Georgia House Bill could lead to seizure of semi-auto's


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Come and get 'em boy's, we'll be waiting by the front door to hand them over to you !
Ya might not like which end you'll be seeing first !

Law Enforcement Could Seize Semiautomatics Under Ga. Bill

Georgia lawmakers have put forth several gun control bills this year, including a measure that would call on law enforcement to seize and destroy what the proposal deems “assault weapons” from gun owners. A major purpose of HB 731 is “to designate certain weaponry and ammunition as contraband and to require seizure of such by the Georgia Bureau of Investigation.” The measure requires “assault weapons” and “high caliber weapons” not turned in by owners to be seized by the Georgia Bureau of Investigation. Under the bill, “Any selective fire firearm capable of fully automatic, semiautomatic, or burst fire at the option of the user” would be banned. “I’m not wedded to the specific principle of confiscating ...

Law Enforcement Could Seize Semiautomatics Under Ga. Bill

Wow. Georgia!!!??? This would sound normal for California or New York or some other liberal shit hole.

But Georgia!!!??? I don't see it passing. If it does...I don't see GA cops going door to door haha.
It reads like it just bans full auto weapons. Which is interesting since the Federal got issues a Class 3 license allowing the owner to possess it. Not sure how that will work.

The state CAN ban something if the Feds dont...but...a state cannot outlaw something the Feds specifically say is legal (abortion, gay marriage). Interested to see how a state ban on full autos holds up vs a Federal Class 3 license.
I live here and I am not even worried about this. Just some uppity libtard being high and mighty known damn well in the deep south this shit won't pass.
Well, the civil war has to start somewhere, might as well be Georgia, if it became law and enforced.
However, if it were to pass, residents with semi-automatic, clip-fed weapons could just pack up and move to a gun friendly state such as Texas.
Well, the civil war has to start somewhere, might as well be Georgia, if it became law and enforced.
However, if it were to pass, residents with semi-automatic, clip-fed weapons could just pack up and move to a gun friendly state such as Texas.
I believe it would happen as well here. Only the cities are full of libtards the rest of the state is mostly white and black folks who have grown up using guns and own guns now.
I don't see it happening either, but it gives more evidence and insight into what can happen if liberals ever get their way when it comes to firearms.

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