God Does Not Exist, And I Hate Him So Much That I Will Devote My Entire Life To Destroying Him


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Satire and not satire.

Nobody spends time attacking the existence of Zeus, Buddha, Allah, or any of the thousand Hindu gods.


Anyone with a brain knows that ‘god’ doesn’t exist. Science proves it. Pure reason and logic prove it. Neil Degrasse Tyson even said so on the Cosmos reboot.

And that’s why I have devoted my life to one purpose and one purpose only: absolutely destroying him.

Though he isn’t real, he consumes my every waking moment. My every breath is given to this one great cause. I eat, work, play, and live for the noble aim, to end this imaginary god’s made-up existence.

Even when I go to sleep, I dream of standing over this imaginary god and raising a fist of triumph, secure in the knowledge that I have vanquished a god who does not exist.

Some atheists and agnostics are content to simply go about their lives, respecting others’ beliefs, even if they disagree with them. But not I. No, sir. I cannot stay silent while others believe in a god of man’s own invention.

God, if you’re out there somewhere (and I know you’re not), sleep with one eye open—I’m coming for you.

Opinion: God Does Not Exist, And I Hate Him So Much That I Will Devote My Entire Life To Destroying Him
Satire and not satire.

Nobody spends time attacking the existence of Zeus, Buddha, Allah, or any of the thousand Hindu gods.

View attachment 307423

Anyone with a brain knows that ‘god’ doesn’t exist. Science proves it. Pure reason and logic prove it. Neil Degrasse Tyson even said so on the Cosmos reboot.

And that’s why I have devoted my life to one purpose and one purpose only: absolutely destroying him.

Though he isn’t real, he consumes my every waking moment. My every breath is given to this one great cause. I eat, work, play, and live for the noble aim, to end this imaginary god’s made-up existence.

Even when I go to sleep, I dream of standing over this imaginary god and raising a fist of triumph, secure in the knowledge that I have vanquished a god who does not exist.

Some atheists and agnostics are content to simply go about their lives, respecting others’ beliefs, even if they disagree with them. But not I. No, sir. I cannot stay silent while others believe in a god of man’s own invention.

God, if you’re out there somewhere (and I know you’re not), sleep with one eye open—I’m coming for you.

Opinion: God Does Not Exist, And I Hate Him So Much That I Will Devote My Entire Life To Destroying Him
This schmuck LOOKS like an atheist, non-believing heathen. Dreadful.
This schmuck LOOKS like an atheist, non-believing heathen. Dreadful.
See my avatar- I look a lot like that- I'm not a believer and I'm not an atheist. I don't abide labels- don't wear a label and refuse to be classed by label makers, political or religious- getting bent oit of shape because someone doesn't believe like you isn't healthy, or productive.
Satire and not satire.

Nobody spends time attacking the existence of Zeus, Buddha, Allah, or any of the thousand Hindu gods.

View attachment 307423

Anyone with a brain knows that ‘god’ doesn’t exist. Science proves it. Pure reason and logic prove it. Neil Degrasse Tyson even said so on the Cosmos reboot.

And that’s why I have devoted my life to one purpose and one purpose only: absolutely destroying him.

Though he isn’t real, he consumes my every waking moment. My every breath is given to this one great cause. I eat, work, play, and live for the noble aim, to end this imaginary god’s made-up existence.

Even when I go to sleep, I dream of standing over this imaginary god and raising a fist of triumph, secure in the knowledge that I have vanquished a god who does not exist.

Some atheists and agnostics are content to simply go about their lives, respecting others’ beliefs, even if they disagree with them. But not I. No, sir. I cannot stay silent while others believe in a god of man’s own invention.

God, if you’re out there somewhere (and I know you’re not), sleep with one eye open—I’m coming for you.

