Global Awakening are you in it?


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016

expert Jordan Maxwell breaks down the hidden realm how the elite use language and other systems of control to keep humanity asleep as they tighten the noose around their neck.

Don't like who it's from that is exactly why you can still be in the dark nobody has to like the particular source but research it somewhere else. Somewhere that doesn't make your eyes or ears burn when seeing who it is from.
like here , which another area on the basic same information

10 Signs of Our Global Awakening

However, alternative media sources tell us that people are awakening exponentially to the realization that they’re being stitched up and in the swathe of these awakened souls, more and more are playing their dutiful part in enlightening others.

So, here are 10 signs of our global mass awakening.

1. Monsanto’s earnings plummeted by 34%

The earnings drop in the biotech company’s 1st fiscal quarter suggests a growing public disdain for their GM seeds as more and more people realize the dangers of GMO and its glyphosate herbicide.

Marches against Monsanto have intensified and don’t look like cooling down… More and more realize that Monsanto are out to patent, own and control every seed in the world. This threatens the destruction and diversity of every natural God-given seed…

5. Increasing recognition of disinformation

People are increasingly seeing right through those various media sources with their dogmatic unhealthy sceptics, shills, trolls, pseudo-debunkers, controlled opposition agents, biasing, filtering and in-your-face lies… intended to sell you the spin of disinformation to keep you ignorant, deceived and helplessly anesthetized in the matrix controlling system…

10 Signs of Our Global Awakening

ok so you guys hear the terms " Zombie" , libtard, and yes idiot....................... so academically those of you not in the global awakening is what those terms mean when one of them are thrown onto you. It means you are being left behind as the others are waking up to what is going on around the world and yes right in the US.
People can have ten PHD's, but if people lack common sense, logic, or the ability to decode MSM news
Sometimes this is what you get the above titles. It doesn't mean you are an academic idiot. It's just others saying WAKE UP damn it you are believing the bs you are being fed.
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A disinfo site is talking about how people are becoming awakened to disinfo
and that's why your misinformed and not in it. Just like the same idiots who were lead to the Gas Chambers during Hitlers power they never woke up. Good luck you wont' realize it until it's too late and your standing at the same doors, the only thing you zombies might not be able to click is it will be in a different way and not nec. gas chambers.
A disinfo site is talking about how people are becoming awakened to disinfo
and that's why your misinformed and not in it. Just like the same idiots who were lead to the Gas Chambers during Hitlers power they never woke up. Good luck you wont' realize it until it's too late and your standing at the same doors, the only thing you zombies might not be able to click is it will be in a different way and not nec. gas chambers.

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A disinfo site is talking about how people are becoming awakened to disinfo

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A disinfo site is talking about how people are becoming awakened to disinfo
and that's why your misinformed and not in it. Just like the same idiots who were lead to the Gas Chambers during Hitlers power they never woke up. Good luck you wont' realize it until it's too late and your standing at the same doors, the only thing you zombies might not be able to click is it will be in a different way and not nec. gas chambers.

And most who are in your mindset are always , always IGNORANT RUDE, VICIOUS LOSERS too.
Keep going as you prove it right to the people who really see right through the ignorance .
A disinfo site is talking about how people are becoming awakened to disinfo
and that's why your misinformed and not in it. Just like the same idiots who were lead to the Gas Chambers during Hitlers power they never woke up. Good luck you wont' realize it until it's too late and your standing at the same doors, the only thing you zombies might not be able to click is it will be in a different way and not nec. gas chambers.

And most who are in your mindset are always , always IGNORANT RUDE, VICIOUS LOSERS too.
Keep going as you prove it right to the people who really see right through the ignorance .


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