I am amazed today in the way culture has turned inward to the self. I think some of it has to do with the way children have been raised in an affluent society. All things become about them. When I talk to conservative (I hardly see any leftist kids today) college kids who were born with a silver spoon, there is no sense in which things could be different. There is also the sense in which if the other has nothing it is 'their' fault. I am wondering when America turned away from its religious values to self centeredness? This piece is just one more example.
by Karl Taro Greenfeld, Portfolio
"Joel Osteen preaches the virtues of prosperity -- for himself as well as his congregation. A look at the man who may well be one of the biggest beneficiaries of the slumping economy."
God Wants Me to Be Rich - WalletPop
Does God really want you to be rich?
by Karl Taro Greenfeld, Portfolio
"Joel Osteen preaches the virtues of prosperity -- for himself as well as his congregation. A look at the man who may well be one of the biggest beneficiaries of the slumping economy."
God Wants Me to Be Rich - WalletPop
Does God really want you to be rich?