Opinion: God Does Not Exist, And I Hate Him So Much That I Will Devote My Entire Life To Destroying Him

Men plan
God laughs
This schmuck LOOKS like an atheist, non-believing heathen. Dreadful.
See my avatar- I look a lot like that- I'm not a believer and I'm not an atheist. I don't abide labels- don't wear a label and refuse to be classed by label makers, political or religious- getting bent oit of shape because someone doesn't believe like you isn't healthy, or productive.
The schmuck is in desperate need of a haircut, which you could most likely use yourself. Thank you.
The schmuck is in desperate need of a haircut, which you could most likely use yourself. Thank you.
You presume to have the authority to tell others what they should do- a religious person. Go figure.
Satire and not satire.

Nobody spends time attacking the existence of Zeus, Buddha, Allah, or any of the thousand Hindu gods.

View attachment 307423

Anyone with a brain knows that ‘god’ doesn’t exist. Science proves it. Pure reason and logic prove it. Neil Degrasse Tyson even said so on the Cosmos reboot.

And that’s why I have devoted my life to one purpose and one purpose only: absolutely destroying him.

Though he isn’t real, he consumes my every waking moment. My every breath is given to this one great cause. I eat, work, play, and live for the noble aim, to end this imaginary god’s made-up existence.

Even when I go to sleep, I dream of standing over this imaginary god and raising a fist of triumph, secure in the knowledge that I have vanquished a god who does not exist.

Some atheists and agnostics are content to simply go about their lives, respecting others’ beliefs, even if they disagree with them. But not I. No, sir. I cannot stay silent while others believe in a god of man’s own invention.

God, if you’re out there somewhere (and I know you’re not), sleep with one eye open—I’m coming for you.

Opinion: God Does Not Exist, And I Hate Him So Much That I Will Devote My Entire Life To Destroying Him

The Babylon Bee is a satire site, like the Onion. Fucking moron.
Satire and not satire.

Nobody spends time attacking the existence of Zeus, Buddha, Allah, or any of the thousand Hindu gods.

View attachment 307423

Anyone with a brain knows that ‘god’ doesn’t exist. Science proves it. Pure reason and logic prove it. Neil Degrasse Tyson even said so on the Cosmos reboot.

And that’s why I have devoted my life to one purpose and one purpose only: absolutely destroying him.

Though he isn’t real, he consumes my every waking moment. My every breath is given to this one great cause. I eat, work, play, and live for the noble aim, to end this imaginary god’s made-up existence.

Even when I go to sleep, I dream of standing over this imaginary god and raising a fist of triumph, secure in the knowledge that I have vanquished a god who does not exist.

Some atheists and agnostics are content to simply go about their lives, respecting others’ beliefs, even if they disagree with them. But not I. No, sir. I cannot stay silent while others believe in a god of man’s own invention.

God, if you’re out there somewhere (and I know you’re not), sleep with one eye open—I’m coming for you.

Opinion: God Does Not Exist, And I Hate Him So Much That I Will Devote My Entire Life To Destroying Him
He’s in for one rude awakening.
Satire and not satire.

Nobody spends time attacking the existence of Zeus, Buddha, Allah, or any of the thousand Hindu gods.

View attachment 307423

Anyone with a brain knows that ‘god’ doesn’t exist. Science proves it. Pure reason and logic prove it. Neil Degrasse Tyson even said so on the Cosmos reboot.

And that’s why I have devoted my life to one purpose and one purpose only: absolutely destroying him.

Though he isn’t real, he consumes my every waking moment. My every breath is given to this one great cause. I eat, work, play, and live for the noble aim, to end this imaginary god’s made-up existence.

Even when I go to sleep, I dream of standing over this imaginary god and raising a fist of triumph, secure in the knowledge that I have vanquished a god who does not exist.

Some atheists and agnostics are content to simply go about their lives, respecting others’ beliefs, even if they disagree with them. But not I. No, sir. I cannot stay silent while others believe in a god of man’s own invention.

God, if you’re out there somewhere (and I know you’re not), sleep with one eye open—I’m coming for you.

Opinion: God Does Not Exist, And I Hate Him So Much That I Will Devote My Entire Life To Destroying Him

I don't believe in any god.
I also think that most religious are just charlatans taking advantage of simple minded and fearful people.

