German Parliamentary Election 2021


Nov 14, 2012
Today is election day in Germany. Mrs. Merkel is not running and this may be a reason for the updraft of the left wing SPD. What happened last time to the SPD is documented here in my holy thread:

zaangalewa : Funny guy, pray for my soul.

Here´s the latest poll result:
SPD: 25 %
CDU: 23 %
Green: 16,5 %
FDP: 11 %
AfD: 10 %
Linke: 6 %

The SPD has been leading the polls for a long time now but the result is closer now than it was a couple of weeks ago. The Green Party demands an early coal exit in order to join a coalition. Prior to the election the parties are busy to keep Afghan refugees away from Germany,
Today is election day in Germany. Mrs. Merkel is not running and this may be a reason for the updraft of the left wing SPD. What happened last time to the SPD is documented here in my holy thread:

zaangalewa : Funny guy, pray for my soul.

Are you mad? Why should I pray for a Nazi like you? Go and pray on your own for your soul. You need your own prayers. And don't try to tell god the same bullshit as you like to tell his people and his children.

PS: If you are not able to pray try to prepare a place in your soul where god is able to pray for you.

Here´s the latest poll result:
SPD: 25 %
CDU: 23 %
Green: 16,5 %
FDP: 11 %
AfD: 10 %
Linke: 6 %

The SPD has been leading the polls for a long time now but the result is closer now than it was a couple of weeks ago. The Green Party demands an early coal exit in order to join a coalition. Prior to the election the parties are busy to keep Afghan refugees away from Germany,
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Are you mad? Why should I pray for a Nazi like you? Go and pray on your own for your soul. You need your own prayers. And don't try to tell god the same bullshit as you like to tell his people and his children.

As a good Christian you should pray for people you deem lost in the first place. Didn´t you know?
Here´s the latest poll result:
SPD: 25 %
CDU: 23 %
Green: 16,5 %
FDP: 11 %
AfD: 10 %
Linke: 6 %
That is basically the results being predicted by the polls I have read about. But I don't see any intrigue here. What will change if SPD will form a coalition?. I don't think that too much.
That is basically the results being predicted by the polls I have read about. But I don't see any intrigue here. What will change if SPD will form a coalition?. I don't think that too much.
They want to reform the welfare system. Or rename. I don´t know. It is all about wages and security of supply this time.
They want to reform the welfare system. Or rename. I don´t know. It is all about wages and security of supply this time.
LOL in other words more open borders to welcome refugee trash from Africa and the Middle East.

How did Germans get so stupid?
Why do you never condemn the biggest fascists and Nazis in the world, your Israeli people?

What means "my Israeli people"? I don't know any Israeli personally. Why should I? But I knew a Jew from Brooklyn - who was a very nice guy. He searched for missed family members in Europe. And I knew a Palestinian who also had been a nice guy - but who acted totally brainwashed when he heard the word "Israel".

And to you I suggest to try to find a good psychotherapist who is able to help you when you one day will find out that everything what you think or say is without any substance. You are on your own in total nothing else then a fake-ing empty phrase.
What means "my Israeli people"? I don't know any Israeli personally. Why should I? But I knew a Jew from Brooklyn - who was a very nice guy. He searched for missed family members in Europe. And I knew a Palestinian who also had been a nice guy - but who acted totally brainwashed when he heard the word "Israel".

And to you I suggest to try to find a good psychotherapist who is able to help you when you one day will find out that everything what you think or say is without any substance. You are on your own in total nothing else then a fake-ing empty phrase.

Your people badly savaged Russia and lot of another countries; aren't communism, socialism, democracy, Covid fake scamdemic, atheism, diversity, cultural marxism your inventions?Just read Solzhenitsyn.

Aren't your compatriots in majority siting in all western parliaments?
Let goyim run their countries by themselves, without your 'advises', than anything will be fine
Your people badly savaged Russia and lot of another countries; aren't communism, socialism, democracy, Covid fake scamdemic, atheism, diversity, cultural marxism your inventions?Just read Solzhenitsyn.

Aren't your compatriots in majority siting in all western parliaments?
Let goyim run their countries by themselves, without your 'advises', than anything will be fine

Everything what I read from you was always nothing else than an unreal nonsense. Try to stop to drink alcohol and/or stop your drug abuse. Let help yourselve from professionals.
Everything what I read from you was always nothing else than an unreal nonsense. Try to stop to drink alcohol and/or stop your drug abuse. Let help yourselve from professionals.

Sincerely I thought your IQ is higher as by Litwin.
If you have the lack of arguments than confess it instead of insulting opponents.
How you explain the sad fact only your people behind the deadly 'jab'.
Just look for religion affiliation of any muckety muck by CDC, Pfizer, AstraZeneka, Sputnik & Co


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