Getting Some Facts Straight About the Iran Nuke Deal


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
1. Let's start with the main argument that the liberal talking heads are making, i.e., that this deal is much better than the status quo because the Iranian mullahs were much closer to getting a nuke under the status quo than they will be under Obama's Iran nuke deal.

But the status quo was Obama's creation, so that's a phony argument from the outset. Republicans wanted much tougher sanctions. Republicans wanted more direct action against Iran's nuke program--cyber attacks, covert ops, etc. Obama tried to stop Congress from imposing sanctions on Iran, the very sanctions that caused Iran to enter into serious negotiations over its nuke program. Obama used executive orders to substantially weaken the sanctions that Congress imposed. Yet, even those weakened sanctions brought Iran to the negotiating table.

The sanctions could have been much tougher and could have virtually brought Iran's economy to a standstill. THEN we would have been negotiating from a position of strength.

2. The Iran nuke deal contains no provision for on-the-spot, no-notice inspections of suspected violation sites. Under the deal, the Iranians could delay inspection requests for 24 days and would have a viable chance of blocking them. IF the IAEA were not satisfied with Iran's explanations of what was occurring at the suspected violation sites, the matter would be considered by the 8-member oversight committee, and two of the members of the committee would be Russia and Iran.

3. The Iran nuke deal's "snap-back" provisions for reinstating sanctions if violations were determined to have occurred are dubious and would probably never be used except in the case of extreme, blatant violations. Any member of the 8-member oversight committee could assert that a violation had occurred. The committee would then have 65 days to decide whether a violation occurred. If the dispute were not resolved, the country that filed the complaint would be free to reinstate its own sanctions, but the other members of the committee would be under no obligation to reinstate their sanctions.

A nation on the oversight committee could also appeal to the UN Security Council for a resolution on the matter, but any of the permanent members on the Security Council could veto the resolution (i.e., Russia and China).

4. The Iran nuke deal violates Obama's oft-repeated campaign assertion that he would never allow Iran to acquire nuclear weapons. By even John Kerry's admission, this deal would not dismantle Iran's nuclear weapons program but would merely delay the "breakout" time for Iran to build nukes.

5. Obama refused to insist on the release of the four Americans being held illegally in Iran, but we just found that Obama agreed to release an Iranian scientist who was detained in California for trying to acquire equipment for Iran's military-nuclear programs. Unbelievable.

6. Incredibly, the Iran nuke deal provides for the lifting of sanctions on Iran's Quds force. The Quds is an elite killer force that has killed Americans.

Breaking Obama Freed Top Iranian Scientist as Part of Nuke Deal The Minority Report Blog

Nuclear restrictions and inspections in exchange for lifting of sanctions The details of the Iran deal - Diplomacy and Defense - Haaretz Daily Newspaper Israel News

Iran s supreme leader says nuke deal won t change policy on US Fox News

Iran Bans U.S. Inspectors from All Nuclear Sites Washington Free Beacon

Nuke Deal Removes Sanctions on Iran s Terror King - Global Agenda - News - Arutz Sheva

16 reasons nuke deal is an Iranian victory and a Western catastrophe The Times of Israel

The head of Hezbollah likes the Iran nuclear deal - Business Insider
Young minds full of mush were calling in Rush's show last week repeating this same garbage.

He let them talk so his listeners could see how blinded and stupid they all sounded.

Really scary that some are so stupid.
Does the OP have any other sources than NaziCons and Jews?

That's an odd question to be asked by a neo-Nazi, anti-Semitic propaganda merchant like yourself. YOU are the one peddling Nazi ideas and tactics, not the conservative scholars at National Review.

And just on a point of logic, to lump Nazi-anything and Jews into the same boat shows how confused and fringe you are.