Like you.

I oppose all attempts to make laws based on primitive religious beliefs.


If you somehow twist that into "you hate god!" then you are the one who is deranged.
Satire and not satire.

Nobody spends time attacking the existence of Zeus, Buddha, Allah, or any of the thousand Hindu gods.

View attachment 307423

Anyone with a brain knows that ‘god’ doesn’t exist. Science proves it. Pure reason and logic prove it. Neil Degrasse Tyson even said so on the Cosmos reboot.

And that’s why I have devoted my life to one purpose and one purpose only: absolutely destroying him.

Though he isn’t real, he consumes my every waking moment. My every breath is given to this one great cause. I eat, work, play, and live for the noble aim, to end this imaginary god’s made-up existence.

Even when I go to sleep, I dream of standing over this imaginary god and raising a fist of triumph, secure in the knowledge that I have vanquished a god who does not exist.

Some atheists and agnostics are content to simply go about their lives, respecting others’ beliefs, even if they disagree with them. But not I. No, sir. I cannot stay silent while others believe in a god of man’s own invention.

God, if you’re out there somewhere (and I know you’re not), sleep with one eye open—I’m coming for you.

Opinion: God Does Not Exist, And I Hate Him So Much That I Will Devote My Entire Life To Destroying Him

UMMMM,, he says god doesnt exist, so hes going to devote his life to destroying something that he doesnt think exists???

isnt that the same as swatting flies that arent there???

this guys should be in a rubber room wearing a straight jacket,,,,
Satire and not satire.

Nobody spends time attacking the existence of Zeus, Buddha, Allah, or any of the thousand Hindu gods.

View attachment 307423

Anyone with a brain knows that ‘god’ doesn’t exist. Science proves it. Pure reason and logic prove it. Neil Degrasse Tyson even said so on the Cosmos reboot.

And that’s why I have devoted my life to one purpose and one purpose only: absolutely destroying him.

Though he isn’t real, he consumes my every waking moment. My every breath is given to this one great cause. I eat, work, play, and live for the noble aim, to end this imaginary god’s made-up existence.

Even when I go to sleep, I dream of standing over this imaginary god and raising a fist of triumph, secure in the knowledge that I have vanquished a god who does not exist.

Some atheists and agnostics are content to simply go about their lives, respecting others’ beliefs, even if they disagree with them. But not I. No, sir. I cannot stay silent while others believe in a god of man’s own invention.

God, if you’re out there somewhere (and I know you’re not), sleep with one eye open—I’m coming for you.

Opinion: God Does Not Exist, And I Hate Him So Much That I Will Devote My Entire Life To Destroying Him

UMMMM,, he says god doesnt exist, so hes going to devote his life to destroying something that he doesnt think exists???

isnt that the same as swatting flies that arent there???

this guys should be in a rubber room wearing a straight jacket,,,,

as should anyone who thinks that most atheists are dedicating their lives to destroying any god
Sir Anthony Flew was a hardened atheist who dedicated his life to proving that God does not exist and could never exist. He died an old man and a believer.
The source is the Babylon Bee, which describes itself as satire. This isn't a real thing.
What is The Babylon Bee?
The Babylon Bee is the world’s best satire site, totally inerrant in all its truth claims. We write satire about Christian stuff, political stuff, and everyday life.

The Babylon Bee was created ex nihilo on the eighth day of the creation week, exactly 6,000 years ago. We have been the premier news source through every major world event, from the Tower of Babel and the Exodus to the Reformation and the War of 1812. We focus on just the facts, leaving spin and bias to other news sites like CNN and Fox News.

If you would like to complain about something on our site, take it up with God.

Unlike other satire sites, everything we post is 100% verified by Snopes.com.

The Babylon Bee | Your Trusted Source For Christian News Satire.
I don't believe in any god.
I also think that most religious are just charlatans taking advantage of simple minded and fearful people.

Like you.

I oppose all attempts to make laws based on primitive religious beliefs.

