood test and one was gotten with a warrant.

The Woman’s husband who is also Black claims the woman had not been drinking, and it was all insidious. He is outraged that the police arrested her, and says that witnesses at the dinner are prepared to testify she only drank water and lemonade. He showed a picture of a receipt which showed lemonade. The Husband is further angry that the Police refused to allow him to see his wife in custody, and would not send a supervisor out to speak with him.

Now, in the interest of fairness it is possible to blow positive on a breathalyzer and not be under the influence of alcohol. One of those ways is dangerously low blood sugar which can happen to Diabetics. This can also create what are called Ketones which the breathalyzer will register as alcohol. If this is the case, the blood test will be able to determine the blood sugar and other signs of this potential condition.

Now, is the Black Man telling the truth? Are the cops wrong and harassing an innocent black woman? If she did blow positive, was it possibly because of a medical condition?

So if she blew positive and was having a diabetic episode---her idiot husband needs to insist that she get a blood test to address the diabetes which in order for a breath test to register would mean that she would have been in the KETONE STAGE not just with slightly
elevated blood sugar.
..another HATE cops thread by Smann--who thinks he's perfect---he thinks he's Chuck Norris/James Bond/Bruce Lee/etc
..another HATE cops thread by Smann--who thinks he's perfect---he thinks he's Chuck Norris/James Bond/Bruce Lee/etc

I hoped you would drop by. I posted nothing negative about the cop or the person arrested. I did leave one little fact out. But since you won’t read even the Fox News report I knew you would miss it.
So if she blew positive and was having a diabetic episode---her idiot husband needs to insist that she get a blood test to address the diabetes which in order for a breath test to register would mean that she would have been in the KETONE STAGE not just with slightly
elevated blood sugar.

Her Husband is Alan West. Who is running for Governor of Texas.
I support the thin blue line but this is insidious.....................

He supports the police except when they affect him................

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