Finally, I notice you declined to take issue with a single point I made about the nuke deal. Was that because everything I said is correct? If you doubt any of my points about the deal, just go read the deal's text.
A very liberal Jewish group, the American Jewish Committee (AJC), has released a cogent overview of the Iran nuke deal:

The international community’s original vision of dismantling the sanctions regime in exchange for Iran’s dismantling of its nuclear infrastructure gave way to a conceptually different kind of arrangement, which does buy valuable time, but, in the end, delays but does not eliminate the emergence of Iran as a nuclear threshold state.​

Meanwhile, Iran will receive in short order up to $150 billion in frozen assets, plus new trade and investment opportunities. How much of the cash bonanza will be distributed to Hamas, Hezbollah, the IRGC, and other implacable enemies of Israel (and its Arab neighbors), making life still more difficult for the Jewish state and the region? Even if, for argument’s sake, it’s just five to ten percent, that represents a huge windfall for these nefarious groups.​
Young minds full of mush were calling in Rush's show last week repeating this same garbage.

He let them talk so his listeners could see how blinded and stupid they all sounded.

Really scary that some are so stupid.

Perhaps you could point out a single error in what I said about the nuke deal's terms.

Where is the "garbage" to which you refer?

Would not the deal enable Iran to get $100 to $150 billion in sanctions relief?

Would not the deal, contrary to what Obama originally and repeatedly promised, leave Iran's nuke program infrastructure mostly intact, if not completely intact?

Did not Obama quietly release an Iranian scientist who was caught trying to get military-nuke information in California to satisfy one of Iran's demands for further negotiations, yet he declined to insist on the return of the four Americans being illegally held by Iran as a condition of acceptance of the nuke deal?

Would not the deal lift the sanctions on the murderous Quds force?

I mean, tell me, what statements in the OP are wrong, and why?
The outrage over this deal is mostly about Iran using the new money to fund terrorism. The idea that this seriously helps them get a nuke is a sideshow and not really based on reality.

The people of Iran are becoming far more modern than the rest of the ME and this serves the interest of the US. The last thing the US wants is to be an easy scapegoat for the problems of a regime that is slow to change. Normalized relations with Iran significantly help our foreign policy goals across the globe even if they don't serve Israel's.
The idea that this seriously helps them get a nuke is a sideshow and not really based on reality.

That is a ridiculous, surreal claim. You might want to read the nuke deal text, for starters.

The people of Iran are becoming far more modern than the rest of the ME and this serves the interest of the US. The last thing the US wants is to be an easy scapegoat for the problems of a regime that is slow to change. Normalized relations with Iran significantly help our foreign policy goals across the globe even if they don't serve Israel's.

Oh, my goodness. This is Neville Chamberlain reasoning. The people of Germany and Japan were also becoming "very modern." In case you have not heard, the people of Iran live in a Jihadist tyranny, where dissenters are killed or tortured/jailed, where Internet access is restricted, and where the mullahs hold supreme power, which is why Iran has long been the world's biggest sponsor of terrorism.
The idea that this seriously helps them get a nuke is a sideshow and not really based on reality.

That is a ridiculous, surreal claim. You might want to read the nuke deal text, for starters.

The people of Iran are becoming far more modern than the rest of the ME and this serves the interest of the US. The last thing the US wants is to be an easy scapegoat for the problems of a regime that is slow to change. Normalized relations with Iran significantly help our foreign policy goals across the globe even if they don't serve Israel's.

Oh, my goodness. This is Neville Chamberlain reasoning. The people of Germany and Japan were also becoming "very modern." In case you have not heard, the people of Iran live in a Jihadist tyranny, where dissenters are killed or tortured/jailed, where Internet access is restricted, and where the mullahs hold supreme power, which is why Iran has long been the world's biggest sponsor of terrorism.

Nor surreal, real. Try again.

The people of Japan and Germany are some of our closest allies now. Thanks for bringing them up to help demonstrate how the US can turn enemies into friends.

The people of Iran have a lot of reasons to resent the US and as they become more and more educated they become more and more willing to move past those past transgressions but that doesn't mean much if the US continues to act like a bully and give them new reasons to hate us.

The far right will try and sell you stories about Iran that are simply not true or are so distorted that it becomes easy to fear Iran. This only works on the ignorant. Don't be ignorant.

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