Yet if we all followed the laws of God, we would not need additional, secular laws. God gave us the Ten Commandments, and mankind added over six hundred additional laws to clarify the meaning and intent of each one. How do we follow each law?

Jesus had his own ideas about that. If we stop (in our heart, thoughts, words) before we come to the threshold of a law, we would not need those Ten either. Or, as James put it, each person is lured and enticed by his/her own desire.

Conquer that desire and one not need come face-to-face with the Law, but will be walking with God. Religion has nothing to do with taking advantage of anyone.
We know there are many people who have had issues with drugs. Many get off the drugs but here are recidivism issues. A higher percentage who follow religious principles with the prescribed ones seem to have more success at quitting the drug habits. It is painful for families and extended families who have this. Those who do not are fortunate and maybe a little wealthier to boot.
Satire and not satire.

Nobody spends time attacking the existence of Zeus, Buddha, Allah, or any of the thousand Hindu gods.

View attachment 307423

Anyone with a brain knows that ‘god’ doesn’t exist. Science proves it. Pure reason and logic prove it. Neil Degrasse Tyson even said so on the Cosmos reboot.

And that’s why I have devoted my life to one purpose and one purpose only: absolutely destroying him.

Though he isn’t real, he consumes my every waking moment. My every breath is given to this one great cause. I eat, work, play, and live for the noble aim, to end this imaginary god’s made-up existence.

Even when I go to sleep, I dream of standing over this imaginary god and raising a fist of triumph, secure in the knowledge that I have vanquished a god who does not exist.

Some atheists and agnostics are content to simply go about their lives, respecting others’ beliefs, even if they disagree with them. But not I. No, sir. I cannot stay silent while others believe in a god of man’s own invention.

God, if you’re out there somewhere (and I know you’re not), sleep with one eye open—I’m coming for you.

Opinion: God Does Not Exist, And I Hate Him So Much That I Will Devote My Entire Life To Destroying Him

UMMMM,, he says god doesnt exist, so hes going to devote his life to destroying something that he doesnt think exists???

isnt that the same as swatting flies that arent there???

this guys should be in a rubber room wearing a straight jacket,,,,
Most atheists are that way. Just look at the posts in this religion section. They’re dedicated in convincing everyone the God of Jacob is a myth. And spend zero time on Buddha, Allah, the thousands of Hindu gods reality. Why? Because they know the God of Jews and Christians is real.
Satire and not satire.

Nobody spends time attacking the existence of Zeus, Buddha, Allah, or any of the thousand Hindu gods.

View attachment 307423

Anyone with a brain knows that ‘god’ doesn’t exist. Science proves it. Pure reason and logic prove it. Neil Degrasse Tyson even said so on the Cosmos reboot.

And that’s why I have devoted my life to one purpose and one purpose only: absolutely destroying him.

Though he isn’t real, he consumes my every waking moment. My every breath is given to this one great cause. I eat, work, play, and live for the noble aim, to end this imaginary god’s made-up existence.

Even when I go to sleep, I dream of standing over this imaginary god and raising a fist of triumph, secure in the knowledge that I have vanquished a god who does not exist.

Some atheists and agnostics are content to simply go about their lives, respecting others’ beliefs, even if they disagree with them. But not I. No, sir. I cannot stay silent while others believe in a god of man’s own invention.

God, if you’re out there somewhere (and I know you’re not), sleep with one eye open—I’m coming for you.

Opinion: God Does Not Exist, And I Hate Him So Much That I Will Devote My Entire Life To Destroying Him

I don't believe in any god.
I also think that most religious are just charlatans taking advantage of simple minded and fearful people.

Like you.

I oppose all attempts to make laws based on primitive religious beliefs.


If you somehow twist that into "you hate god!" then you are the one who is deranged.
I also think that most religious are just charlatans taking advantage of simple minded and fearful people.

Like you.

Oh? And what have I lost that you have not?

I oppose all attempts to make laws based on primitive religious beliefs.


Hate to be the one to break it to you, but almost all laws in America are based upon Judeo-Christian theocracy. Actually I lied. I enjoyed breaking it to you.

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